

As the world began changing the view of reality changed as well the thought of the world's destruction came to play and the feelings of the people became non-existent. a sudden thunder that broke the clear sky on a sunny day, the sun was overlapped with the moon and the cloud sudden change spread panic, tornadoes Earth quakes, volcanic Eruption, happening all at once, the spread of panic all over the world, satellites crashing the number of deaths that keep soaring through the sky what appeared to be the end of the world was only the beginning of the anticlimactic experience that ends in a climax

Sepremekin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 6: it's time to fight my first monster

are we supposed to fight it, if o remember correctly if we level up quickly In the early stages then we will be op af said Ruth

but that is when there is a system and Martin is the only one who has one Gift added stop that foolish smile as Martin expression was clearly on display which seem to annoy Gift and Ruth

I can't stop myself being the main character says Martin with the broad smile still on his face

if Donald was here he would have given you a well organized hit for what you just said Ruth added

we need to attack it though alot of people are dead and more are going to die but none of us have an attacking ability.

Gift is more of an illusionist maybe she would get an attack power later and she could be like Valentina and be saying I didn't cure the pain, I harness it.

I hope Donald is alright he is all alone said Martin we haven't been able to move we are hiding under the rocks I'm sure he is struggling.


huh huh huh am I going to die my heart is racing and I haven't even gone far it feels like my heartbeat triples every time I take a step I'm almost home all I need to do is to cross the bridge, as I turn left only to find the bridge blocked by three monsters.

holy. . . shit just my luck as my heart seemed to want to escape from my body. Donald calm down breathe in and out I'm a genius I have powers now and I know how to use them observe the situation and you might just survive I repeatedly told myself that to calm my nerves

as I scan the area to see anything that cam be used as a weapon as I saw metal rods to many to count yeah this is an iron workshop as I look closer to see blood scattered throughout the place the owner or who I assumed to be the owner and all the workers they are dead it is not my first time seeing a dead body and I don't know those people but the sudden thought that I could die just like them paralyzed me.

no I can't keep thinking about that I must survive and become a well known lawyer I can't die a fools death as my hands slowly reached to my pocket only to find my phone, I brought it with me to school by mistake, as I quickly opened chrome to see what was going on, if this was only happening in Nigeria or if it was globally my hands were shaking as usual but my typing speed was still quite fast.

they are numerous speeches held by world rulers but none actually grading the situation the monsters right in front of me where treated lightly, If I die now I might as well die a celebrity as I quickly went to restream and was ready to go live how I will either die or survive the world should be prepared as I gave a title to the video to attract the most attention.

it's time to fight my first monster or should I say my three first monsters