
The Ultimate Solo Game Creator

One day Ace was an ordinary guy who love to play games, the next he started to make them. this is a story about Ace an ordinary guy making the dream of every gamer come true from FPS to RPG games.

kakalo720 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 12 : consequences, Making New Lands.

624 Clinton St, Brooklyn, NY 11231, USA 10:23 AM Friday 8/9/2023

Ace was sleeping, turning around from side to side with furrowed brows murmuring something

"Stopppp, noooo Stoppp."

ace was soaking wet from sweat, JB who listening found something was wrong he tried to wake him up, raising the volume behind the limit JB yelled " ACE WAKE UP. "

ace who was tumbling in his bed fell from it, holding his rib ace tried to stand up by holding onto the bed " aaaaaaw, my ribs. ".

looking over at the computer " thank you JB, but how did you find out."

" no worries, you were murmuring something about stopping and no, what was that about. "

" FBI breaking into the apartment. "

JB was silent for a while, " sir i think you should see this. "

waving off his hand ace held his side and walked into the bathroom, twenty minutes later ace was sitting on the chair talking to JB. " what should i see. "

" so i have good news and bad what do you want first. "

with tired voice both hands holding his head ace said " let's get the bad news first. "

" so someone is trying to backtrace our servers, and they're getting close. "

ace was surprised, taking a moment to process things " show me. "

on the screen JB pulled up the network traffic for the receiving station form the satellites on them are marked data traffic, ace looked worried " how long has this been happening. "

" since yesterday , they used packets from our launcher to try to trace the location for our servers but that's all they can reach as the transmission changes from current methods to quantum communication to get to our satellites."

processing the information ace decided on a course, " okay stop using the old transmission protocols for outbound traffic from our launcher, change it to the one i got from the system i'd love to see them trace that, so what's the good news i really need one."

" our stock market bet yesterday is going really well."

rubbing his hands with an evil smile on his face " how well."

" 10 billion dollars well. "

" how, we've only put in 10 million how did it become billions. "

" well everyone kept going against us at the start, after all no one will imagine the emulator will come out and after posting the exploits for each console, this morning jailbreaks with online access kept popping up like weeds, Nintendo's stock price fell to 10 dollars, sony fought the best but price is still falling, they just patched them up do i poste new ones. "

" i guess they left some exploits for bait, post the new ones after every update don't leave them time to breath, "also we need to move after making new world."

feeling confused JB asked " why. "

" nightmares, fbi, your pick and this country is going to shit two days ago a shooting woke me up, it's not safe."

" what about the money in the stock market."

" keep it moving, we gonna need it for the New Lands. "

" kuma. "

kuma who was forgotten for a few day was resting happily on his own was called by ace again.

" what "

" i need to use the simulation space for new lands can i bring in joyboy with me. "

" at last your making a real game instead of the hoax you were doing. "

" okay okay so can i bring JB in or not."

sounding excited kuma couldn't wait to answer " sure, i'll take you in right away " saying that a small portal the size of ace came out walking in ace was met with an empty space, all white.

" so you've used one day of simulation space, one day here is a month outside. you still need to eat so a bottle of nutrient solution is provided everyday, okay go get joyboy i'll set up the space for you."

" okay be right back."

walking out of the simulation space ace walked toward the computer removed all of the peripherals, heading towards the closet taking a lot of clothes then walking back to the simulation space.

" i'm going to close the portal call me if you need a change of scenery."

opening his eyes ace was met with ocean view looking around ace found that everything has changed.

there was no more white space standing in front a Floor-to-ceiling, looking down a view overlooking the ocean as far one can see, right under the house was a short cliff with a highway at the end, with others built nearby.

behind him was a neat and orderly office with a sixty inch semi-transparent screen was on a desk, hooking up JB to a display port on the desk ace took a seat starting to appreciate the nice view.

" kuma is this a real view."

" yeah nice isn't it, well you better get to work we'll talk about it later. "

looking at the view ace called for JB absentmindedly " JB start the game game Engine, we need to get to work. "

" sure. "

" first let's start with the map, load the map we got from the radar readings."

with ace and JB cooperating the work started, loading the reading from the server database stored by JB the map creation began.

a week of hard work passed by a new map was displayed on the giant screen, ace moved over to each major city in the world by clicking on it on the displayed map.

New York city was in a night time cycle at 11 pm an empty city was presented with most of the residential lights turned off only the giant empire states building was lit, it was shining over most of the city, moving over to Egypt ace went over to the pyramids with the sun rising in the background the image was breathtaking a testament to human ingenuity and hardwork.

looking over at the rest of the rest of the world from the Americas to Asia ace stopped at the great wall of china a marvel that was built over thousands of years.

looking over the world ace felt it was empty there was no one moving, no traffic airplanes trains boats not even a car.

" JB we need to start on creating NPC's . "

hesitating for a while JB asked : " sir are you really sure you want to leave those things in, after all what if someone finds them. "

thinking it over ace replied " how many can the engine emulate at the same time. "

" about 25 to 50. "

with an evil smile on his face ace replied : " then leave them there if someone really does find them i really want to see what happens. "

" okay i'll let them be, by the bay you should take the day off, we still have 3 more weeks. "

" okay. "