
The Twin Dragon Chronicles

This is the story of Longwei’s younger twin sister and the adoptive daughter of Lei. She and Longwei grew up and worked hard to earn the title of the Dragon Warrior but when the twins are rejected the title Longwei lashes out but what about her. Will she join her brother on his destructive way standing by the only biological family she has left. Or will she side with her adoptive family along with Ling and the Furious 5 to become an enemy in her twin brothers eyes.

DreamingBunny · Fantasia
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9 Chs

Mei's Goodbye & Tigress's Solo Training

     As Mei made it to her room she opened the door to see Tigress making her bed, as Tigress saw her big sister she ran up to her and gave her a big hug on Mei's leg "Big sister good morning" she said to her happily Mei could help but smile and ruffled her fur on her head "Hey little sis..there's something I need to tell you" Tigress looked at her curious "What is it?" Mei picked her up and walked over to her bed she sat down placing Tigress on her lap "Ti...I...have to go away for a little while" Tigress looked at her confused "Is it for training? can I come with you?" Mei shook her head no "It's not for training and you can't come...it's...very important that I go alone..." Tigress gives her a sad look as she clings to her tears stinging her eyes falling down her cheeks "But... I can help..I've been training really hard...I'll stay out of the way I promise" she said pleading, Mei smiled gently at Tigress as she softly petted her head "Tigress..." Tigress looks up at her sister tears still falling down her face, Mei wiped away her tear "it's something that I have to deal with by myself no one can do it but me...I need you to stay strong and protect Master Shifu and Master Oogway for ok...protect the palace and the people of the valley...can you do that for me" Tigress nodded sadly as she sniffled "ok...I'll miss you big sister" she said hugging Mei tighter, Mei kisses her forehead as she hugged her back "I'll miss you to don't worry Tigress I'll come back ok and I'll bring you a lot of souvenirs from my travels alright" she said. Tigress nodded as Mei picked her up off her lap and on the ground "Go start your training I will be there in a second" Tigress smiled a little as she ran off to the training grounds as Mei got up and followed behind her closing the room door as she left. Hours passed as the sun began to set Mei went to her room and began to pack what she needed for her trip, Tigress stayed by her side helping her pack but she still didn't want her big sister to leave Mei noticed the sad look on Tigress's "Don't worry Ti you'll see me again before you know it" she says patting her head Tigress again hugs her tightly "I'll miss you..." she said sadly "I'll miss you too" she said hugging her back. A few moments later Mei finished packing throwing her drawstring bag over her shoulder, she stood up taking Tigress's paw and headed to the main entrance of the palace. As they reached they saw Oogway and Shifu standing by the door waiting for her, as she approached them Oogway was the first to speak "Be safe on your journey granddaughter may you find inner peace" Mei bowed to Oogway "Thank you Grandpa Oogway" Shifu walked up to her as she knelt down in front of her father in respect "I'll miss you father" Shifu petted her head "I will miss you too my daughter" she suddenly hugs him apologizing "I'm sorry...I'm really sorry..." Shifu couldn't help but smile a little as he hugged his daughter back "It's alright there is nothing to apologize for" he said breaking the hug "Now you better get going you have a lot ahead of you" Mei nods as she stood up she gave Tigress and Oogway one last hug goodbye before leaving the Jade Palace. Master Oogway, Master Shifu, and Tigress watched as she leapt off into the night disappearing from view.

      As ten years passed the small little tiger grew into her teen years training under a now strict Master Shifu, who tries to get her to emulate his style. Master Shifu teaches the young Tigress the proper form of kung fu. Master Shifu paced in front of Tigress studying her stance "Straighten up" Tigress did as she was told "Yes Master Shifu" Shifu took his foot using it to drag her left foot slightly to the side and lower her stance a little more "Wider, lower stance hold your ground, ready" he says as he took her arm correcting her posture "Strong, chin up" He pushes up her chin slightly, as he finishes correcting her posture he makes his stance "this is the way of Kung Fu". Tigress looks at him unsure but follows his lead as he punched the air. Oogway sat on the porch of the doors of the training grounds watching Tigress's and Shifu's practice as a goose pours him tea "I can't even tell them apart" Master Shifu continues Tigress's training repeating the same movement of punching the air "Focus! Control!" the leaves blew in the wind above them Tigress's tail quickly brush against the ground her eyes dart to her tail quickly before looking straight forward again, her left ear twitched and she began to hiss she quickly caught herself as she looked at Master Shifu. Master Shifu looked at her with a stern look "Control!" she tried to control herself to impress Shifu, as she looked straight forward once again her eyes glowed becoming slit.

      Her concentration broke as her instincts took over, she growled as she leapt into the air taking on a new form of a tiger-like style punching and kicking the leaves with precision and swiftness, Oogway watched Tigress as her potential unfolds "Ah..there she is" as Tigress landed back onto the ground on all fours Shifu scolds her "What are you doing that is not proper form this is not control and stand on your feet" Tigress looks up at him worry displayed on her face she stood up as she bowed apologetically "I'm sorry Master I don't know what got into me it won't happen again" Master Shifu looks at her disappointingly "I wish I could believe that" He sighs as he then orders her to run one hundred laps around the training area. Tigress quickly stood up about to begin her laps "Yes Master Shifu" he turns his head slightly to her as he walks over to Oogway "Higher knees!" Tigress responded doing as she's told "Yes Master Shifu" as Shifu made his way up the stairs to Oogway he smiles gently at his former student "She wants to make you proud" Shifu sits next to Master Oogway as the goose hands him a teacup in which Shifu breaks with his bare hands "Well maybe I could be proud if she was doing the correct form" he said glaring at the running Tigress, Oogway corrects him "Your form". Shifu looks at Oogway "Is there another kind" he says to Oogway as the goose tries to hand Shifu another cup but gets it knocked out of his wing. Oogway, then comments "Shifu an acorn can only become a mighty oak, not a cherry tree, you must let her grow into what she will be you didn't restrain your daughter from growing" Shifu glanced at Oogway then back at Tigress as he sighed he missed his daughter and he knew that she wouldn't have tolerated the over amount of harshness of his training with Tigress, ten years went by so slowly he wondered if she would ever return it was just then he felt a familiar presence he looked behind him but there was no one there, he sighed once again as the goose placed a teacup in Shifu's hand the goose was finally able to pour some tea for Shifu. The goose dropped the teapot as just then Master Mongrel staggers into the Jade Palace training grounds beat up and hurt "Master Oogway! Master Shifu!". Oogway looked at him as Shifu got up and ran up to Master Mongrel holding him up as he started to collapse "Master Mongrel what is it" Master Mongrel urgently tells them about the new arrival of a warrior "He's coming a giant of a warrior! he calls himself Boar he's coming to attack the Valley of Peace, he's unstoppable, he's invincible" Master Mongrel clutches onto Shifu exhaustingly trying to hold himself up "He's defeating the Masters one by one, he's heading this way. Shifu, only you can stop him" Shifu looked at him shocked contemplating what to do.