
The Unseen Angel in MHA

A boy born into a famous family and having the powers of an Angel. With these powers, he will try to make a difference. The experiences in his life made several paths open up before him, each with different outcomes. Each path could lead to several outcomes, though what path he takes is something that you will have to wait and see. Hope you enjoy this journey in MHA. I do not own the book cover or MHA.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
107 Chs


I sat there waiting for everyone to research everything they could about cult or demonic rituals. While sitting there I quietly thought about my instinctual knowledge of demons and the potential one that could be behind this, I still believe it could be a succubus or incubus. I also had Soma contact the government team meant to better research this, and she told me they'd be here in a few hours, that was a couple of hours ago.

"Rapture, I sent over everything I could find," Soma says to me as I feel my work phone vibrate telling me I got a notification.

"Thanks Soma," I say quietly since I don't need the detectives to know I'm actively talking to someone else.

I look through the email Soma sent me that had many reports of cultist rituals made from the past to the present. They each had different motivations, techniques, and outcomes, but all failed at least according to their wanted outcome. Even the handful of demonic rituals Soma found in government files was nothing similar to what we are currently dealing with. I leaned back and sighed while trying to piece anything together other than a possessed person is on the loose killing people for a possible ritual.

"Detectives and Rapture, there are a group of government employees here that said you called for them," a police officer says to us while we three are sitting there. The detectives look confused, so turn to me.

"Yeah bring them over, please. I called for them since they have…..experience with this kinda thing," I say to the two detectives and they both nod though still confused.

"Hello detectives and Rapture, we got a call that you need our help or that we may be of help," a larger man of the same height as my cousin Cathy, but still shorter than me says. He is wearing a dress shirt and suit pants, while his dress shirt's sleeves are pulled up to his elbows. He reminds me of a stereotypical police detective in older movies.

"Welcome and yeah we could use you and your team's help," I say standing up offer a handshake. He returns the handshake, I can see a tired look in his eyes like he has seen and experienced a lot of dark things.

"Alright, well I'm the squad leader, you can call me Exodus. This is my second in command Glazier. These are our squad members Ironside, Night Watch, and Mystify," Exodus says to us introducing everyone to us.

"We've read the report your organization sent over to us. From what we can tell is that you may be dealing with something that we have some experience with," Exodus says to us while giving me a knowing look.

"Soga, Naito, we will take it from here. Thanks for all the help you've been through until now. Though any new information you come across forward it to my phone immediately please," I say turning to the two detectives, Naito is about to argue but then shuts his mouth seeing that he won't be able to convince anyone to continue to help directly.

"We will Rapture and we hope you catch this bastard so he can get what he deserves," Soga says to me with a determined look and shakes my hand in goodbye. Naito hesitates but shakes my hand too before I turn and leave to talk with the special squad outside in a more private area.

We walk to the roof of the police station to discuss the topic in private where we know no one will listen in without being easily spotted.

"So you guys think that it's a demon too?" I ask them as we stand on the roof.

"You don't seem so surprised that it could be one, you've dealt with one before?" the smaller woman named Mystify says to me curiously.

"Yeah, something like that. Though we are dealing with one right?" I say to her and turn to the group hoping for confirmation.

"From what you found and what we know about the man we are hunting. Yes, I'd say we are dealing with a possed man," Glazier says nodding his head.

"Which means we won't have much time to find him before he gets his next victim," the other only woman in the squad called Night Watch says.

"Care to inform me what you all know about demons, I've only read what the public knows and some things that are in the government files," I say to them seeing if there is anything else I should know.

"Yeah, a few things. First, the man who is possessed depending on how long and if it was a willing possession or not, could have already given or lost his body completely to the demon. If that is the case then the demon is much stronger having access to its full powers, though I doubt that since there was only one recording of that happening ever several decades ago," Exodus says while pulling out a cigarette to smoke.

"When a person becomes possessed the demon slowly drains their mental state so it can have more control over the person. Once it has more control it does whatever it can to make the ritual that will let it completely take over the body of its host. Once it takes over the host, from the only record we have of it, seemed to want to then do another ritual to open a portal, I'd assume to hell," Exodus continues while smoking his cigarette.

"So right now the man is not completely gone?" I ask curious if they'd know.

"From what you gathered, no he still seems to be as normal as he can be. Though the demon has taken over most of his mind, meaning he only has maybe an hour or two of being himself before the demon resurfaces. From what we read in the report the demon seems to be trying to do the ritual to completely take over the man's body," Exodus says while smoking.

"You think the demon is smart enough to leave the city to collect more hearts elsewhere? From the messages it was leaving, I'd assume it thinks it won't be caught," I say to them and each thinks about what I said.

"I doubt it, seems very confident with where it is at. Though if it feels threatened enough it will probably flee, just like what it left China," Ironside says the last member to speak since I met them.

"So you all gonna tell me about your quirks," I ask them after we all fall silent for a few seconds contemplating the situation.

"Our leader's quirk is Essokinesis, meaning he can create, alter or even destroy things with his mind though it obviously has limitations. Mine is Psionic, meaning I can overload someone else's mind causing them severe pain, temporary memory loss, and even making them unconscious," Glazier says to me while gesturing to Exodus in the beginning.

"Mine is Bone manipulation, I can make my bones protrude from anywhere on my body in any shape. They also can be reinforced to match the same strength as steel," Ironside says to me.

"Quirk is Shadow, can control shadows," Night Watch says with a quick and neutral tone.

"I can learn about things that could happen soon or learn some information about something just by focusing on it, I call it Clairsentience," Mystify says to me while looking me over curiously.

"Yours?" Exodus asks after everyone told me about themselves.

"I'm sure it was in the report," I say to them with an indifferent shrug.

"True, but–" Glazier is about to say before Mystify interrupts him.

"Rapture's quirk seems to be more than the report suggests. I can feel special energy inside him, nothing as I've ever felt before," Mystify says while walking closer to me. I glare at her, but they can't tell since they can't see my face.

"Don't worry about it, just know this demon won't be an issue for me," I say to them with a dismissive voice.

"Very well, I'd figure the chosen hero of Japan would be the strongest one we have or atleast one of the strongest," Exodus says to me with a shrug. As even normal heroes know that I'm the chosen hero of Japan, it's just not public knowledge due to my real job, the heroes do know I'm an underground hero, just not a real underground hero.

"The only way I can think we can track this possessed man is by figuring out the demon's preference for its victims. Other than that it will take a long time of scouring the city for any clues and we do not have the luxury of time," I say to them with crossed arms.

"From the looks of the report, the demon is targeting single people, who appear to have little to no social life so they go unnoticed for a bit. Also, I'd guess the demon is a succubus or incubus, due to its easily seducing the victims to get them alone which is why it wants single people as they are easier to seduce," Exodus says while finishing his second cigarette.

"So does one of you want to play the lonely victim and find the demon?" I ask them after hearing his statement.

"Why one of us and not you?" Ironside says to me with an accusing voice.

"Because I'm happily married and won't be easily affected by the demon," I say with a shrug and he grunts in annoyance.

'Plus I doubt my angelic soul will be easily affected if I even can be,' I think to myself.

"Then that means you're gonna be playing the lonely and love deprived victim Ironside," Night Watch says with a teasing smirk.

"Ha ha ha, fuck you all," Ironside says as they all give him a knowing look, making him grumble even more.

"Seems our victims were each seen last heading to a local bar in the city by where they live," I say while looking at the text I got from Soga on my work phone. I text him back a thanks.

"Try to not get too drunk," Night Watch says with a chuckle as we all walk towards the bar. Ironside just ignores her now but has a more annoyed look on his face now.

We arrive at the local bar for this side of the city and even though it is only three in the afternoon it appears to be relatively busy. Ironside, Exodus, and Night Watch change into normal clothes before walking over to the bar as the rest of us watch from a hotel across the street where we rent out a room. Ironside would try to be picked up by the demon and lure them to the hotel room where we would all confront it. The other two would be hanging out together in the bar to provide backup in case needed.

"Is Ironside gay? Will he be able to act like he is seduced by the man?" I ask curious now that I think about that possibility.

"Does it matter?" Glazer says while looking at Ironside enter the bar with the other two entering after him a few minutes later.

"I have nothing against gay people, was just curious if he is able to handle the situation," I say with a shrug since whatever people decide to do with their lives is up to them, as long as it doesn't harmful to others.

"Well as luck would have it, Ironside is bisexual, so yeah he can pull the fake seduced look," Glazier answers back.

"Good then hopefully this goes smoothly," I say while sitting in the armchair in the rented out hotel room. Mystify is reading a book on the bed, while Glaizer is continuing to stare out the window at the bar.

We sit there for five hours until I feel a demonic presence outside. I stand up and see the man who we are hunting walking towards the bar. I point it out to Glaizer who nods and sends a text to the other inside that our target is entering soon.