

Next time…

These two words stuck in Draken’s mind until the next time finally happened.

Leaving the Battlefield behind, Draken and other thirty warriors, were climbing the mountain again. Half of the warriors were severely injured and half of them just had minor wounds. But realization that they are still alive gave them some hope.

Following Leidolf, Draken was thinking about what happened after the fight between him and the beast. Thinking about it over and over again made him feel himself uncomfortable next to Leiandros. He couldn’t look at him. He was ignoring the hidden happiness in the corner of his heart, like it was a mistake. But he knew that he was longing for it. He was searching for Leiandros. And now when he was walking behind of him, Draken wanted to hide, he wanted to run away and live in that cave for the rest of his life.