
The Ultimate Superman System

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Time To Take Filght...

Floating there holding his hands to the air waited for the Helicarrier to fall into place.

And without missing a beat the Helicarrier crashed into hands, stopping so abruptly, it caused the sounds of buckling metal to screech under it's own weight.

However David didn't waist his time and set off carrying the large chunk metal, slowly forcing it against the gravity of earth, taking it towards space.

Fortunately this time, because of its shear size the Helicarrier wouldn't go unmissed by the general public, as David took it on a trajectory to be purposefully seen.

Needlessly, those that stood and watched, couldn't help but gawk at the Helicarrier slowly forming a cone of air around it as it climbed faster through the air.

Unfortunately for the Helicarrier and everybody inside, it was not intended to be aerodynamic, so due to the constant friction placed upon it's body, slowly warping the metal, whilst it started heating up to glow a faint orange at it's edges...

Those that watched on all forgot to wipe the cold sweet from their brows as they saw a large object slowly vanish behind some clouds, to never be seen again, only for in the next moment a shock wave soon parted the clouds, followed by a loud bang, left ringing in their ears...

Even if David coated the helicarrier in force filed his could still fell his hands slowly sink into the, glowing red metal, which funnily enough gave off the same texture as Play-Doh.

Finally David gave it one last push, tossing the Helicarrier into space, whilst he carried no regard for the HYDRA agents left on board, to die miserable or due to the vacuum of space, of any managed to survive at all...

Giving it one last look, before it disappeared into the darkness only lit up by the sun, knowing that the Helicarrier was going to float around, remaining undisturbed in the universe for a very long time.

And with a sigh he enjoyed the silence of space, whilst he took in the view, as he gazed into the bleak, and endlessly deep cosmic night sky, seeing all the beautiful dots burn with endless vigor.

But there was only one, that in David's eyes, made him, and allowed him to grow becoming what he was today.

"Still looking as bright, as ever..." David said with longing in his eyes.

The sun never gave back a reply but David still kept his eye on it, feeling its warmth, that it radiated slowly seeping into his body, providing him with a great source of terrifying energy.

David knew depending on different Kryptonians and their genes, could possibly absorb a sun's radiation, becoming far stronger then the rest in a much shorter time frame compared. However you do get you outliers, where their gene basically can't handle the influx of energy causing it to become like a poison to them, killing them almost immediately.

But David came to this thought only because he wanted to know, how he compared to their genes, wanting to see where he would fit and the scale if it ever existed.


David sat their for a while looking at the sun enjoying the calmness, when he heard the chimes of notifications going off in his head.

[Ding! Congratulations Host, for completing a continent-level event, the reputation level has broken through]

[Planet-level reputation: 1,000,000/1,000,000 Host please activate your lucky draw to get a prize]

"Wait, wait, what happened to my other lucky draw" David quickly said feeling a sense of dread.

[Don't worry host because you where in combat last time, so your lucky draw was activated automatically, which was how you got the Codex] the system said

"I honestly don't appreciate that, next time let me do it myself" David said in an ordering tone as he let out a sigh of relief.

[Your order has beeing noted... Now Host, would you like to spin your lucky draw]

Without any hesitation, David pressed the floating yes and he sat their watching the wheel spin.






[Cell Manipulation]

[Congratulations, Host, for getting the reward of {Cell Manipulate}]

Cell manipulation??

David eyelids fluttered as data, on what and how it worked entered his brain, and after coming to a grasp of what it was he was quite intrigued.

One of his previously obtained rewards was a {Gene Locking} ability, which prevented anything for observing his cells.

And here the ability {Cell Manipulation} dose as it implies. David can not only control every cell within his body but also every cell that happens to be anywhere outside his body somewhere in the universe.

He can now, not only "Block" them but he can also "Manipulate" them from anywhere, so if he choose to he could kill off any cell stopping the possibility of anybody ever finding his cell.

And because of this discovery David was in a much happy mood, completely out of worries, whilst he turned to fly back to Earth.

"Interesting..." David suddenly twisted his head and looked in a certain direction.

There on the moon, a figure stood silently, observing David.

David hadn't been paying attention untill he felt this person's surging energy.

"Oh, it him... Black Bolt" David said whilst unconsciously became stoic, as they both looked at each other solemnly.

Black Bolt, a man who can rival that of a lower level God just stood there, watching.

The two of them glanced at one another, through the vacuum of space, and both could see the surprise as well as the fight in each other's eyes.

Finally, David took one last, deep look at Black Bolt and turned back to Earth.

David pondered, then chuckled, whilst he headed down through the Earth's atmosphere with a bang. Deciding to head back to his company.


Entering David didn't even get the chance to sit down before a call rang through the phone "David! How's it going?" Fury asked right away, the first chance he got.

David calmly, shrugged his shoulders whilst he lit a cigar and said "Nothing much honestly, just took care of a pest problem"

"You did manage to leave some alive to get any information out of them? Like who was attacking you?" Fury said.

"Fury honestly that's not my problem and besides, I'm not under your jurisdiction, to relay any information to help without some price, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D is yours and you should really reflect on how you manage things"

After all had been said, David hung up not caring for Fury's reply.

David really only had one reason to not talk about HYDRA to Fury. He knew that sooner or later, they would let out their favorite play thing to hunt him.

However before David could get nostalgic, Brainstorm turned on a screen, to report the situation.

[Sir, Dr. Drake is here and he wants to see you] Brainstorm said with the image of Dr, Drake standing out front...

"That's quite good timing. Let him in, I need him to help, advance the research on the {∞-2 Armor} before Bruce gets here and maybe even get them two working together"

David gave it orders, whilst letting out a sigh as he thought about the Codex, wanting to unlock it's contents and master the complex Kryptonian gene pools withing.

Doing so, he would not need to rely on the power of outsiders like Dr, Drake and Bruce Banner, he could simply cultivate a Kryptonian who specializes in the scientific field.


Anyway enough time had past and the door soon swung open.

Revealing the nervous Dr, Drake.