
The Ultimate System (Omniversal: DxD, Marvel, Tensura, Fate, HP)

In the afterlife, individuals become the seeds for new omniverses, shaped by their experiences. Revy Phoenix is reborn into the world of DxD with the Ultimate System. This story is filled all kind of depravity along with one of the most solid systems.

Azeriel · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Harem information

Detailed harem Subsystem: 

Wife: Lady Phoenix earned 410,000 EP 

 Bloodline benefits: Demonic Power, Immortality, Low-level Fire affinity and Hell fire manipulation.

 The MC's favorite woman due to who she is. She shares the impregnation fetish of the MC and swore to be the one who grants him the most children. She alone managed to recreate the Phoenix clan within the inner world. She is the uncontested queen of the Harem and can usually be found touring the breeding palace or visiting the children. 


Wife: Artoria Pendragon earned 20,650,000 EP

Bloodline benefits: Magic Circuits, Magic Core and Dragon Blood.

The biggest earner within the harem, because of this she prefers to avoid the inner world since every time she enters, she is forced to bear a child. With her not being a summoned breeder, this annoys her greatly but due to her love for the MC and the loyalty ingrained into her she does her best to tolerate her circumstances. 


Wife: Sona Sitri with 0 children and 10,000 EP for wedding 

 Bloodline benefits: Demonic Power and Water Affinity.


Wife: Seekvaira Agares with 0 children and 10,000 EP for wedding 

 Bloodline benefits: Demonic Power and low-level Time affinity. 


Mistress: Daenerys Targaryen earned 198,000 EP

 Bloodline benefits: Dragon attraction, Valyrian bloodline and innate beauty.

 The Mother of dragons is reduced to being a broodmare, she sees it as her duty and the only way to pay back her god. All her children are born beautiful however she still suffers from the Targaryen fate of sometime birthing stillborns. She is seen as the closest to becoming a wife amongst the mistresses, making her their de facto leader. She can usually be found surrounded by her children for she dotes on them greatly. Daenerys has a breast-feeding fetish which is why she usually caries her youngest in her arms. 

As a present from the MC, she was given back her three dragons although they were being kept within a separate dimension for safety.


Mistress: Erina Nakiri earned 39,650 EP

 Bloodline benefits: God's Tongue (Comment: births kids that make good caretakers, must have more)

 Erina is better known for being the personal chef of those with major status within the harem. More important than her are her children who are usually girls so that they may remain within the palace. Her children are widely acknowledged to be the best in terms of taking care of their siblings. 


Mistress: Margaery Tyrell earned 23,000 EP

 No Bloodline Benefits (will be turned into a servant soon enough)

 Initially appreciated for her wit and beauty, it has recently been decided that Margaery will be demoted but as a former mistress she first needs to find someone to serve as she cannot become a tool, this being a remnant right of those who were of greater status.


Mistress: Sansa Stark earned 130,000 EP

 Bloodline benefits: Woolf attraction and Greenseer magic

 Sansa is mostly known for being the MC's pet dog. Her status of mistress only applies to the other women of the harem. She wears a collar with a retractable leash for her master to use when taking her for a walk or when he takes her doggy style. 


Mistress: Rin Tohsaka (costed 4,970,000 EP) earned 1,050,000 EP 

 Bloodline benefits: Magic Circuits, Magic Core and Tohsaka magic crest

 Rin retained her desire to improve her magic which is why she can only be found within her lab or the treasury where she retrieves gems for her consumption. Similar to Artoria, her innate gifts are currently incompatible with those of the MC which is why her children only grant an average amount of EP. Her work on magic did help the MC improve his own but do to him lacking Magic Circuits and the Tohsaka magic crest he did not improve as much as Artoria.


Mistress: Nico Robbin earned 307,000 EP

 Bloodline benefits: Increased intellect.

 Robbin serves as librarian along with her mother, the two of them also teach the children. Robbin has become good friends with Akeno. She is a very fertile woman who usually ends up having twins and even triplets. 


Mistress: Akeno Himejima earned 280,000 EP 

 Bloodline benefits: Demonic Power, Tainted Fallen angel bloodline, and Holy Lightning.

 Akeno openly embraces her sadistic and masochistic natures. She is accredited for the introduction of harem outfits for all women within the harem. She chose to make unique designs for each girl though they all include an almost transparent silk cloth and thin gold chains that show that they are the property of the MC. As one of the most depraved girls within the harem Akeno is known for keeping things interesting both in bed and outside of it. 


Mistress: Tsubaki Shinra earned 118,000 EP

 Bloodline benefits: Demonic Power

 Although Tsubaki is a lot more open compared to her anime self she still is the one with the most shame within the harem. If not for her rivalry with Akeno she'd be likely to stay outside of the inner world. Tsubaki is a very caring mother making her the only one who dedicates all her time to raising her children. This is reflected in that all of her children choose to accept having the MC use his chastity powers on them, making it impossible for them to find sexual relief.


Mistress: Kozuki Hiyori earned 229,000 EP

 Bloodline benefits: Greater physical strength and greater willpower 

 As a former geisha Hiyori was trained to be a submissive lover, she is a docile woman who allows herself to be used rather than impose her desires. Similar to Tsubaki she mostly stays surrounded by her children unless she is called upon to fulfill her duty.


Mistress: Nefertari Vivi earned 72,500 EP

 No Bloodline Benefits (Soon to be demoted into a servant)

 As a Princess Vivi had a certain charm to her that isn't found in many within the harem, that use to be enough for her to keep her status of mistress, however due to the increase of harem members she lost her value and is in the process of finding a mistress to serve. She managed to come to an agreement with the newest mistress, Charlotte Smoothie, and received favorable terms for her servitude.


Mistress: Charlotte Smoothie (costed 2,700,000 EP) 6 children with 262,000 EP

 Bloodline benefits: Greater physical strength, greater physical resistance and greater willpower (A decent investment and one of the most enjoyable fucks)

 As a very tall woman compared to the MC, Smoothie enjoys the most attention lately. Given their size difference the MC enjoys playing with her body and even sleeping on top of her stomach or in between her breasts. Since she can envelop the MC in his entirety, she earned the nickname of fluffy. 


Servant: Cersei Lannister with 3 children and 3,450 EP

 No Bloodline Benefits

 She serves under Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister managed to earn a certain level of leniency from her mistress. Can be found near her mistress warring a dog collar and always looking down. She is classified as both a toy and a pet. As an exception the MC allowed Daenerys to keep the children born of Cersei, they also serve her and make up her entourage.


Servant: Missandei earned 12,100

Bloodline benefits: Immunity to the Naath disease

She volunteered to serve under Daenerys Targaryen, Missandei is obsessed with her mistress, she has a slave fetish and usually assists her mistress during sex and childbirth. She was replaced by the original after her first born, the copy was given to her mistresses' son Aemon when he became an adult. The copy serves him faithfully and is the mother of six children. 


Servant: Lyanna Stark earned 64,000 EP

 Bloodline benefits: Woolf attraction and Greenseer magic

 She serves under Sansa Stark and is categorized as the MC's pet dog, same as Sansa. She wears a collar with a retractable leash. She had the extra classification of pet.


Servant: Rhaenys Targaryen earned 117,800 EP

 Bloodline benefits: Dragon attraction, Valyrian bloodline and innate beauty.

 She serves under Tsubaki, usually well treated she sometimes gets punished due to her mischievous nature. 


Servant: Visenya Targaryen earned 82,550 EP

Bloodline benefits: Dragon attraction, Valyrian bloodline and innate beauty.

She serves under Artoria, due to her strict personality she is used to maintain order amongst the servants. 


Servant: Alvida earned 23,760 EP

 No Bloodline benefits.

 She used to serve under Vivi but as her mistresses' demotion approached, she became a free servant turning her into a tool as those without a mistress are called.


Servant: Domino earned 6720 EP

 No Bloodline benefits.

 She is a well-known masochist, she can usually be found near the inner fountain, tied and waiting for others to use and punish her. A well needed stress reliever.


Servant: Kalifa earned 10750 EP 

 No Bloodline benefits.

 She was meant to be Robbin's servant but due to her devil fruit she became a free use servant found within the bathing area. She was ordered to be publicly whipped by Lady Phoenix due to her arrogance.


Servant: Koala earned 15,600 EP

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Nico Olvia

 Bloodline benefits


Servant: Portgas D. Rouge

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Shalria

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Tashigi

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Shyarly

 Bloodline benefits


Servant: Charlotte Galette

 Bloodline benefits


Servant: Viola Riku

 Bloodline benefits


Servant: Vinsmoke Reiju

 Bloodline benefits


Servant: Kiyoko Shimizu

 Bloodline benefits


Servant: Hina

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Nami

 Bloodline benefits


Servant: Monet

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Belo Betty

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Ulti

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Kaya

 No Bloodline benefits. 


Servant: Alice Nakiri

 Bloodline benefits


Servant: Perona 

 Bloodline benefits