
The Unknown Life

Red_Star666 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

!!Mom Dad!!

Meiko's age-5, Akiko's Age-3

It's Morning 🌄 Time- 6:30 A.M.

Mom- Mei, Wake up!!

Meiko- Coming Mom!

Meiko gone downstairs, Seen her mom making breakfast. And dad doing some work on laptop.

Meiko- Goodmorning Mom and dad!!

Meiko hugged her dad.

Dad- Goodmorning Mei!

Mom- Mei, Get ready fast gotta go school right?

Mei- Okey Mom.

Meiko got ready for her school. Eat breakfast. And went out for school.

Mom- Take care!

Me- Okey mom, bye. ( Never Thought that this would be her last day with her mom and dad)

Meiko started to walk through street, and seen her friend, her best friend also going for school. (I won't tell real names)

Meiko- Hey, Anry. Goodmorning.

Anry- Goodmorning.

School went as normal.

Meiko came back home.

And seen Akiko And Mom playing together Meiko was so happy to see them.

Meiko- Hey, mom I am back.

Mom- Mei, come let's play.

Akiko- Come.

Meiko also started to play. Meiko and her mom were laughing because was Akiko was dancing so funny.

Meiko- Akiko now stop, our stomach is paining. hahahhahahhahahha.

Akiko- I won't it's fun.

Than suddenly dad came rushing in and was breathing heavily.

Meiko- Dad, What happen?

Dad- Meiko, run and hide somewhere go!! go!!

Meiko- W-What happen?

Dad *Shouted*- I said go.

Wait till next part..