
The Unknown Life

Red_Star666 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Mom *tensed*- What happen? Are they back again?

Dad *panting*- Yes, they are.

Mom *worried*- Meiko, Akiko Go and hide go.

Meiko- But what happen mom?

Mom *crying*- Meiko pls.

Meiko *tries controlling her cry*- W-what happen? Who is coming?

Mom *Sobbing*- Pls Meiko you go and hide.

Meiko- O-okey. *says to Akiko* Come with me.

In all this Akiko was just listening everything innocently.

Meiko holded Akiko's hand and hide behind a very big photo frame. There a lot space to hide. They both hide there. Through a small hole Meiko was able to look out that what's happening.

Two men came inside with anger.

Man1- Where is your daughter?

Father- I don't have any daughter.

Man2- Don't lie to us. We have seen her before. Previously we could catch her you took her.


Meiko's age- 3, Akiko's age- 1

Meiko- Mom, Why do I have powers?

Mom- Cause you are very special.

Meiko- But why I am special?

Mom- That only God knows. But this speciality means a very big responsibility.

Meiko- Which kind of responsibility?

Mom- To not use your powers for bad and help good. And learn to control them.

Meiko- Okeyyy. Momma, I will try my best. *hugs her mom*.

Dad came in.

Dad- Hello cutie pies.

Meiko *happily* Dad.

Dad hugs Meiko.

Gets a call.

In call

Dad- Hello?

???- ------------------------------(said something which I won't write)

Dad- Okey. Thanks for the info.

They hangout.

Dad- Momma we gotta shift somewhere else. They are trying to find Meiko.

Mom- What?? Okey. But where?

Dad- I knew that this will happen, So have already done all the arrangements.

Mom- Thanks God. We gotta hurry.

Dad *nodes*

Flashback Ends

Man1- Are you gonna tell me where is she or I will. *Shows his gun*

Father- It's okey if you will kill me. But I won't let my daughter happen anything?

Mom- What do you want from my daughter?

Man1- She have powers. We want her our use.

Dad- No way, We are not giving her to you.

Man2- End him.

Man1- I said you if you won't tell you will be dead.

Than he shoots Meiko's dad.

Mom*Shouts*- Noooooo.

Meiko heard the shoots and had seen everything. She starts crying silently. She closed Akiko's mouth so she won't shout.

Mom starts crying.

Man1 *laughs* I told you.

Mom was still crying hard

Man2 *warns*- Are you gonna tell ua or you will dead too.

Mom*While Sobbing*- Kill me but I won't tell you about my daughter.

Wait till next part.