
The Vampire Quinn Selar

Quinn Selar and his best friend Tyler right out of high-school started working on a mobile game. It was a game about vampires where you play as a vampire and make choices that actually matter. It had 20 endings, and wasn’t one of those games that claimed to be interactive. This one actually is! One day Quinn and Tyler were finally done and went to go sell it. They got 5 million dollars from it which obviously made them super proud of themselves. That night Quinn decided to go for a walk where he found a woman being attacked. He tried to save her but in doing so got attacked by an actual vampire. What would you do if you woke up one morning with your appearance totally changed and you could only digest blood or raw meet? Quinn now has to face these challenges. Of course it’s not all bad, none of the traditional weaknesses affect him and he still has a reflection. He now has to go on living as a vampire. Find out what powers he has, figure out why this has happened to him, and he must find out if vampires were always in town, or does his game tie in to his situation somehow.

Agames_Online · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 7: A Dark Meeting

"Ok Tyler. I'll be back. It's time I met these people." I said as I walk toward the door.

"Wait, do you have anything to protect yourself in case they are dangerous?" Tyler asked.

"I'm a vampire. I can't be killed. And I have magic. I fed earlier today so I'm all topped up." I said.

"Actually vampires can be killed. A wooden stake to the heart n every story kills a vampire." Tyler said.

"Seriously? I can take bullets all over and be fine but a piece of wood does me in? Haha that is one myth that can't be true." I said laughing and shaking my head. I leave and run to the bridge.

I arrive under the bridge and nobody is here. I thought I was supposed to be meeting people tonight? Was it just a prank from a fucking hacker?

"Sam, display powers." I said.






"Why are there question marks? I've noticed that before but what's supposed to be there?" I asked.

"You aren't ready to know yet. Don't worry about it for now." Sam said.

"Why aren't I…." I said before getting cut off


I start moving fast so my reaction time is good enough and turn around. I see a foot coming at my face. I reach out and grab the man's foot then swing him around and into the pillar holding the bridge up.

"What the hell? Who are you?" I asked.

"Shut up and fight!" The man said. He ran at me faster than I can see and punches me in the face sending me flying backwards.

"Ouch. How did you hit me?" I asked struggling to stand up.

The man again runs up to me and punches me. I try to dodge but can't move fast enough. I try to stand up again but get kicked in the gut.

"I saw you on the news. I thought you showed promise but your a weakling. I guess the report was fake." The man said as he punches me in the chest. I get the wind knocked out of me and fall to my knees. "The report wasn't fake." I manage to say. I look up and I see him start to punch me again. I'm pissed off now. He got me to come out here in the middle of the fucking night just to try and kill me?! I put up my hands and use telekinesis. He stops dead in his tracks and I push him against the wall as hard as I can and hold him there. "So this is your power. Telekinesis? That doesn't explain how you moved the way you did in the news. What else can you do?" The man asked. My eyes turn yellow and making him confused.

"Shut up! I ask the questions and you answer. I came out here because you asked me to and you attack me?! Why shouldn't I kill you right now?!" I yelled.

The man smiles at me. "Because, this was a test. I wanted to see what you could do. You must have super speed. I'm faster than you but you do have it. And you also have telekinesis? What else can you do? Normally we only have one power. My name is Rodger. I also fight crime but I never let myself get seen. Your face is all over the news. Even though your slower than me, you are incredibly fast. So why did you let yourself get seen?" Rodger asked.

"I didn't think there were any others like me. So I wanted people to know someone was out there to stop them so they wouldn't even try to hurt people. And what do you mean we only have one power? Your not a vampire?" I asked.

"Vampire? What makes you think that? Vampires don't exists." Rodger said.

At this moment I couldn't hold him anymore. My mana was low again. He dropped to the ground.

"Did you loose focus?" Rodger asked.

"No. My mana is low. For some reason I feel like a can trust you so I'll tell you. I'm a vampire. I turned a little over a month ago and decided to use my powers to help people. I also want to make sure bad people can't hurt innocents ever again. It benefits me because I need blood anyway and it takes them off the streets." I explain.

"I mean. You saw the news. How did you not know? I drank the first guys blood." I said.

Rodger takes time to think about what I just told him.

"I saw that but I figured that was for show. Your fast so I thought you used a tool and made it look like you drank it to scare the other guys. Your actually a vampire?" Rodger asked.

"Yes. I didn't believe in them either until I walked into an alley one night to save a woman I heard screaming and I was turned." I explained.

"That was you?" Rodger asked.

I stop and look at him for a minute. He was there?

"Wait. You were there? Why didn't you do anything?!" I yelled.

"No, you misunderstand. I wasn't there but one of us has the ability to control technology. He showed us some grainy footage of an attack in an alley. That was a little over a month ago. I've been searching for you ever since but the footage was bad. What do you remember about that night?" Rodger asked.

"I ran into the alley and got attacked. I got bit then I woke up in my bed." I said.

Rodger nods his head.

"Well I'd like to extend an invitation to you to join us. There are five of us. What are your powers? I tell him about my system and explain how it works. I also tell him what power I've unlocked so far.

"Damn. You have the power to become the strongest out of all of us." Rodger said.

I look up to respond but he is gone. I look at my hand and an address is on a piece of paper.

"So I guess I'm supposed to go to them now?" I said to myself. I go home and go to sleep to recover from the fight.

"Quinn, wake up." I hear a voice talking to me but I don't recognize it. I wake up and get dressed.

"Quinn, please respond." The voice said again.

"Woah, who's there?!" I asked.

"Don't freak out. My name is Susan. I'm a telepath. Rodger told us about you and I wanted to reach out." Susan said.

"How many people have powers? Rodger said there's five of you in the group but until last night I thought I was the only one who changed." I said.

"Nobody knows how many people have powers but as far as I know your the only one who got powers the way you did." Susan explained.

"Can we meet face to face? It's kinda weird hearing you in my head." I said.

"Of course. I apologize. We can meet in an hour. In front of the lake on the bench." Susan said.

"Your not going to attack me are you?" I asked.

"Haha no don't worry. You passed the test. Besides. My powers aren't exactly combat material." Susan said.

After an hour goes by I sit on the bench. A minute later a really hot woman sits by me. She has red hair and light blue eyes. Almost grey.

"Susan?" I asked.

She nods her head.

"First thing you should know is that your different. We were all born with our powers." Susan said.

"You were born with powers? Why don't people know about you?" I asked.

"Because we try our very best to stay hidden. People aren't ready to know about us yet. Each one of us had someone who knew. Each person turned on us." Susan said.

Across the lake I see a man walk up to a woman with a knife. I immediately run up to him and grab the knife. "What do you think your doing?" I ask him. He looks at me with fear. "It's….it's you!" He said. I immediately hold my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up. Cool you recognize me. But don't shout that I'm here! Now. Since you know who I am. You know what I'm about to do right?" I asked.

He nods quickly. "Awesome. Now I'm going to let go and your not going to scream. Understand?" I asked.

He nods.

I grow my fangs as I let go and he closes his eyes and starts crying. I stop.

"Oh come on. Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I don't want to die." He said quietly.

"Oh but killing that woman was ok?!" I asked angrily.

"Hey! What are you doing with my stage partner?!" A woman asked.

I look up and the woman he was about to stab is running up to me.

"He was supposed to stab me with the fake knife! Why are you making him cry?!" She asked.

I look at the knife and take it. Sure enough it's a fake knife. It folds in on itself.

"Wait. This is a rehearsal?" I asked.

The man nods quickly still crying.

I let go of the man and give him the knife back.

"I'm sorry I thought he was going to attack you." I explained.

"Well he isn't! So goodbye!" She yelled. I go back to the bench where I see Susan laughing.

"Benefits of being able to read minds. If you had mentioned it I would have told you. Hahaha." Susan's said still laughing.

"Anyway. If you want to join up the invitation is still open. Just go to the address and ask for Virgil. He is a techno path." Susan said.

"Wait so he's the one who can control technology?" I asked. She nods her head and smiles. We both leave together.

"I hope she doesn't have a boyfriend." I think to myself.

"I heard that." Susan said smiling.

I decided to follow her.

After walking for several miles we finally come to the place, she climbs down an old sewer shaft,

"Hey guys! I brought him!" Susan yelled.

"Awesome! I can't believe I get to meet a real life vampire!" A strange man said.

"Hello. I'm…" I got cut off

"Quinn Selar, I know! I've been following you since the first time you showed up on the news. I figured your power was speed at first. But vampirism?! Who knew they were real?!" The strange man said with glee.

I look around the hideout. It's a huge science lab under the sewer tunnels.

"Hey Quinn! Come over here." The strange man said.

"You said you've been following me. Are you Virgil?" I asked as I walk up to him. He is standing next to an MRI machine.

"Haha yes. Susan must have mentioned me." Virgil said.

I nod and look at the machine.

"Oh right. Haha yeah. This isn't just an MRI machine. I used my ability on it and tweaked it. It shows the ability someone has. Even if they haven't activated it yet. I'm sure you know where this is going." Virgil said.

"The question marks I told Rodger about." I said.

"Correct! You need to lay down inside and we will find out what power is locked. I still can't believe you have a system! That's the coolest part!" Virgil exclaimed.

I lay down inside and he turns it on. It starts spinning and I can feel a strange tingle. After a minute I start feeling like my insides are being ripped apart.

"OOOOWWWWWW TURN IT OFF!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Virgil looks scared and turns it off. He pulls me out of the machine.

"Are you ok?" Virgil asked.

"Ow. I am now. I felt like my insides were being ripped apart." I explained. Virgil stared at me.

"That shouldn't happen. What are you?" Virgil asked. I'm a vampire, you know this! I shout.

Yea I get that but by this new information, you have to be more! Virgil replied.