
The Twin Paths of Fate

A boy who once loved a girl and a girl who would do anything for his love. Now each embark on their on path to become the strongest and ascend. However the farther they go on their path they more ,unknowingly, grow closer to each other. Will they reconcile, or will the boy traumatized from her betrayal reject her once more. Note: When you are reading the prologue please skip the Prologue 2 and start from Prologue 1 for a better experience, thank you. [Hiatus]

unknown_redeye · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 5: The Corrupted Rainforest and the Treeish Creature

In the southern part of the continent, there existed the Corrupted Rainforest. It used to be a vibrant and beautiful rainforest with abundant natural treasures. The animals and creatures there were mostly friendly, and many Mages even kept them as pets. It was a peaceful and enchanting place that offered peace and showed nature's beauty. People liked it so much that they even built villages within the rainforest. But everything changed centuries ago.

One peaceful day, a massive pillar of dark, grayish light suddenly erupted at the heart of the forest. Startled and frightened, animals, beasts, and humans fled, but the pillar expanded rapidly, devouring the entire rainforest. When the dust settled, what remained was a devastated and corrupted forest. The once magnificent beasts and creatures turned into twisted abominations with malicious hearts. The once lush plants turned gray and dark, with sinister markings carved into them. It was as if an apocalypse had occurred, and nothing could stop it. Many Holy and Light Mages tried to cleanse the Corrupted Rainforest but all the attempts ended in failure. The Corrupted Rainforest remained in this state for centuries until a certain teenager was sent into it one day.

In a small cave within the Corrupted Rainforest, Matthew awoke to rustling sounds, opening his eyes and attempting to move. "Huh? Where am I? Didn't I die?" Various questions raced through Matthew's mind, but he quickly suppressed them to examine his surroundings. Realizing he was in a cave, Matthew hurriedly left and surveyed his environment. He found himself in a clearing surrounded by a rainforest, but something felt wrong. The soil was grayish-dark and emitted a sinister aura. The surrounding trees and canopy shared the same color, adorned with sinister carvings. As he took in the mysterious surroundings, Matthew finally recognized where he was. "Oh no, this is the Corrupted Rainforest," he exclaimed, panicking. The Corrupted Rainforest was notorious for claiming the lives of anyone who dared enter and corrupting everything that approached it. "Wait a minute, if I'm in the Corrupted Rainforest, why am I not being corrupted?" Matthew pondered, glancing at his clothes and discovering a grayish-dark hue on his skin!

Matthew screamed in fear, attempting to wipe off the color, but something was peculiar. Instead of seeping into his skin and corrupting his entire body, there was a grayish-silver substance preventing it. Upon closer inspection, Matthew realized it was the gray mana he possessed. "Well, if having a gray mana stone means it can save my life here, then I'm fine with that, it might even be able to actually give me powers!" he concluded excitedly. After taking note of the surroundings , Matthew then decided to search for food since he was growing hungry and had nothing to eat. After exploring further, he stumbled upon an old tree that appeared corrupted but bore some fruit. After he took the fruit, the ground suddenly trembled. Matthew looked around and noticed the tremors originated from the old "tree," which now possessed a pair of red eyes on its bark!

Overwhelmed by fear, Matthew immediately started sprinting in panic. However, the tree-like creature was not about to let him escape so easily. The ground shook, and multiple vines entangled Matthew, attempting to ensnare him. Zigzagging and evading the vines, he ran until they encircled him, piercing the air trying to kill him. Reacting swiftly, Matthew dodged the attacks, seizing an opportunity to dive through an opening and resumed running. The vines promptly split into two groups, with one forming a barrier to prevent Matthew from fleeing while the others pursued him. Realizing he needed to take action, Matthew racked his brain for a way out.

More vines sprouted from the ground, chasing Matthew relentlessly. However, the tree-like creature itself began sweating and trembling, seemingly reaching its limit of control. The vines transformed into nets, seeking to capture him, but Matthew pushed himself to the limit, running with all his might. Suddenly, a vine emerged beneath his feet, causing him to trip. Another vine, guarding the area, seized the opportunity and stabbed him in the chest. Just when Matthew believed it was the end, the vine unexpectedly snapped. Without hesitation, he sprinted away, not bothering to investigate why the vine had broken. Seizing the opportunity, he escaped into the small cave he had discovered earlier and covered the entrance with some dead plants.

"Phew, that was a close call," Matthew uttered, gasping for breath. "Now, what should I do?" He pondered his next move, contemplating the challenge posed by the tree-like creature without having any spells at his disposal. However, he realized his gray mana stone might be able to provide him with some spells since it could defend against the corruption. After some thought , Matthew decided the best course of action would be to evolve his mana stone into a mana gem and acquire a spell capable of dealing with the creature's vines. "Alright, time to meditate... Wait, what?" Matthew exclaimed in astonishment, focusing on his mana "stone" and discovering it had transformed into a... gem.