
The Ultimate Crew One Piece

After watching the final episode of One Piece, a fan falls into a coma and wakes up in the world of the anime. With no memories of his past life, he must rely on his knowledge of the series to survive and thrive in this new world. Along the way, he discovers secrets about the world of One Piece that he never could have imagined.

OZGURLUKCU777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnated in the World of One Piece

Kaito stood in the village dojo, feeling a sense of awe as he watched Zoro and Kuina practicing their swordsmanship. He took a deep breath and approached them, hoping to strike up a conversation.

"Hi, my name is Kaito," he said, extending his hand.

Zoro and Kuina both turned to him, their expressions curious. "Hey, I'm Zoro," Zoro said, shaking Kaito's hand. "And this is my friend Kuina."

"Nice to meet you both," Kaito said, feeling a surge of excitement at meeting his heroes.

"Are you here to train?" Kuina asked, her voice soft and musical.

Kaito nodded. "Yeah, I've always been interested in swordsmanship, and I figured there was no better place to learn than here."

Zoro grinned. "Well, you've come to the right place. We take our swordsmanship seriously here in Shimotsuki Village."

Kaito felt a wave of nervous excitement wash over him. He knew that he had a lot to learn, but he was eager to prove himself. "I'm looking forward to it," he said.

Zoro and Kuina exchanged a look, and Kaito sensed that they were sizing him up. He took a deep breath and steeled himself for whatever challenge they had in store for him.

"Tell you what," Zoro said, unsheathing one of his swords. "Let's see what you're made of. How about a little sparring match?"

Kaito felt a thrill of excitement at the prospect of sparring with Zoro. He knew that he was outmatched, but he was eager to test his skills. "Sure, let's do it."

Kuina stepped back, watching the two men intently as they took their positions. Kaito gripped his wooden sword tightly, feeling the weight of it in his hand. Zoro stood before him, his three swords at the ready.

The two men clashed, their wooden swords ringing out as they struck each other with lightning speed. Kaito found himself struggling to keep up with Zoro's powerful strikes, but he refused to back down. He was determined to prove himself, no matter the cost.

After several minutes of intense sparring, Zoro disarmed Kaito, knocking the wooden sword out of his hand. Kaito fell to the ground, panting heavily as Zoro extended a hand to help him up.

"Good job," Zoro said, his voice gruff but friendly. "You're not half bad. With a little more training, you might even be able to hold your own against me."

Kaito felt a surge of pride at Zoro's praise. He knew that he had a long way to go before he could truly compete with Zoro, but he was more determined than ever to become the greatest swordsman in the world.

As the three of them left the dojo, Kaito felt a sense of excitement and adventure bubbling up inside of him. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With Zoro and Kuina by his side, he felt like nothing could stop him.