
The Twin Paths of Fate

A boy who once loved a girl and a girl who would do anything for his love. Now each embark on their on path to become the strongest and ascend. However the farther they go on their path they more ,unknowingly, grow closer to each other. Will they reconcile, or will the boy traumatized from her betrayal reject her once more. Note: When you are reading the prologue please skip the Prologue 2 and start from Prologue 1 for a better experience, thank you. [Hiatus]

unknown_redeye · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: The Old Man

The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and the birds were happily chirping while the plants swayed with joy. An atmosphere of peace and calm filled the air, centered around a small island in the vast ocean. Here, abundant trees, bushes, and diverse flora and fauna thrived. However, there was something peculiar about this little island. The trees and bushes possessed a unique glow that seemed otherworldly. Their fruits came in various shapes and colors: fiery red, radiant silver, and even endless shades of gray.

In the heart of this oasis stood a smooth pavilion and a modest house made of marble. The pavilion sparkled with a bright silver hue, and the house featured intricate designs and drawings. What unified the entire island was a silver aura that pervaded the air, bringing peace to its inhabitants while instilling fear in anyone who dared disturb the tranquility. Truly, it was a beautiful island.

At the shoreline, stood an old man with a wise and weathered appearance. The birds sang nearby, and even the once-terrifying wolves now behaved like playful puppies in his presence. At a casual glance, the old man seemed ethereal, as if blending into the silver aura. Yet, when one focused, he appeared as a regular old man wearing silver robes. However, this seemingly ordinary man was far more complex than meets the eye. He was a Transcendent, a being on the verge of ascending to Godhood, possessing powers akin to the gods themselves.

Transcendents had reached a level of power close to breaking through to the Realm of Gods, but they chose to remain in the mortal realm. If they were to use their full power, they would inevitably ascend. Consequently, many Transcendents sought seclusion, preferring a peaceful life until someone forced them to unleash their full power, propelling them into godhood. Currently, there were only three Transcendents, and the old man standing there was one of them. However, at that moment, he beheld something different from anything else on the island.

With curiosity in his eyes, the old man observed the body of a young man enveloped in a misty gray aura. The young man's closed eyes and pained expression conveyed despair. His body lay motionless, devoid of any signs of life. "Interesting," murmured the old man, his tone laced with amusement. "A void mage, deceased, and yet appearing on my island. Well, it seems fate had different plans for you. Your soul has not departed your body, so I shall revive you, fortunate one."

Raising his hand, the old man caused the sky to turn gray, summoning a swirling vortex of mist above the young man. Energies from all around the island and sea rushed into the vortex, transforming into gray mist that flowed into the young man's body. Slowly but surely, his heart began beating again, while his physical form underwent profound changes. Simultaneously, his nearly depleted mana stone underwent a transformation somewhere in space. The young man's appearance became refined, with subtle changes to his face and muscular structure. He appeared leaner, fitter, and more handsome. Finally, the gray mist completed its task, and the mana stone transformed into a glowing, vibrant mana gem.

"A talented one, indeed," chuckled the old man. "His body refined the energy I provided, using it to purify and expand his mana stone. Very well, now I shall wait until he regains his strength, feed him some vitality treasures, and send him on his way." With those words, the old man walked away, leaving the young man lying on the beach. Waves washed over him, causing the young man to twitch and cough briefly before returning to a peaceful rest. And who was this mysterious young man? None other than our friend, Matthew.

After a few days, the old man returned to check on Matthew's progress. Once he confirmed that Matthew had regained his health, he force-fed him a mysterious fruit—an exquisite amethyst-colored fruit. Its skin shimmered like a diamond, with a crystalline texture that gave it a metallic appearance. The fruit emitted a bright glow, revealing a faintly burning essence within. This fruit was the Heart of Amethyst, a rare treasure that any mage would covet, capable of restoring vitality and enhancing the body's agility and strength.

As everyone knows, without body-strengthening spells like those used by Earth Mages, one's physical form can become a significant vulnerability, especially against magical monsters. However, the Heart of Amethyst could strengthen the body and grant an amethyst-like skin, greatly enhancing defense. Matthew had now ingested one of these fruits, and a high-quality one at that. After a while, his body emitted a radiant amethyst glow, and his physical condition seemed more stable.

"Very well, young man. As the new generation of Void Mages, it is time for you to conquer the world!" declared the old man, waving his hand. "I shall send you to the Corrupted Rainforest, where you can refine your skills and learn the ways of the Void Mage. Good luck." With that, Matthew's body dissolved into tiny spheres of light, gradually fading away from the beach.

Who is the old man?

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