
The Ultimate Solo Game Creator

One day Ace was an ordinary guy who love to play games, the next he started to make them. this is a story about Ace an ordinary guy making the dream of every gamer come true from FPS to RPG games.

kakalo720 · Urban
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Chapter 13 : A world Full Of Life

After spending the rest of the day watching the sea from the balcony of this giant cliff side mansion ace was full of energy again, after all even with the nutrients provided by kuma ace is still a pure human being that needs both mental and physical rest.

standing up ace walked back into the study and started working on the AI and Interaction between the NPC population and players and the environment.

" JB, let's start " saying that ace started by using a limited version of JB so that NPC's can better react to their own environment, players action, and other commands from their own programming.

" JB create a small script for each NPC, limit their action around that script with the possibility adding to it in the case of abnormal or non reactionary behavior."

" but that will make it really hard for the user hardware after all the code will be bigger and bigger it may even crash computers at launch. " 

" but that why we are here we got kuma here to help with the buggs after all this is what the simulation space is used for isn't that right Kuma. " 

" at last we are getting to the serious part, don't worry boy you and JB just create i'll teach you, after everyday i'll correct both of your mistakes. "

looking at the excited kuma jumping around, ace started working on the AI with JB day after day of failures and crashes but everything  was moving in a steady pace the bugs kept getting smaller in numbers by the day, even at the end of the week ace and JB could fix them without kumas help.

"it's showtime JB hit it. " as ace said that he joined the alpha play test of new lands as a player and started interaction with the world.

being placed in new york city ace walked around for a while absentmindedly looking around, on the screen was a world full of life with people coming and going pedestrian cars even the first floor of some building had a few people looking around.

" JB let's start the reactionary behavior test. " rubbing his hands ace like a child who's about to get a new toy, ace ran into an secluded alleyway, jumping into a dumpster ace looked around a bit until finding an uzi that was made by JB among most of the assets in this world. 

" so let start with the smell test first. " 

" go ahead i'll monitor the data. " 

" okay." hiding the gun in his pants ace walked out of the alleyway looking like a homeless person with all kinds of food and stains on his shirt, walking around where npc some would look at him from time to time while others just avoid him like the plague closing their nose and hurrying away.

" JB hows the data anything abnormal, can we proceed to the second phase. " 

" yeah you can start. " 

on the other side of the street a 7/11 was there looking at it ace crossed the street while looking at traffic so he doesn't get hit by a random car as  that happened multiple times during the previous tests.

entering the store ace looked at the ceiling searching for something, " JB this one has a working camera i need a change of clothes a mask and a change of clothes be right back. "

saying that ace walked out of the store going into an apartment building going up the stairs ace saw a man walking out of his apartment  waiting till he got away ace stood over the door.

taking a lockpick out from his trousers ace knelt down listening carefully and started working.

after a while the door was still closed until something happened a neighbor came out of his apartment stunned looking at ace breaking into his neighbor's place.

" help , help a thief I NEED HELP!!!. "  kicking ace to the floor the neighbor closed the door 

" i'm calling 566 you better leave. "

standing up ace run away from the building, crossing the street two cop where moving his way faster and faster with one holding his radio while talking.

" your done a camera just picked up your description, it's in the police radio you need to leave, get a car ASAP. "

taking out his gun ace walked to the side of a parked car with guy inside looking down at his phone.

" knock knock knock. " 

knocking at the window with the but of his gun ace motioned for the guy to get out.

opening the door the guy got up with his hands in the air " keys. " 

" in the car their in the car i left them in the ignition. "

" go " taking back his freedom the bastard ran towards the cops.

sitting ace started the car and ran away. " so they did they get the plates. " 

" no but you still got picked up on camera so they know the car just ditch it, this test it really going well there's no need to continue. we need to try the memory test "

walking back to the scene of the crime ace walked around with the same clothes until he got picked up by the cops and thrown back in jail, inside he got threw a trail with both a real jury and lawyers.

aces lawyer was really bad ace got two years.

laying back on his chair ace talked over with JB about the data during the test " with that's done we need to go over the crafting system that's where the real pain will begin. "