If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3
You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn
After decimating every single sentinel coming from the magically created underground storeroom that was also magically warded to prevent any type of outside interference, i.e. via magical scrying or digital spying, he shrunk the old gen master mold and left the storeroom to assist whoever was in need of it.
He was actually surprised to see Wanda not only holding off the sorcerers on her own but also killing two in such short time and having the other two at death's door.
He arrived at Laura's location, pleasantly impressed as she managed to kill 23 sentinels despite being surrounded on all sides. Unfortunately she was running on fumes due to using the suit's Thundercat mode and pushing herself not to be caught in the enemy's net spread all around her.
The suit temporarily enhances her cells while also heightening all her senses. She was still a little girl which meant her endurance and energy bank was at a low level, above Natasha's but not close to Steve's level.
There's no way she can shrug off such a large amount of adrenaline high for long.
Vision flew through the three sentinels who tried to block his advance, swiftly killing them and landed beside Laura.
"Hey kiddo, nice work. How about taking a rest and letting me finish it off?" He asked in a lighthearted tone but Laura once again proved her stubbornness and shook her head in refusal.
"I can still fight… for a little while longer." She said, before adding the last part after receiving a sarcastically raised brow from Vision.
"Suit yourself." With their connection to the master mold severed, they could no longer learn from each other and download more information about their enemy, turning them into sturdier but slightly advanced robots.
Vision had no use for them so he pulled no stops as he pulverized them, expending himself more as soon as Laura finally tapped out.
He cleared the entire forest of sentinels in minutes and they both made their way towards where Wanda was resting while also watching them.
"You look really spent out." Vision commented while Laura snickered silently at Wanda's irritated eye roll. "Ready to leave?"
"Yes. But I think I need someone to carry me." She looked at him, silently beckoning on him to carry out her expectant wish but she met his deadpan look instead.
"You are a grown ass woman, Wanda." He said, but the sitting witch just let his words smoothly slide off her as if his words were meant for another person other than her.
"Vis?" She called out to him but he just turned to Laura to see if he was the only one affected by the absurdity of her request but the little lady just shrugged, showing zero interest in their banter.
"When did you start behaving like this?" He asked absentmindedly as she picked her up but then added before she could say another word. "Don't worry, I still vividly remember."
[Quantum tunneling activated]
Vision boomed them up to the Overwatch while Laura went down to the Compound soon after to rest there instead. It could also be that she left for an entirely different reason.
He took her to her room and let her down after she tapped his arm. "I think I need a shower."
She said with a suggesting and teasing smile.
"That's an… interesting idea to say the least." He said as a visual representation appeared before he threw it away but Wanda already had an idea of what just flashed through his head.
"Well then, see you later. Some of the recruits finally decided to visit and it looks like Steve is with them. Also it seems Natasha is back from her little sabbatical."
He kissed her lips and her forehead which she passionately returned before he left her.
He smiled as he left her room and boomed himself down to the Compound below.
It was his for them to take their relationship slowly. They were both adults and knew what they were trying to achieve with this relationship of theirs, something far more deeper than lustful skinship.
After arriving at the base, he easily located Steve with a hyper Scott Lang, an embarrassed Hope and the out of element 14 year old Peter Parker.
"Vision! I was just about to call for you." He said with twitching lips and a closed eye smile that told Vision all what he needed to know.
'I guess even Steve finds it hard to deal with hyperactive people.' After successfully dumpi- delegating the task at hand to his robotic team member, Steve expertly blended into the background and faded away from there.
"You guys actually came. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks for accepting the invitation." Vision said and directed the three of them to a room as he knew they had specific questions and he was ready to provide the answers he had.
The person who opened up the discussion was Hope who asked the basis for any other follow-up questions concerning the invitation they were given.
"You said an invitation to join the Avengers while maintaining our individuality despite being members. How would that work exactly?"
"It's quite as simple as it sounds. Most of the founding members, barring Stark and Thor, barely have a life outside this cause but we can't expect that from anyone that joins us so what we are extending is basically a free pass to use our facilities and resources free of charge as long as you are into heroics." Vision's explanation gave them a pause as they digested what he said but Scott quickly became confused and asked.
"Wait. Sorry for doubting you, or possibly offending you."
Vision waved off Scott's concern. "Don't worry, just ask whatever you have in mind."
Seeing he was cool with it, the diminutive ex-convict voiced his genuine confusion. "If we are getting everything from the Avengers; facilities, resources, and hopefully a salary too, what do you guys stand to gain from this?" This was the basis for every negotiation and human interaction: profit.
But to Scott's question, Vision simply smiled and answered, "Nothing."
"Nothing? Then why are you inviting people? Inviting us?" Hope asked with slight suspicion but Vision did not mind it and further clarified it for them.
"When I meant nothing, I meant that we need nothing directly from you other than you continuing your heroic activities. What we aim to create is a network of heroes, first across the country and then the world but that's still a far away goal so baby steps as they call it."
"So basically you just want us to continue fighting crimes and you'll also be making your resources available for us to use and even give us an identity as members of the Avengers?" Peter who had been silent for a while since Vision came finally couldn't contain his voice and asked bewilderedly.
Vision nodded.
"We might be called the Avengers but we are not all powerful, which can clearly be seen with the New York alien invasion and the most recent Battle of Sokovia. We can't be everywhere across the country or even the state so we decided to help those local heroes, helping them efficiently fight their fight and take certain measures to safeguard their lives while also creating a wider network for sharing information."
The offer was good, so good even that it felt like a scam which naturally made them suspicious since well, no one with a substantial level of self-worth ever feels comfortable when given handouts, not to mention the biggest of handouts.
This was the first layer of Vision's plan which ultimately put an end to the first phase of his Ultron Protocols.
"I have one more question: how is the recruitment done?"
"It is done by us after extensive research into the prospective recruit, and that is me also admitting that we combed through your personal data before sending you the invitations. I hope you understand that we can't risk an initiative like this without being as thorough as possible."
Despite their misgivings, they understood why it had to be done. Since they were putting themselves in a space of mutual trust to other people, the first person to be blamed in the event of any betrayal will be the one who processed the recruitment and those who approved it.
"These are the stipulated guidelines you should follow should you accept our invitation." A sheet of paper flew towards them and they caught it and read through it in the next few seconds.
"Provides complete autonomy if that's what you prefer but sharing information is crucial, almost a necessity even so that others using the network can always be informed."
"Erm, about the pay…" Scott scratched his head embarrassingly but Vision didn't mind it a bit. Not everyone is financially capable after all but them choosing to be heroes despite it is something genuinely commendable.
"Housing, feeding and clothing will be completely taken care of, even family vacations, as well as a monthly salary. Jobs will also be provided if you need one."
"Done. Can I sign here on this paper?" Scott was all for it. This was the break he needed.
He knew he owed a lot for child support and this could greatly help him out, and he could even get a job while also being the Ant-Man when it calls for it. What other offer could compare to this?
After a few questions to clarify smaller details, mostly from Hope and sometimes Peter, they all agreed to join quite enthusiastically and when Vision mentioned that they would get an upgrade on their suit immediately after they joined? Well all the more reasons they believed they made the right choice, and they did.