
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Liam's eyes were fixed on the hologram board that lay before him, immersing him in a captivating display that revealed the current state of the mission and its overall progress toward completion.

[Quest Complete] Rewards: System tutorial guide, Cultivation+,?? "]

He could feel the minor increase in his cultivation rank, which brought about a soothing feeling.

His cultivation progressed from a low-copper rank to a mid-copper stage.

It brought both happiness and tears - happiness due to his progress and tears of joy because he could finally cultivate.

Despite not showing it, he still possessed a childlike mind and heart, even though circumstances forced him to mature at a faster rate compared to other children who were still under their parent's care.

Finally, he experienced liberation from the anguish of being talentless, the agony of being weak, and the torment of feeling useless. All of these emotions overwhelmed Liam as he silently cried within the vast mountain range.

After sobbing for a few hours, Liam finally started to feel better as he released all the built-up anguish.

Liam decided to proceed by looking at the system board and checking the status.


[Name: Liam Baros]

– Race: Human (100%)

– Age: 13

– Level: 2

– Class:?

– Exp: 0/100

– Hp: 10/10 >> 15

– Strength: 5 >> 8

– Perception: 2 >> 3

– Agility: 4 >> 10

– Speed: 3 >> 5

– Bravery: 1

– Intelligence: 5 >> 6

-- luck: 40

-- others stats: locked!

– Unique Physique: Devouring Physique, creation physique (Locked), destruction physique (locked),?? >>

Cultivation stage: novice(Mid-copper rank)

{Attributes point: 0}

Skills: [Perception] [Mental Fortitude] [Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat] [Basic Evading Steps] [Intermediate Mental Focus] [Sixth sense] [Expert-level Mana Application] [Pain Tolerance]]

As Liam scanned through the system interface, he noticed an increase in various stats. He was puzzled by what they meant and how the system determined which ones to increase.

The strength stats had increased from 5 to 8, which is a major difference of 3 points compared to his previous strength stats.

Additionally, his speed increased by 2, making it 5. Moreover, his perception improved from 2 to 3, intelligence from 5 to 6, and health by 5 points.

The major increase in his agility from 4 to 10, which was a significant difference of 6, was what puzzled him the most. It was the stat with the highest increase.

His luck stat was even more astonishing. He had seen the stats when he woke up, but they didn't register in his mind because he was feeling mentally unstable at that time.

Liam was confused about the fact that his luck had been measured at 40, as his luck had always been terrible since he was young.

Who in their right mind would believe him if he shared the measurement of his luck? Could luck even be quantified? Others would view him as crazy or something, considering his lack of talent and low position within the sect, not to mention his background.

Liam could only accept that his luck may have played a role in him obtaining the system, his encounter with Lan, and possibly his friendship with Yuan, among the things.

After some time, Liam decided to set aside those thoughts and concentrate on more important matters. He had attempted to communicate with the system similarly as seen in those cultivation novels, but there was no response from the system.

Liam decided to brush it off and examine the other rewards received from completing the quests.

[Rewards: System tutorial guide, Cultivation+,??]

Rewards: a tutorial guide on the System, an enhancement in Cultivation, and an unknown reward.

The tutorial guide explained how to use the system, which was not new to him as he already had a basic understanding of its usage from a previous interaction.

The cultivator experienced a slight increase in his cultivation rank, moving from low-copper to mid-copper.

While the reward sign was posted, he couldn't comprehend it because he had attempted to gather more information, yet there was nothing displayed on the board.

Liam chose to set aside the rewards issue and concentrate on returning to the sect. While he was in the process of planning his return, he received a quest notification.


[Consume five beasts by utilizing the devouring physique.]

At first, Liam was surprised by the sudden appearance of the quest. However, since the system had provided him with the necessary information to utilize its abilities, he had no hesitation in completing the task.

Liam reached out his hand towards one of the prairie dogs, attempting to activate the power within his physique. Mana surged violently through his body towards his outstretched hand, but the flow of energy abruptly ceased, causing him to stumble back in surprise.

Liam realized that activating the Devouring Physique was not as simple as he had initially believed. It appeared that there was a deeper complexity to this power.

He couldn't avoid feeling a sense of unease as he found himself in the middle of the beast mountain range, far away from the protection of his sect.

The task of consuming five beasts using his recently acquired power had only just started, and now he was trapped in a dangerous predicament.

Feeling frustrated yet determined, Liam chose to dedicate some time to comprehending this newfound ability before embarking on the quest. He couldn't risk encountering any additional surprises, especially considering the intense emotional journey he had recently experienced.

Liam, filled with a renewed sense of purpose, took a deep breath and began to delve into the intricacies of his Devouring Physique, in the hopes of unlocking its potential and accomplishing the quest that had unexpectedly presented itself to him.

Liam closed his eyes, assuming a meditative position, in an attempt to delve further into his recently acquired skill, known as the Devouring Physique. He concentrated on the energy present within his own body, striving to establish a connection with this enigmatic physical ability.

While he focused his concentration, a subtle and tingling sensation started to emerge in his core. It felt like the awakening of the Devouring Physique's power within him. He envisioned the essence and energy of the prairie dog he had encountered earlier.

Liam made a slow attempt to channel the power of the Devouring Physique once more, this time with greater control and intention. He imagined the energy transferring from the prairie dog to himself, sensing the bond between them intensify.

Exerting a burst of effort, he attempted to activate the Devouring Physique once again. This time, he experienced a seamless flow of energy as the essence of the prairie dog started to blend with his own. He could perceive a surge of life force and noticed a slight elevation in his cultivation level.

Liam felt a wave of excitement and relief as he realized he had successfully activated the technique. Despite knowing he still had a lot to learn in mastering this power, this marked a promising beginning for him.

With a newfound confidence, he rose from his meditative position, prepared to embark on a quest to consume five beasts utilizing his Devouring Physique.

This marked the commencement of his expedition towards power and self-realization in this unfamiliar realm of cultivation and enigmatic abilities.

Liam's body filled with energy as he extended his hand to capture one of the prairie dogs. He concentrated on activating the Devouring Physique, causing a rush of mana to flow through his body and into his hand as he seized the creature. Upon making contact, he experienced a peculiar sensation.

It felt like there was a connection formed between him and the prairie dog as if he could perceive its fading life force, energy, and even memories. The creature briefly fought against it, but Liam's hold grew stronger, and he could sense the prairie dog's essence being absorbed into his being.

As the energy of the prairie dog combined with his own, Liam experienced a powerful surge coursing through his body. This unusual and thrilling feeling overwhelmed him. Upon finally letting go of the lifeless prairie dog, he realized that he had accomplished the goal of the quest.

[Quest Update] Rewards: Experience Points, Devouring Mastery +1]

Liam couldn't resist smiling as he observed the quest update. It appeared that this Devouring Physique possessed its series of quests and rewards. He pondered how many additional creatures he must consume to unleash its complete potential.

Liam, eager to become stronger and uncover the mysteries of the system that had altered his life, persisted in utilizing his recently acquired ability to absorb the energy of deceased prairie dogs in the mountain range.

Liam's determination increased as he successfully used his Devouring Physique. The power flowing through his veins was addictive, and he could sense his strength growing with each creature he absorbed. After absorbing the energy from multiple prairie dogs, he observed a notable enhancement in his abilities. He could feel his cultivation improving, and his familiarity with the Devouring Physique was growing with every use. It seemed as though he was gradually uncovering the mysteries of this distinct power, one creature at a time.

I have gained 50 experience points. Additionally, my Devouring Mastery has increased by 1.

Liam's excitement increased as he successfully absorbed more and more energy from prairie dogs.

The rewards served as motivation, however, Liam was aware of the need for caution. He aimed to avoid overexertion or recklessness while striving for increased power. Given the perilous nature of the Beast Mountain Range, remaining vigilant was essential.

After consuming a total of five prairie dogs, Liam experienced a notable boost in his strength, agility, and perception. It appeared that the system rewarded him with experience points and enhanced his Devouring Mastery as he refined his abilities.

Upon glancing at his status board once more, he observed the gradual enhancement of his attributes and the gradual approach of his cultivation rank to the next level. Liam couldn't help but experience a surge of pride and fulfillment. He had made significant progress since his days as a boy without any talent.

[Quest Update] Consume five beasts by utilizing the devouring

physique - 5/5 #complete