
Chapter 3 Elderly Couple 2

..and where do you think you are going young lady ?

I signed and stopped, turning Looking at the, I said .. I want to go take a taxi...the elderly man looked at me and said the texi hub is that way pointing at the opposite direction in which I was going.

I looked away embarrassed, I changed direction and started heading toward the texi hub...I turned and noticed the elderly couple following me, I stopped and asked is there is problem?

which part of the city are you going, let's give you a lift..

Dad...his son shouted joining them....

I stood in front of them, lost for words I..I am..I am going ....to a hotel

Really which one ? the son asked ...

Ah ...now what ? looking down I felt so confused ..what is it with this people. I know they meant well but they should just leave me alone.

See ...the son said I told you she is a con artist, she is just gathering your sympathy so she can prey on you, Honestly you two should stop being so trustworthy, everyone doesn't need saving; please father, mother let's go. I do have alot to do at the company today.

I was suddenly angry, I looked at their son and told him off...don't call me names, you don't even know me.

Yeah right, go play your dirty tricks on another elderly couple, my parents are not buying it. I was about to tell him off...when the elderly man shouted.. enough! looking at his son sternly..he walked toward me, held my hand and said please come home with us, I know you don't have anywhere to go, from the bus we could feel your pain and just want to ..

I started shaking my head, already ready to reject their offer ..but the elderly woman suddenly said it, even if it just for the day to get clearer... let's help you. We wouldn't sleep well knowing you are out there, let's help you.

I started at both of them ...If I had grandparents they would probably be of the same age, I couldn't understand how they knew so much without me saying anything to them...

But I couldn't take their offer, I have to kindly reject them...I also don't know them and their son was right I could be a con artist.

I thank you so much for your kind gesture but I wouldn't want to impose on you, I will be on my way now I said.

Best thing I have heard this morning, can we go now their son said impatiently...his mother said shut up James ...she walked over to me and said gently, I know you don't know us but we feel so strongly that we should help you, my name is Gladys Moreson, and that's my husband Bernard and our son James ....

We all stood silently for about a minute, I guess they were waiting for me to respond..my name is Trisha Song I said suddenly looking at them well ...they looked in their sixties and were well taken care of...probably living comfortably not necessarily wealthy.

I want to take it that means you have agreed to come with us..let's go we have wasted enough time already. let go, let go father and mother, since you want to pick up a stay dog again.

James ..his mother reprimanded him, that's not nice ....sorry mum I just don't get it, why you and dad will always want to save and help everyone even when it's not safe he said walking towards where he packed the car, I hesitated not wanting their bad tempered son near me but the Mrs Moreson dragged me with them toward the car.

With my knapsack in the boot, we entered the car and James drove, he was obviously angry from the way he kept his face, he didn't say a word till we got to a two story house in a quite and wealthy neighbourhood with beautiful lawn that was painted brownish....right I take that back they are more than comfortable to afford living in a house like this.

I stepped out, stood by the car looking around. A lady stepped out of the house to welcome them, their son took their luggage leaving my knapsack in the boot...I picked it up and still stood there ....James turned back and realised I was still standing by the car he said why are you there ..don't pretend you don't want to come in after your trick worked, I just totally ignored him.

I followed them in, stood at the side while James went upstairs I guess to drop his parents luggage, he came back down and said he was heading to the office, then he turned to me and said I hope you will be gone by the time I get back...hopefully my parents would have seen through your innocent eyes...and he walked out.

Mrs Moreson just eyed him, and turned to the woman that came to welcome them introducing her as Mrs. Brearmore their housekeeper, this is Trisha Song please take her to the guest room and make her welcome ...and as for James she told me just ignore him she said smiling touching my shoulder.

Mr Moreson looked at me warming ...and told me to feel at home.

I thanked them and followed Mrs Brearmore upstairs towards a room just by the entrance of that floor.

As we entered the room, I noticed it was spacious and had large windows. She showed me the door to the restroom, the walk in wardrobe and where the towels were.

I thanked her, and she left leaving me alone....I dropped my things on a sofa, sat on the bed and wondered ....what am I doing here ? why were they interested in me?