
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

devil sleeps over

Your POV

Hawks pulled me into a tight embrace, he was warm but I could feel him shivering, like he was scared. "Listen chickadee, that 'kiss' I didn't do it, well i mean it's me in the picture but i didn't even kiss back. I don't even know who that lady was!! She just came up to me while i was on my way back from the office. She stopped me and asked if we coud "have some fun . I politely declined saying my significant other was waiting for m-" he said but I started to cut him off. "Wait, significant other?" I looked up at him with red puffy eyes. And he smiled at me. "Y/n i know we shoulnt be together, and it would be very dangerous if we were spotted, but it's not different than that one over there who's screwing Dabi '' he looks at her and she grins. "Anyway y/n will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me. I just froze. "No," i said without thinking, well half thinking." I want to but we shouldnt what if we get caught well be in so much trouble not to mention you could lose you hero lisents and i could to-' i rambled on and hawks pulled me into a kiss to try and shut up. Silent tears fell down my face. As we separated we leaned our foreheads together, "sooo is that the actual answer? Meaning yes??" he asked but his cheeks were brighter than his wings. " Yes Kegio, i would love to be your girlfriend." I looked over at Ayaka and she smiled at me.

"I should probably tell you guys now buttttt, we're having a double date" me and hawks look over at Ayaka in confusion. " You know, dabi cant be seen in public right?" Hawks told her. "Well i think it's a great idea, we'll just have to figure out where, oh and when is it?" I asked her. "Wednesday" she said, getting up waving her hand as she walked into my room. It was late and she's no night owl so i'm not mad. " Hey Baby it'll be ok. Just be nice to the villain, you guys will have to get along if you boys want me and Ayaka to stay happy" I smiled at him. " I like it when you call me those names, songbird~" he mentioned that name and a shiver went up my spine. "Well babe" I leaned in to kiss him, but stopped half way and booped his nose. " I'm gonna go to sleep, see you in the morning" I smiled at him and got up. " Goodnight beautiful

Lo-'' he paused. " i mean, uhh goodnight see you in the morning." I heard him resay. OMG he was about to say i love you, my heart started pounding like crazy. I went into the room and saw Ayaka on the bed texting on her phone, "probably texting that lover villain" i looked at her with a smug tone and look. She throws a pillow at my face. And I walk over to the king size bed. "Goodnight Ayaka see you in the morning" by this time it was about 1 in the morning so we needed sleep.

Ayakas pov

As I watched y

drift off the sleep that's when I got another text from dabi and smirked like the child in love I am... I wonder how he feels about me or if im just another fling like hawks was... 'not now think about that later' I tell myself before looking at the message

Hotty: You still up?

Me: Maybe, what's it to you?

Hotty: Maybe I care about you?

Me: MaYbE oHhHh how reassuring maybe Ill fuck with hawks because you MAYBE care about me

Hotty: I care about you, better?

*internal ayaka giggling like a five year old on crack*

Me: Better!

Hotty: I couldn't sleep thanks to you saying your at hawks place and that I have to see him again

Me: So you don't want to go on a 'date' with me?

Hotty: that's not what I meant and you know it

Me: Yeah yeah you're always so cranky when your tired or when I bring up another guy and apparently girl other than y

Hotty: you have been with both boys and girls so thanks to you its me against the human population

Me: Get some sleep fire farts, i'll see you on wednesday and you better text me in the morning!

Hotty: Until then flower, goodnight

I jump off the bed and start dancing around out of pure joy then plopped on the bed with a big ass grin.

The next morning went on without any problems. I thanked y/n and hawks for letting me stay and went to the agency I worked at with Fatgum. I got there and the big guy looked like he had a heart attack. Felt bad that I didn't tell him where I was. I reassured him that I was fine and we went off and patrolled, while doing so i decided to call Y/n cause i'm pretty sure i would be interrupting something, the phone rang and rang. "H-hey ayaka, what do you need.'' I heard her and she sounded out of breath. "Oh nothing just on patrol and got bored.'' I relied with a smile on my face. "Well anyway whatcha doinnnnn~" i asked her. "Oh! uhm... ahem-, i was just about to eat." She replied. Time for some teasing." OHhhhhh you're about to eat some chicken tenders~" and with that I quickly hung up before she could yell at me. After patrolling Fatgum decided we should go get food cause yk him and i are always hungry. After dinner we went back to where I was staying and I crashed. Tomorrow, what will I do, what if I made a mistake, what will happen, omg what if i mess up!?!? These questions popped into my mind, normally i'm not filled with these questions but tonight i am, i was scared, my best friend, her boyfriend me and my boyfriend were all having dinner. TOGETHER. After my mind was done having a race with thoughts I started drifting off into sleep.

Your POV

After Ayaka left, hawks pulled me to his room, throwing me onto the bed and smiling. " What are we gonna do with your friend? She spends one night with us and all of the sudden she owns the place like it's a restaurant" he chirped in my ear, which made me all red and he knew it too. "Yea she does that" i said with a small pant. He walks up to the end of the bed and pushes me back down before he nibbles my neck beginning to leave a mark "W-wait... they... everyone will see" I lightly moaned. I felt his member poking my thigh. I whispered in his ear "you're like a horney tornado you know~" I said softly as I started removing his shirt and he did the same to me. Soon we were both in our undergarments.


"H-hey ayaka, what do you need.'' I answered out of breath. "Oh nothing just on patrol and got bored.''I could hear the devilish grin on her face. "Well anyway whatcha doinnnnn~" she asked me. "Oh uhm ahem-, i was just about to eat." I answered blushing. I knew what was about to happen:'' OHhhhhh you about to eat some chicken tenders~" with that she hung up before I could yell at her. I blushed hard, and hawks was enjoying it!! He heard what she said and grinned at me. "You're lucky I'm in only my underwear or I would get up and leave this room," I said , throwing a pillow in his face.The mood was ruined sooo after that happened he wanted to take a shower, he got in and about 10 minutes into his shower I snuck in there and stole his towel. Pay back bitch for not getting me one the other day. After he was done I heard him turn the water off and yell for me. "Y/NNNNN!!!!!. BRING ME BACK MY TOWLE, I KNOW THIS IS PAYBACK." I walked right into the bathroom and saw his top half and holy shit it took everything I had not to fbwbiwbr (y'all know what she wants ;) )that guy then and there) "Ahem", i cleared my throat, "Yes this is payback, and i'm not getting you a towel. Now you can either get out, get one yourself, or you can-'' i stared as he got out. He didn't even wait for the second option. This guy saw me staring and smirked; he had the audacity to do that. He grabbed the towle from around my neck, covered his thicc chicken tender, walked over to me and I kid you not whispered in my ear " don't worry songbird you'll get to feast on this soon enough~" I blushed 50 shades of red and blue. I covered my face and you could almost see the steam coming off my face.

After that little fiasco we ate watched some TV and let me say i stayed far away from him threw the rest of the evening, and when he wrapped his arms around my waist while i was i was cooking, I pushed him off and winked at him(i wanted to tease him too!!). After dinner,and tv, it was almost 10:30. I was tired so i went to Keigo's room, took his hoodie out of his closet and put it on and jumped into his bed. I could smell his scent: chicken, and a hint of oceanside, oooo my favorite deodorant. Just then keigo comes in- "What are ya doin, huh" he asked " wahhhh" i scream. He came up to the bed, took his shirt off and laid down next to me. He wrapped his wings around us and at that moment I felt safe, like no one could hurt me. My eyelids grew heavy and darkness soon followed.