
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The meeting

Liam was satisfied with the progress he had made that day, so he made the decision to return to his sect. During his journey back, he took the opportunity to contemplate the events that had transpired.

The system, the Devouring Physique, and the enigmatic aspects of this unfamiliar world had become integral to his existence, and he was resolute in his determination to maximize their potential.

After finishing the quest, Liam determined that it was the appropriate moment to return to the sect. Having acquired significant experience, he felt enthusiastic about continuing his cultivation journey and unraveling the enigmas of the system.

While making his way back, Liam found himself pondering about what other challenges and adventures awaited him in the realm of cultivation. Only time would reveal the answer, yet he felt prepared to confront them directly, armed with newfound strength and determination.

Liam confidently walked away from the formidable mountain range, prepared to confront any obstacles that awaited him on his journey to gain power and find himself.

When Liam arrived at his makeshift shed, he proceeded to open its door, only to be confronted with a question.

Where did you travel to?

"I'm going to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain to practice"

Liam answered out of reflex, but then realized he shouldn't have answered.

After all, no one should be able to enter his shed since he locked the door before leaving.

Liam looked up to see who the person was because the person's voice didn't sound familiar.

The person had hair that was a shade of dark brown.

Liam asked, "Please, who are you?" while remaining vigilant in case the person attempted to attack him.

"Hmm, is this how you treat your benefactor? You're an ungrateful brat."

Liam was puzzled because he had not previously met or interacted with this person. Then, he thought of the word "benefactor," and the only person who could be considered his benefactor was Yuan Master.

"Disciple greets Elder Xuan," Liam said after thinking for a few seconds

Liam expressed his apologies to Elder Xuan, acknowledging his earlier response. He admitted that he didn't immediately recognize Elder Xuan and expressed gratitude for his guidance and assistance.

Liam respectfully bowed to Elder Xuan while attempting to conceal his surprise and maintain his composure. He expressed eagerness to comprehend the reason behind Elder Xuan's presence in his shed.

Elder Xuan chuckled, seemingly happy with Liam's recognition. "No need to be formal, young man. I've been following your progress and I must say, I'm impressed by your dedication and potential. That's why I decided to pay you a visit."

Liam was still cautious, but a little curious, and asked: "Mr. Xuan, why are you interested in my progress? How did you get into my locked shack?"

Elder Xuan smiled mysteriously: "Let's just say I have my ways. Regarding your progress, I see great potential in you and I have a proposal that could benefit both of us. How about we discuss it over a cup of tea?"

Liam, who was intrigued by the elder's words, agreed to attend the meeting.

While they were sitting down for tea, they initiated a conversation that would significantly impact Liam's fate in the realm of cultivation.

Liam found himself unable to resist his curiosity about Elder Xuan's unusual practice of always carrying tea with him. Although it seemed like a minor and peculiar idiosyncrasy, it added a sense of mystery to the elder's personality.

As they sat down to delve deeper into their conversation, Liam made a conscious decision to prioritize the potential wisdom that Elder Xuan could share, rather than fixating on his unconventional habits. After all, it was commonly believed that wisdom often emerged from the least anticipated origins.

Elder Xuan asked Liam, "What do you know about cultivation?" as he sipped his tea.

Liam, as he gathered his thoughts, said, "I have learned that cultivation is a process of self-discovery and harnessing one's inner potential. It entails mastering the flow of energy within oneself, connecting with the natural world, and comprehending the equilibrium between physical and spiritual strength. Cultivators aim to ascend to higher realms, discovering new abilities and enlightenment in the process. It is a journey of discipline, resilience, and continuous growth, where individuals strive to achieve harmony with the universe."

He paused, anticipating Elder Xuan's response, eager to hear the elder's insights.

Elder Xuan acknowledged Liam's understanding and nodded with an approving expression. "That's right, young man. Cultivation is not just about gaining strength, it's also about understanding the interconnectedness of all things. It's a profound journey that goes beyond mere physical ability. Remember, true Strength comes from within and is the will to strive."Learning and adapting will be your greatest asset on this path. "

Liam comprehended the words of Elder Xuan, experiencing a newly discovered resolve. He came to the realization that his path in cultivation encompassed not only the pursuit of physical strength, but also obtaining a profound understanding of the world and his own being.

With the guidance and wisdom provided by Elder Xuan, he felt increasingly equipped to confront the obstacles and enigmas that awaited him in his pursuit of strength and self-awareness.

As Elder Xuan continued speaking, his eyes filled with ancient wisdom, the atmosphere in the shed became serene. He explained that cultivation is not just a test of physical abilities, but also of character and determination. It involves accepting the ups and downs of life and recognizing that every challenge presents an opportunity for personal growth. Throughout their cultivation journey, individuals will face seemingly impossible trials, but it is important to remember that each obstacle serves as a stepping stone towards enlightenment.

Liam nodded, absorbing every word as if it were a precious gem of knowledge. "Okay, Elder Xuan. I am ready to continue my journey with unwavering determination, no matter what challenges I may face."

Elder Xuan smiled, his approval obvious.

"Good. Remember, boy, the key to successful cultivation is not just the pursuit of power, but the balance between strength and humility. Stay true to yourself, never forget the values ​​that guide you, and you will find the strength you seek."

Liam expressed his gratitude to Elder Xuan for guiding him. The conversation left him feeling inspired, with his determination burning even more intensely than before. Upon finishing their tea, Liam felt an overwhelming sense of appreciation for this unforeseen meeting.

Unbeknownst to him, this encounter would become a pivotal moment in his journey of personal growth, leading him towards greatness and self-discovery in the realm of cultivation.

After bidding Elder Xuan farewell, Liam sat down in a meditative pose, contemplating the words of advice he had received from Elder Xuan.

In his makeshift shed, Liam meditated quietly, with his mind filled with thoughts and newfound wisdom. He concentrated on the words of Elder Xuan, absorbing the significance of balance, humility, and resilience. The walls were illuminated by the flickering candlelight, creating a peaceful ambiance that aided his focus.

As Liam went deeper into his thoughts, he came to the realization that cultivation involved not only gaining external power but also developing one's personal character. He pondered over the difficulties he had experienced and those he would undoubtedly face in the times ahead. With every breath, he embraced the lessons, knowing that genuine progress originated from within.

After the passage of time, he opened his eyes and experienced a newfound clarity. The teachings of Elder Xuan had integrated into his being, altering his outlook on personal growth. Liam was now not merely a student pursuing power, but rather a seeker in pursuit of harmony, equilibrium, and enlightenment.

Liam rose to his feet, prepared to confront the world with his bolstered determination. He was aware that his path would be difficult, brimming with hardships and obstacles, yet he confronted the forthcoming trials with a fresh sense of determination.

As he stepped out of his shed, the night wrapped around the land, and he stared at the stars above. Every twinkling light appeared to murmur age-old secrets, reminding him of the immense expanse of the universe and the countless opportunities that awaited him.

While he was star gazing, he noticed that a shadow was approaching his home.

Liam's senses became more heightened when he acknowledged the figure coming closer. The figure happened to be Lan, a fellow disciple from the same sect as Liam. A feeling of relief washed over Liam, as he knew that Lan was a reliable friend. Liam warmly greeted Lan as he approached.

"Lan, good to see you. What brought you here?" Liam asked, interested in his friend's unexpected visit.

Lan Weiwei said breathlessly: "I heard about your encounter with the dark mage in Beast Mountain. People in the sect are talking about it. I want to see if you are safe and sound, and I also want to hear your personal experience."

Liam nodded appreciatively, touched that Lan had taken time out of her precious schedule to meet.

Who wouldn't be, especially if the person one had a crush on was beautiful.

"I'm fine, thanks to Elder Xuan's help, I was saved from the dark magicians through his timely intervention. The dark magicians were powerful, but Elder

Lan was filled with awe as his eyes widened. He expressed his gratitude for having someone as skilled as Elder Xuan in their sect.

Liam affirmed his agreement, acknowledging the immeasurable value of the guidance and wisdom provided. He expressed gratitude for the presence of the person in question.

Curiosity shone in Ran's eyes. "What did he say to you? What wisdom did he teach you?"