
The Unplanned

My name is Sinokuhle Mbana Langa, the daughter of the great Ayola and Lwando Mbana. All grown up and doing my first year in university of Western Cape in Cape Town. I am 17 years old and I’m studying Computer Sciences full time and Fashion Design as part time so I have a lot on my plate and I cannot afford to fail any of the two. It was pretty hard to convince the dean to allow me to do two courses so I cannot screw this up or else I’ll have to drop one and only focus on one. I have a little brother, Thandolwethu who is 3 years younger than I am and is in high school doing commercial subjects and then there’s my little sister Sanele who is 6 years younger than me and is a smarty with a very loud mouth it’s even annoying at times but we get along well, all of us. My mother is a lawyer, greatest lawyer of her time and my father runs a strings of companies he acquired from my grandfathers with the help of my uncle Aphiwe of cause and the rest you’ll learn along the way. If you thought my parents love story was not a typical fairy-tale, I wonder what you’ll think of mine. Mine’s not a fairy-tale, it probably was at some point until I got married. Nothing in life is ever planned, I mean we don’t plan to be born nor do we plan to end up in a mental institution but hey, things happen. This is THE UNPLANNED life of Sinokuhle and it all starts at 17 only for me to be declared mentally unstable at age 27, who would have thought right?

Sandisiwe_Gxaba · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

He chuckles and looks straight ahead


He says unbothered. Guys my father is something

else I swear!

"You doing two courses and you cant afford any

distractions Sino"

He says sounding more serious. Wow! So much for

trying to put my little brother in the spot and actually

end up being the one roasted.

'Where Mrs Mbana when I need her?' says my

subconscious sarcastically

"Ayt parent"

I say knowing how much that annoys him, well not

really annoy him but he doesn't like it when I call

him that. He shoots me a look

"Don't start with me Sinokuhle"

He says sternly making all of us laugh, our father is


"fine parent I won't"

I say proudly

"We eating at Pana, text your mother"

He says spiting me. We get to Pana, he parks the

car and we all jump off and make our way inside

over light conversations, I clung onto his arm just

because I can and also because he looks like a

fuckboi now and these thirsty girls will try flirting

with him. It's no doubt that dad is loyal to mom,

trust me that man doesn't look at another woman's

direction... even if he does, he is discreet I guess. I

don't think I've ever seen a man who loves his wife

as much as my father loves mom. Just as I thought,

the girls at the door can barely keep their eyes off

of him as we head towards the door

"this is why I hook my arm to yours, these girls

always want a piece of you and I have to protect

mom's snack"

I say giving him puppy eyes so that he hopefully

ignores the stupid comment I just made. He


"Sino I am still your father and I'm not a snack, I'm

a full meal and your mom can testify to that"

He says proudly making me laugh my ass off.

WOW guys!

"table for 4 sir?"

Asks a pretty dark bone standing by the door with


"5 please"

I say proudly and she leads the way after asking us

to follow her

"you are so dramatic, you really are your mother's


He says nudging me

"you said it yourself, you mom's full meal"

I say with a shrug while laughing. We settle down

on the chairs and open our menu's. Dad orders for

himself and the kids order their own things, I don't

like pana much so I look through my menu

"Please come back after like 5 minutes, I'll have a

bubblegum milkshake"

She nods writing down my order

"please make that two, my wife is on her way"

Dad orders

"will that be all for now?"

She asks while also confirming everyone's order.

We all agree and she leaves. I look through while

dad suggests I order for mom whatever I will be

eating because I know her better. After 10 minutes

she comes back and I've decided on pasta instead.

She takes my menu and leaves, right after she

leaves mom walks in and settles next to her

husband kissing his cheek

"Hello kids"

She finally says and we all greet her in unison

making her giggle

"how are you guys?"

She asks

"your meeting ended quite early"

Dad says

"yeah it did, lucky me"

Mom says sarcastically

"We good mom thank you and how are you?"

I ask

"it was ok baby, my job is draining yoh"

She says rolling her head back untying her beautiful

long hair. My mother is the definition of perfection. If

you thought perfect didn't exist then you haven't

met Mrs Mbana. From the way she wears her hair

all the way to the way she ties her 6 inch

Louboutins. She's an hour glass, I'm talking Londie

London vibes if you know what I mean. The way

she's so beautiful and her body is so perfect you

would swear she doesn't have 3 kids.

"that's what you get for being super woman! Lets

have a spa date this Saturday"

I suggest and she smiles same time

"on you right?"

She says and I laugh

"on your husband's black card"

I say with a smirk and dad rolls his eyes

"I'm also coming right?"

Saney jumps in, I roll my eyes

"it's just me and mom"

I say

"You either include my baby or you pay with your

own card"

Dad says. WOW!

"fine then"

I say rolling my eyes

"So I can come right?"

She says with that innocent smile of hers that gets

to everyone in the house. Saney is a master

manipulator with her perfect little smile and puppy


"So what did you order for me?"

Mom asks

"pasta, they don't have anything interesting on their


I say with a shrug

"thanks baby. So honey how was your day? What

did you do all day?"

Mom asks dad, I take this time to respond to

messages on my phone.

I have a dozen messages from Layla asking me

about Bantu. Trust my friend and news. She

followed her female crush and they've been flirting

and apparently they have a date this Saturday.

Me-"you don't waste time huh?"

Her-(laughing emoticons) "you know me friend.

Theres something exciting about her you know? I

think I might just be into girls"

Me-(laughing emoticons) "yeah right, soon as you

get tired of her you going back to dick"

Her-"you know me all to well friend. I'm strictly

dickly but I like to keep my options open you

know?"(smirk emoticon)

Me-(rolling eyes emoticon) "Whatever. Enjoy this

game while you can babe"

Her: "Whats up with you and Mr Yummy-probably

packed down there(eggplant)?"

I laugh out loud and the little ones turn to me with

raised eyebrows

"go back to whatever you guys were talking about"

I say fixing my eyes back on my screen and

responding to Layla

Me-(rolling on the floor emoticon) "WOW! Dude


Her-(raised eyebrow) "yes really. So details"

Me-(zipped mouth) "theres nothing to tell. Love you,

gotta go now!(kisses)"

I say logging out of Whatsapp and locking my

phone. Layla is nosey. My milkshake arrives and I

dig in, I'm not really hungry, I just love this particular


"Mom's coming to Cape Town next week"

Mom says and my siblings jump for joy. We love

grandma Amanda. She's... How can I put it?


"and what about grandpa?"

I ask

"I don't know, mom didn't mention anything about


Mom says with a little uncertainty in her voice

"Honey did dad mention anything about coming to

Cape Town to you?"

She says asking dad and dad shakes his head

"nope, we last spoke a few days back and it was all


He says focused on his drink, if I didn't know better

I would say he's hiding something.

Our food finally arrives and we all dig in. When we

finish, dad settles the bill and I drive with mom while

the rest drive with dad.

"So today I bumped into a guy"

I say breaking the silence as we drive out of Pana

with dad following behind mom's car

"Is that so? What does he look like? Is he cute?

Does this mean you'll finally start dating?"

She asks with excitement in her voice. I cant help

but laugh. My parents are the opposite of each

other but they compliment each other perfectly

"Wow mom! Really now?"

I say rolling my eyes while paging through my

phone going to my Instagram app

"what? I want to know. I mean baby you're in

Varsity and you're still a virgin who has never had

her first real kiss"

She says

"Shade caught mom"

I say poking her and she laughs

"He's cute, here is his picture"

I say handing her my phone, she takes it and looks

at it while we wait for the robots to turn green

"he is cute. Nice body. You have to date him"

I shoot her a look

"don't give me that look. You old enough to date


She says handing me my phone

"yeah but theres dad"

I point out locking my phone

"what about him?"

She asks

"he is my father and he believes I don't need any


I say

"Honey, you need to have a bit of fun else you'll be

this bitter person. You could really use some sex in

your life"

I shoot her a look and poke her


"What? I'm just saying, at least if you were having

sex you wouldn't be this tense and uptight... that's

only if it's great sex"

She points put proudly

"look at me? I'm a happy and satisfied soul"

She says and I cant help but be disgusted. Mom is

too open for my liking

"MOM! I'm still your daughter, I need not know such


She laughs

"all I'm saying is that you could use some great


She says focusing on the road