
The Ultimate Superman System

ChiseldPotato · Anime e quadrinhos
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24 Chs

Shutting Down Honey Production (Weapons department)

Dr. Drake stepped in, mustering whatever courage he could find, to walk into the lions den.

But there was no other way. The four symbiotes that he had put an exorbitant amount of funding behind, just disappeared. And according to his analysis, David must have obtained them somehow.

"Mr. David, it's our time first meeting, congratulations on your return" Drake said calmly holding out his hand, whilst he forced a smile.

If the only reassuring fact that helped him take the steps here, was David and his righteous personality.

"Dr Drake, I hear your a world-renowned biologist, I can respect a man who's dedicated their life to a single field of knowledge, unlike me, who never took the time to study"

David laughed, at himself ignoring Drake's hand, opting instead to pull out two cigars, and offer the other one to Drake.

Drake on the other hand was not paying much attention spending most of his time focusing carefully at the suit David was wearing. Noting it's features trying to see if it was the symbiote.

And finally when Drake noticed his heart jumped, as he took the cigar and said with a dry smile: "Is it true you flu the Helicarrier into space?"

"Oh, you shouldn't worry to much, I got rid of some pests, who severely overestimated themselves" David said taking a puff and leaned into his couch.

And with a smile David continued: "Besides we both know why you're here, you want the symbiotes"

"So you did take them" Drake said breathing out a sigh of relief, and enjoyed the fact he didn't have to step on toes to get to his point of coming:

"I hope you can understand, I backed the funding of that spaceship, and the scientists on board that ship, who I personally hired as well. But in the end you took, everything, all the results they had compiled and not only destroyed all the records but also took the symbiotes"

Taking a quick breather whilst he glared at David and said "Mr David, don't you think that a bit unreasonable?"


"I would like my property back, as well as all the research. I also know there where four symbiotes on board. Before the spacecraft carsh, my staff sent me a message."

"Oh they others where annoying, so I killed them, now there's only one and it's mine"

David said calling for Venom to show himself. Venoms black tendrils slowly wrapped themselves around David untill it began hardening into a leathery looking texture.

And finally when everything was done forming the black armor displayed it's golden luster, illuminatiing the interior with majesty and dignity, making Drake's eyes blaze with greed.

"How beautiful, the function of shifting it's own matter at will..." Drake said.

"Dr Drake, I can offer you a propsal, one in where you work for me understanding how the symbiote lieform works, plus ultimated resources, unlimited funding and even a piece of the suit, and I'm only doing this because I hope to be able to hire you"

David finished by taking in another breath of his cigar, letting himself savor the fragrance.

"You can't just do that, no matter how good you terms are that's impossible I spent for to much money just to let it go!" Drake said gritting his teeth.

David could only sigh "Fine here's another plan... please look right here" David said pointing his index finger and middle finger at his eye.

Drake who unfortunately looked into David's eyes had his mind go blank.

And that's when David continued "You, will change your mind thinking that what I said was actually reasonable, and that my proposed plan is you top priority"

David finished as he deactivated the hypnosis he had on Drake and watched him come back to life.

"Oh what just happened, ah yes, David I would like to rethink, I would like to help you in your project" Drake said looking quite happy at his decision.

David just smiled, nodding his head pulling Drake to the side to let Brainstorm interact with Drake, giving him the relevant information about the direction he wanted to take.

"Drake, I hope you can give me a satisfactory result" David said hiding some killing intent.

David looked at Drake's figure leaving out through the door, and with that his smile faded from his face.

David really has no sympathy because In terms of Drake's kill count, he would ranks pretty high up there if anybody actually knew about it.

however right now David only saw the benefits in working Drake to the bone.

"Being a hero of justice is really a good cover" David said to himself, hitting some of his cigar into the ashtray.

This was definitely the best choice he could of taken..

Back then, when he first came to the Marvel universe, he had the thought of joining HYDRA just to be the villain, because for him a villain could also harvest reputation points, through murders, destruction, and corruption which would all add up to keep fear in the hearts of people. Forever giving him reputation points.

But after pondering on the matter again and again, he finally chose to go down the path of heroism.

Fortunately it seemed he chose the correct path leading to some strange benefits that he could exploit.


... Currently at Tony's House...

Tony had just gotten back from the press conference, announcing to the world his closure of the weapons department.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what effect this will have on the Stark Industries!" Obadiah angrily whispered to Tony, with a crazed look in his eyes.

On the other hand Tony was as cool as a cucumber, not intending to make any kind of compromise or undo his decision.

"I have been authorized by David, and now the first and second largest shareholders have unanimously decided to close the arms division."

"Then, please explain to me how we're going to make our money?"

"Of course that would be by relying on the clean energy, that I have come to realize is for more sustainable"

Tony said showing off his chest, which coincidentally displayed the arc reactor that was embedded in his sternum.

Obadiah's face softened slightly, but he still warned in a low voice: "Tony, I watched you grow up, you should trust me more, rather than putting your trust into the hand of an old man who appeared out of nowhere"

"Of course, I trust you more" Tony said smiling whilst he turned to leave.

However he couldn't sckratch the feeling that an unanswered question was eating away at Stark Industries, and something, needed to change and quickly.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, I want to speed up research on the Mark 2 immediately, and to get a finished product in function order by tonight"

Tony gave his orders and soon started working late into the night figuring out ways to build the mark 2 iron armor.

A new, more powerful armor, because he wanted to replicate David's strength which had inspired him a lot.

"Mark 2, has to be able to fly, and at least go faster then mach 1"

Tony had thought about it, gaining a weird obsession with about flight wondering mostly how it would feel.

"And I want it to be strong enough, to break through one of my bulletproof windows..." He said looking at the barricaded window.

Seeing this Tony was soon reminded, in the way in which David never just just opened an actual door and walked out like an actual person.

Yo, readers sorry about this being so late life has caught up and things are busy on my end.



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