

The children were at the side getting checked by Hank with Scott helping him out while Ororo and Logan asked to talk to us for custody of the children from the base.

"It's not that I doubt your intentions but can I at least see where you'll be taking them to?" Steve said.

It's not like we have much of a choice. We can't baby sit and provide enough emotional and mental support for children like them who have been through a lot but that doesn't mean we are just going to give them to an unknown group, at least for Steve and the others.

Ororo wanted to say something but she paused, and from the telepathic wave I felt emanating from her, it seems like Charles just contacted her.

After the abrupt call from Charles, Ororo's mental tone changed from a defensive one to acceptance which let me know the decision they came to.

"It's okay. The Professor said he'll like to meet the both of you." She said while giving me a side glance. "Now if you will please excuse me for the time being."

She left and went inside the ship, leaving us with Logan who had been quiet since the beginning, possibly contemplating something but he shook his head at the end and kept it aside.

Leaving Steve and Logan, I went to check up on the children Hank was attending to. From the mental probe I did on all of them, I could tell that they all had some form of PTSD, naturally, stemming from their time there and whatever experiment that was done on them. The only reason they weren't overreacting in panic to Beast giving them a medical checkup was probably because of Steve's and my nearby presence, mostly Steve.

It didn't take long to wrap it up and by that time everything they needed or wanted to do in the base was already rounded up so boarded their jet that took us to the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Honestly the first impression I had of the estate was less of a school and more of some 1800s castle. Sleek.

When we alighted the plane, there was already a small group of three waiting for us at the hangar which consisted of the proprietor of this establishment, a young Jean Grey and Lance Alvers.

"Professor." I nodded towards Xavier, followed by a handshake from me and Steve.

"As you must have already known, my name is Charles Xavier, and welcome to my humble school." He said fluently before gesturing us to follow him. "Please this way. I believe we have a fruitful discussion ahead of us."

Following Charles, we entered inside the manor with Charles directing us and exchanging some perfunctory words along the way. We saw some kids hiding behind doors as they spoke with excited hushed whispers at the image of one of the country's, the world's most iconic hero walking through their halls.

"See that? You're a celebrity Steve." I chuckled, my words drawing a weary smile from him. He really wasn't comfortable with the celebrity status his identity gave him.

"Well I think I can say for all of us that the actions of Steve Rogers was something we've all heard at some time growing up." Charles said as got to the spacious office that had a touch of old air and subtle modernity. "It was quite a welcome surprise when we heard that he somehow managed to survive through the years."

I was about to say something when I noticed that Jean was making a confused face which I took note of but wasn't going to question it. However it looked like someone had something to say to me about it.

"Erm Mr…?"

'Looks like I might have to come up with a civilian name.'

"Vision." I replied Charles.

"Mr. Vision. Would you mind suppressing your telepathic dome? It's making my student quite a bit uncomfortable." Charles said, making me understand what was going on.

It was some sort of passive telepathy that I always had on, and one I used for accessing the moods of the people around me. It's something I never had to worry about since, well, none of my teammates were telepaths, but looking at Jean now and also seeing how her own telepathic signature was struggling to stay firm, made me realize a function of it that had never bothered me before.

It was actually suppressing her telepathy.

Hell, she couldn't even use her basic empathetic powers. For a young telepath like her, it must feel as if her eyes suddenly had foggy vision.

I said nothing and withdrew my telepathic presence and just let it wrap around my body before turning to Jean with a slightly apologetic look.

"Since we've gotten that little hiccup out of the way, what is it you wanted to discuss with us?" I said.

So far I haven't seen anything about the man that'd make me want to keep him at arm's length or have a negative opinion on him.

Hearing my question, the man in question smiled a little and started with a thanks. "First of all, thank you for rescuing those children. It's unfortunate that something like this is happening, especially to children."

"Cons of being a human, I guess."

"As unfortunate as it seems." He said weakly. "But that aside, I wish to know the stance a group like yours have on the issue on ground. From what I understand, you refused the signing of the Registration, why?"

This time it was Steve who answered with a calm voice and even tone. "It's made solely for their benefit with little care about people who are to sign up for it."

"I see." He then looked at me. "And you?"

I don't know what he's playing at or what he's trying to look into but at least he's being honest with his question I can tell that he really wants to hear what we have to say but while I can read a little into his intentions, I can't read his mind as brute forcing my way into it was out of the question. Who knows whether I might turn him into a vegetable.

"Nothing big. It just looks like a poor attempt at hiding a stupid prank." I said and reclined ever so slightly into the chair and took a good look at the people in the office. "The bad thing about this is because the mutants don't have a public voice. An advocate of sorts."

That brought out wry smiles on their faces since what I said was true. Sure there were some mutants who made themselves public and tried to stir the public opinion towards them by defending that mutants were still humans, a good endeavor but the problem is that their voice is not loud enough to reach the people that need to hear it.

"Quite a conundrum, isn't it?" Charles murmured. It's not exactly something that needs a genius pointing out as someone who had the faintest idea of politics can easily paint out that great flaw. Unfortunately for Charles and Erik, it was something they weren't.

Even though Charles was vocal about his support for mutants and also the numerous petitions he's put forth for the consideration of his kind, he still didn't have the required voice to stand against the lawmakers.

As for Erik, no matter how you look at it from a neutral or human standpoint, his actions let much to be desired as he proudly hung the brand of the world's most dangerous man(highly debatable) and terrorist on his head like a crown.

"Anyway, thank you for your time and also answering my questions." He said but both Steve and I waved it off. "Now that that is out of the way, I want to assure and also assuage some of your worries about the safety and wellbeing of the children. You can also drop in to visit from time to time and check in on them if you want." He said while wearing a good-natured smile on his face.

Steve on the other hand wasn't placated with just that and I could tell that if not for the inadequacy on our side he would have taken the children with him. Fortunately for him, he wasn't someone who enjoys the idea of child soldiers. "I see, then I'll tell you in advance if I want to stop by." He said in all seriousness which took Charles by surprise but the elderly man composed himself very quickly and replied with a simple, "Sure."

The rest of the talk were mostly inconsequential things until we excused ourselves to leave but not before meeting the kids we rescued.

Jean kept sneaking glances at the both of us while leading us to the medical lab where Hank was doing an intensive check up to figure out if anything was done to them after all the experimental procedures they went through.

"Well, you guys will be staying here for the time being but don't worry. They'll take very good care of you." I said with a hand on Domino's shoulders while patting the head of the boy near her. They were already teens, intellectually sharp but emotionally imbalanced.

I looked at Domino with surprise since I could feel the way she trusted me and actually wanted to leave with me. It was rightfully surprising to me since it's only been a few hours since we met each other.

It could be for a number of things but unfortunately for her, I think it's better if she stays with them here and learns how to socialize once again with society.

"Don't worry, I might drop in sometime in the future to check up on you. Don't know when though, so fingers crossed." I said and she actually gave me a full smile. "Gotcha."

Her trusting mind might be because of her abilities which I have no idea why it works, or maybe she's just like this? Who knows?


You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn
