
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Soot and Ashes 4

Davie reached his hand out for the gun. His vision was fading fast so he was just barely able to make it out but with his above average reflexes for a child he caught the gun with ease.

Old Mans Jones' hands had already began to turn blue from the blood vessels popping within them. But he still held strong and it seems that he would not let go until Davie was no longer breathing. He was so entranced that he didn't notice Marshall's actions

Davie's hand which had caught the gun limply dangled by his side. His eye began to flow with tears. They weren't ones of pain or anger. They were ones of sadness and regret. He stopped trying to pry his hands away with his other hand and just relaxed.

His hands trembled. The muscles had already lost the majority of oxygenated blood so they were almost dead. But Davie used all the Willpower to raise the gun. He flicked down on the hammer and rested it on the sides of his father's temple.

He could barely see anymore but he could see the face of his father. Filled with scars and bags from stress and over working himself to provide for a family of two all by himself. He could not believe that he had watched his father do this all his life.

Davie thought back to when he was younger. When his father had asked him to help he would just say that he was too tired or say that he didn't want to. His dad never forced him to and Davie would just stare out at the horizon waiting for something that never came. When he could have been making a difference at home. When he could have helped his dad relieve some of the stress and burdens on his shoulders.

Now all that anger and repressed regrets were being taken out on him and he absolutely deserved every but of it. He deserved to die. He was a terrible son and a lazy young man. His life is not worth saving.

Davie's hands were about to drop and concede to his death. When his vision flashed again. He was now staring again at Mels eyes as she passed. The muffled gurgle as she moved her lips was replaced with her voice. It said ' Live '.

Davie's faltering hands gained new life and BANG! A shot rang out. Two bodies limply dropped against the wooden floor.

Davie's ears rang out. He was sitting there coughing on the ground. His throat was now bruised and his windpipe nearly crushed making his voice a bit higher than it was before. He screamed out in pain and shouted at the sky.

" Why Mel? Why me?" Thunder clapped in response and was soon followed by another set of clapping.

Davie turned his head to Marshall rage filled his eyes.

" YOU!" He pulled down on the hammer again and a shot rang out. A bullet cruised in the air aimed directly at Marshall's forehead. A split second later the sound of a bullet hitting a vase was heard.

In Marshall's hands was the same pistol. The barrels of both guns were smoking. Seeing that Davie wasn't going to continue Marshall spoke.

" I keep two of these weapons on my back. Just in case i have to use more than one" .

Davie knew his shot was on target but he looked over to the Vase and saw the amalgamation of the two bullets that had collided spinning on the desk where the vase once stood. He knew he wasn't going to beat Marshall in a gun fight. He slowly put the gun to his head and cocked it.

Click!Another shot rang out.

The barrel of Marshalls guns was not a slight tinge of red and more smoke bellowed out the tip.

He had a deep frown of disappointment. The entertained look he had was now gone.

" Don't waste their sacrifice. You fool. You saved yourself just to end it right after. What a waste"

Davie stared at his bruised hand. The grip of the gun had been accurately shot. The impact shock causing him to involuntarily drop the weapon.

He sat there and sobbed. He had been the cause of his family's death. Every action he took had led to this moment. He didn't know what to do. He knew Marshall was right and that's what he hated the most. In this futile existence , him the one who deserved to live least was still here living. The one with the most contempt for his own mortality was still alive. The one who wasted all his time longing for something which in the end was the cause of him loosing everything. Was still right. Here. He hated it. He hated himself. It was unfair. It was unfair , it was so unfair. His thoughts ran wildly.

He looked up at Marshall. Marshall looked down at him. Davie looked into his eyes. His blue eyes glimmered with a raging tide behind them.

" Take me away from here." Davie looked at the cases that were packed and picked Mel's. He hated the clothes he wore as it reminded him of his father who he had killed with his own hands. He could not bear to see himself like that forever. He also wanted to pay respects to Mel's unique way of dressing. He never saw anything like it.

He took off his clothes not caring that Marshall was staring at his bare ass. He put on a white shirt and loosely buttoned it exposing his chest. He also put one of her black trousers instead of a blue one to pay respects to the dead. He then closed the case.

Marshall watched all this with a happy look in his eyes. He was excited to see how this would play out.

Davie picked up the gun. He walked towards the doorway and pushed Marshall aside. Marshall watched this with the utmost curiosity he did nothing to retaliate. Davie turned back.

" Are you coming?"

Marshall did not hold up and followed Davie out of the house. As he walked down the steps of the stall he saw Davie cock his gun. Marshall was about to kill him when Davie gestured for him to hurry up. He did so and turned to face the house which Davie had not stopped aiming at.