
The Unplanned

My name is Sinokuhle Mbana Langa, the daughter of the great Ayola and Lwando Mbana. All grown up and doing my first year in university of Western Cape in Cape Town. I am 17 years old and I’m studying Computer Sciences full time and Fashion Design as part time so I have a lot on my plate and I cannot afford to fail any of the two. It was pretty hard to convince the dean to allow me to do two courses so I cannot screw this up or else I’ll have to drop one and only focus on one. I have a little brother, Thandolwethu who is 3 years younger than I am and is in high school doing commercial subjects and then there’s my little sister Sanele who is 6 years younger than me and is a smarty with a very loud mouth it’s even annoying at times but we get along well, all of us. My mother is a lawyer, greatest lawyer of her time and my father runs a strings of companies he acquired from my grandfathers with the help of my uncle Aphiwe of cause and the rest you’ll learn along the way. If you thought my parents love story was not a typical fairy-tale, I wonder what you’ll think of mine. Mine’s not a fairy-tale, it probably was at some point until I got married. Nothing in life is ever planned, I mean we don’t plan to be born nor do we plan to end up in a mental institution but hey, things happen. This is THE UNPLANNED life of Sinokuhle and it all starts at 17 only for me to be declared mentally unstable at age 27, who would have thought right?

Sandisiwe_Gxaba · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 4

I walk past the kitchen and dad is here dressed

differently, drinking bottled water typing on his

phone angrily or so it looks. I don't pay mind to him

and continue talking to my newly founded crush. I

walk into my room and throw myself on the bed

laying on my back all giggly and smiling. He's such

an entertaining person and he's making me blush, I

think we might just date. I find out that he's doing

his final year in Computer Science, he's the only

child at home, he and the lesbian chick my friend is

into are actually cousins, he is from the Eastern

Cape and he's not your typical rich kid and all. I'm

shook because I expected someone who was all

that but he's actually very humble it's even

annoying but very cute. I'm a sucker for such


"So tell me Miss, why Computer Science and


He finally asks, I breathe out

"Well... Being Lwando and Ayola's daughter you

have to have a serious degree behind your name

and it doesn't help that your father is a computer

wizard. It was either two majors or i do something

my father wants me to"

I say

"I'm confused, why would your father choose a

course for you? What are you passionate about?"

I chuckle

"I love clothes and making them but I also love

computers. When I passed my matric I had been

accepted for clothing management at CPUT and

DUT, accepted for Computer Science and Fashion

here. I had to pick one and I chose fashion off

which mom was cool with it but my father being

himself told me flat out that no daughter of his was

going to study Fashion and that I wasn't going to go

anywhere with my hobby. Said he wasn't going to

waste his money on a dying field"


He says in between

"That's harsh"

He says

"Yeah well that happened, mom managed to

convince him that I loved fashion and that he

should let me give it a shot, he flatly told her that he

was only willing to pay for Computer Science and

nothing else or rather I apply for another "serious"

course or just sit at home and not study this year.

You can imagine how that went. I sent my designs

out to a few people and mom made a few calls

which scored me a bursary to study my dream

course but it wasn't going to be possible to study

both, we had to convince the dean that I was able

to do both without failing either and here I am"

I say breathing out

"Damn! You have rich people problems"

He says laughing and I cant help but laugh too, his

laugh is contagious and cute and very deep and


"you could say that, being born to my family is a

blessing and a curse"

I say

"but you happy right?"

He asks and I stop to think for a second. Am I

happy? I mean my family gives me life and I never

need anything. You could say I'm my most happiest

when I'm with my family and like any normal family

we fight every now and then but no fight is bigger

than us

"Yeah I'm happy"

I say with a smile

"you had to think about it first... says a lot if you ask



I ask confused

"Cause I believe that if you genuinely happy it's

never something to second guess"

He says

"Sino dad says lets get going"

Says my little sister standing by the door

"Be there now"

I say sitting up

"I should go"

I say to Bantu on the phone and he sighs loud

enough for me to hear him

"I'll miss you"

He says and I can't help but imagine him sulking

and I chuckle thinking of how cute he must look

"don't sulk, I'll be back later and I will tell you all

about my dinner with the family"

I say wearing shoes sitting on the edge of my bed

and he chuckles

"You guys have dinner at 6?"

I asks almost shocked

"NO Silly! We going to eat out as a family, dinner is

normally at 7 or 7:30pm"

I say

"Bye Bantubonke"

I say walking out of my room wearing a kimono

"Bye Sinokuhle omhle Majola-Mbana"

He says and I find myself turning pink. I just cut the

call on him because I feel like we wont stop talking.

I cant remember the last time a guy excited me this

much... Ahh growth!

"you dating now"

Says my little brother startling me walking out of his


"Don't do that!"

I say shoving him lightly

"Wait! You really are dating"

He says with his mouth wide open, I roll my eyes


I say annoyed walking towards the stairs

"come on spill, who is he?"

I turn to him and close his mouth

"shut up!"

He removes my hand

"who is he? Where is from? Finally you can get laid,

you've been too tense"

He says and I swear I almost slapped him had dad

not been standing at the bottom of the stairs

"Shut up!"

I say gritting my teeth with a fake smile. We get to

the bottom of the stairs and head to the car in

silence, I connect my music and we start jamming

to my songs

"So how was school?"

Dad asks looking at my brother through the mirror

"Theres a girl he likes and is afraid to tell"

I say not even turning to see the evil eye my little

brother is probably giving me, serves him right for

saying what he said earlier

"You like a girl"

Dad says

"Sino doesn't know what she's talking about dad!"

He defends

"I saw him walking with her as he was leaving

school and it did not look like a friend to me"

I say annoying him

"Shut up Sino! She's lying dad"

I don't get why he doesn't tell dad such things, I

mean look at our parents. He could learn a thing or

two from dad about women plus it's not like dad will

mind him dating. But me on the other hand, dad

scared off every guy that smiled at me. I went with

a family friend's son to my prom... imagine! In a

nutshell I have never really had a relationship, they

always end before they even start thanks to my

father, I sometimes feel like his bipolar comes out

where I'm concerned-rolls eyes-

"It's ok to date son, I mean you need to experience

some things and that includes getting to know


Dad says proudly, I shoot him a look

"Wait so it's ok for my 14 year old brother to date

but not your 17 year old daughter?"