
‘It’ part 2

*Ren pov*

Just when I was about to say something, 'it' spoke.

[So, you have come, at last.] said 'it'

[Yes, i have. Before i start going to the main subject, i have a few questions.] said Ren

[Ok, tell me.] Said 'it'

[Whats your gender?] said Ren

[Both? I can go both Female and Male] replied 'it'

[What's your name?] said Ren

[Dont have one] said 'it'

[ok. Now onto business, how do i get my wish?] said Ren

[Do 3 requests of mine.] Said 'it'

[Go.] said Ren

[jump.] said 'it', so i did.

[give me a gender] said 'it', so i Said to be female

[give me a name.] said 'it', so i decided to give it the name, Tia

[whats your wish?] said Tia

[Immortality.] said Ren

[Not possible. There is no real immortality. It's either soul or body or age. If your lucky, you can get 2.] said Tia

[ok, give me soul and age.] said Ren, activating lucky chance.

[Done. See you again!] Said Tia in a childish voice.

When I come back, i start to feel dizzy, and I end up falling asleep. When I wake up, I find myself in room with 3 people. One of them has an eye in the middle of their forehead, another has green hair, and the last one has 3 unique auras.

[who are you guys?] asked Ren

They say nothing, but they start to point to my forehead. Once they do that, they start to get smaller and smaller, until they are just a drop of blood. The blood enters my forhead, and a few things happen. First, my Origin eye automatically opens up, which was weird. Secondly, my hair starts to float a little but, with a nice, silver colour, and lastly, i got 5 auras. After that happened, my Auras started to move up my body towards my eyes. Once my Auras merged with my eyes, it started to go to my hair. Once it was at my hair, it once again fused. Once that was done, the aura spreads throughout my body, giving me a sudden urge to punch something. I suppress my urge and i find myself in my LSSJ4 form, but instead of it being green and my muscles pump up, my fur is white with the muscles compacting, forming a smaller physique, but much linear.

When I was finally done with that Aura, my body suddenly got pulled. I end up waking up from a dream. Soon, i get out of my daze and stand up.

[Alfred, what was that dream?] asked Ren.

[When your wish for immortality happened, your soul became infinitely stronger and more compact. Same for your life force. But because that happened, you could now bear the burden of fusing your bloodlines, making it into 1 bloodline that has all 3 of the separated bloodline. Basically, in your new form, you can have Legendary Ultra instinct with both offence and defence at the same time, your origin eye, and your magic. It fused in with your body, so before you would need to spend energy to activate all 3, but now, if you use energy to activate 1 of them, it will activate all 3, if you want it to. It's confusing, but just check your status.] said Alfred.

[ok. Status.] said Ren


Name -



Age - 14 years old

Body strength - Half-step Angel (DBS)

Bloodlines - Ancient Primodial Fairy bloodline

Lives - 1

Magic - Slayer, Gravity

Energy - Primordial

Quirks - True AFO

Transformation - Legendary Ultra Instinct

Eye Techinque - Origin Dōjutsu.

Eye abilities - Ultimate Genjutsu, Amaterasu, Susanoo, kamui, see invisible targets, all 7 paths, Amenominaka, God: Nativity of a world of trees, chakra cloak, spheres of chakra, move the moon.

Str - 12,000,000 - - > 50,000,000

Agi - 12,000,000 - - > 50,000,000

Dex - 12,000,000 - - > 50,000,000

Int - 2500 - - > 5000

Cha - 5000 - - > 15000

Luc - 45,000 - - > 100,000 (MAX)

{*Ding, requirements have been met. Upgrading




*Ding, Done. Lucky chance has been upgraded to super lucky chance.}

'Ok. Alfred, what happened to my transformations?' asked Ren

[They Merged into that legendary Ultra Instinct form. Of course, you can have the other forms, its just that it only shows the legendary Ultra Instinct form.] says Alfred

'I see. What about the eyes? Since it has merged, is there a new variation?' Thought Ren

[No, but it got powered up.] says Alfred.

'ok. Anyways, show my inventory, i should have an item.' says Ren


10 use teleport

'What's 10 use teleport?' Questioned Ren

[It can let you teleport anywhere 10 times, but after that, it will fade away.] replied Alfred

'Now that I have gotten this, its time to go to a new world. But before that, I have to do a few things.' Thought Ren

Idk why, but the writing style has changed, so there might be a little disorganisation here, so please don't mind it.

Anyways, Peace ✌️✌️

SomeSpookyGuycreators' thoughts