
Earth's Representative Gets a Quest

"Year after year will it break my heart?

The moonlit grave,

The stubby pines."

Xiao Mo, the sole known cultivator of the Divine Way from Earth sat in his profound ark on his favorite leather recliner while drinking a light beer. In space. He was on his merry way to the Profound God Conference in the Realm of the Gods where beings powerful enough to destroy planets with the wave of their hand are conducting a competition for the younger generation.

Of course, Xiao Mo wasn't headed there to prove his strength or gain any benefits. He barely made the requirement to qualify. With his comparatively low cultivation, he knows that he has no chance of passing the first round.

He's just there to sight see and spend some time away from the wife.

Mostly the later.

It's actually a miracle that Xiao Mo even made it this far on his journey of cultivation. He never tried hard, he never searched for opportunities, and he never tried to join a sect or an organization. He's just a lucky bastard with an amazing constitution that a senior noticed as he traveled the realms. That senior gave Xiao Mo a cultivation manual to return karma. Or... that's what the delusional cultivator tells himself. In reality, the senior wanted him as an apprentice, but his attitude didn't match up to his heaven defying constitution, so said senior tried his best to forget the lost opportunity for a good disciple.

And that lead to today, where the sole representative of earth is on his way to the Conference that billions of cultivators wished they were young enough to attend.

His peaceful journey was interrupted as he came upon the second lucky encounter of his life. A hole in space appeared in front of him, literally swallowing his profound ark before it was gently set down on the ground in front of a solemn temple. The grey stone building radiated an aura that portrayed a sense of sacred timelessness and safety.

However, Xiao Mo wasn't a fighter. After his craft landed, he jumped behind his recliner while his beer was flung in the opposite direction.

"No, no, no! I just wanted a nice vacation, I've tried my entire little life to stay as far away from these situations as physically possible." He peeked around the recliner, glared out of his profound ark's front window, and yelled out, "I come in peace! Let me leave! I don't want your special treasures or super bloodlines, I just want an ordinary life!"

Of course, Xiao Mo tends to forget that as a Divine Tribulation realm cultivator, if he isn't killed, he will live ten thousand year more than his wife and the long standing youth will be another issue. But, alas, to him, a peaceful and ordinary life is his only desire. The Dao of his soul!

He also tends to forget that cultivation to this point is just absorbing energy into the body. Sure, most people live in environments that will never let them cultivate this far, but regardless, there's literally no insight or realizations of "Laws of the Universe" required. The act of cultivating itself would only become difficult if Xiao Mo decided that he wanted to break through the next realm and face the feared heavenly tribulation.

While he shamelessly shivered in fear behind his leather recliner, a spirit walked out of the grand, solemn temple and sighed to himself. He was out of time. His creator gave him this task that might literally decide the fate of the universe.

And he got Xiao Mo.

"Look, believe it or not, I'm as happy as you are that you're here," as the spirit spoke to him, Xiao Mo fully leaned out from behind his recliner. The power that radiated off of this spirit was unimaginable, so the Divine Way practitioner felt he needed to act fast.

"Sorry senior!" He jumped out of his ark and shamelessly kowtowed to the spirit in front of him. "Junior was just on his way to an event and got pulled into senior's courtyard. Junior is deeply sorry for his grievance."

The spirit inwardly sighed, but kept his poker face on as he spoke to possibly the worst candidate imaginable for this task. "I pulled you here because it was a necessity. My master left me with a task a long time ago and fate forced my hand." No one traveled in his range in over 50,000 years. The spirit knew that something must have happened to the many realms that used to surround the area. "It is but a simple task, if you do this for me, I will give you…"

"No thank you, senior!" Xiao Mo hastily interrupted.

The spirit calmly gazed at the cultivator in front if him.

"I don't want any rewards, I don't want to fight, I just want a simple life."

This time, the spirit voiced his loud sigh. He held out a lone arrow in which the black tip glowed with a baleful, profane aura, the shaft seemed to fight the arrowhead with the sacred light that radiated from it, and the fletching was a combination of four feathers with what looked like a blue whisker trailing behind it. Three of the feathers were varying shades of red while the blue feather was nearly transparent like a gemstone, but the cold it radiated kept the unruly dark red feather that had hints of gold along its edges from burning the air.

"All you have to do find a mortal without any cultivation and shoot them with this arrow after you tell them the state that the god realm is in. It will make the mortal reborn in the past like a tiger that sprouted wings." Maybe this will get this idiot to do what must be done?

The spirit paused while the cultivator in front of him looked lost in thought. "Just tell whoever you select the known history and present common knowledge of the God Realm and you'll be done. Easy, right?"

Xiao Mo thought it could still be a trick, but he had to get the hell away from this spirit that radiated more power then he ever wanted. "Hmm. It seems too good to be true senior, will it hurt when I shoot an arrow at them?"

"They will gain unimaginable fortune from my master as long as they leave their present life behind. So no. It won't hurt them. Just find someone that has never cultivated in the profound." The spirit hesitated in front of the worst example of a cultivator that he's ever seen.

"Please?" He muttered.

Xiao Mo paused and thought it over. "I guess so. Someone helped me cultivate when I had no chance, I guess it's only good karma to force someone to go through this hassle as well. I'll accomplish your task!"

And so Xiao Mo was handed an artifact that sprang from the treasure that ended the era of the True Gods and, to this day, terrifies the most powerful immortals in existence.