
One Missing Member

     After taking care of Master Mongrel Shifu makes up his mind he begins his training punching solid stones on the training ground from the conveyor belt, repeating the stance and movement he was showing Tigress earlier, training for hours with no break "That boar will be here by morning, but I've dealt with his kind before". Tigress admires him as she stands by imitating his movements, Shifu continues to speak "I hold my ground. Steady. Strong." Oogway walks up to Tigress from behind "He's been at this all day hasn't he?" Tigress glances at Oogway before going back to mimicking Shifu's movements "Yes! he's amazing" her smile falters as she continues to watch Shifu's training "I'll never be like him..and I'll never be like my sister.." she tells Oogway sadly her tail wags against the ground she looks down at it and she steps on her own tail to keep it from moving Oogway sees this and comments "No, you won't" Tigress watches Oogway as he makes his way over to Shifu "Shifu, there's a matter of the utmost importance." Shifu holds his stance as she turned to look at Oogway "What could be more important than preparing for battle?" Oogway smiles at him "Food. let's order in." Shifu looks at him a little dumbstruck but agreed, which put an end to his training for the moment. They send the goose to the Valley of peace to a local noodle shop to pick up their food.

     Meanwhile far away Mei traveled to different villages gaining knowledge from the other Masters of Kung Fu trying to find inner peace. Each day she tried to quell her inner turmoil between her family and her twin brother, each day she took a walk into a nearby forest isolating herself from others to practice on her control but each time it would end in failure. Her wounds of the past were still fresh in her mind even after all the years that passed, she sighed out of frustration why couldn't she figure this out,why is it so hard for her to let go she knows the difference between right and wrong, she knows what she has to do for the greater good so why can't she let go of this anger that she had for Shifu and Oogway. She knew they would never hurt her on purpose but she and her brother did everything together and being separated from him drove her crazy with anxiety, sadness, and loneliness. Even though she considered Shifu, Oogway, and Tigress to be her family Tai Lung was the only biological family she had and the only one she'd ever known. As she wandered the forest she came upon her spot where she would meditate, a large lake with an enormous waterfall.

     She walked into the lake and started swimming to the hidden entrance behind the waterfall, as she entered the small cave she got on all fours shaking off the water from her fur. As she did so she suddenly felt homesick remembering the time she had to give Tigress a bath only for it to end up both of them being soaking wet. Mei chuckled at the memory and thought that maybe it would be best to just focus on home instead to see how things are going back home. She sat down crossing her legs she began her meditation, she focused on the Jade Palace and as she did when she opened her eyes she saw that she was back home not physically but spiritually. She looked around seeing that not much has changed until she heard her father's yelling, she followed his voice which led her to training grounds.

     As she saw Tigress she stopped right in her tracks she almost didn't recognize her, Tigress grew so big, she wasn't so little anymore, for a split second she regretted leaving all those years ago but shook the thought from her head she had to leave back then but she couldn't help but feel like she missed out on so many things as Tigress grew. Mei found a spot in the corner and watched as her father trained Tigress. She noticed how strict he was being with her which she did not appreciate but she knew after what happened with her brother and her leaving it probably wasn't an easy adjustment for him. As Mei watched in silence she couldn't take it anymore she wondered to herself, 'What happened to the Tigress that I used to know this Tigress just looks and acts exactly like dad...this isn't right' Mei stood up and walked a little closer to Tigress, she noticed a bunch of leafs laying around the training ground she decided to stir them using the wind as their guide. She uses her Kung Fu to lift the leaves into the air she noticed Tigress's tail beginning to move along with her left ear twitching, as she heard Tigress's hiss Mei decided to edge her on even further by providing more leaves into the air as she pushed the leaves up higher.

     When Tigress growled and her eyes became slit was when she knew she was ready. Mei smiled "Show me what you're made of little sis" Mei watched her sister leap into the air attacking the leaves with amazing accuracy and precision as Tigress landed on the ground Mei couldn't have been more proud she clapped cheering for Tigress even though she couldn't hear her "Wayta go lil sis that was amazing" though the excitement was short lived when her father scolded her for what she did. Mei wanted to defend Tigress but knew she couldn't in the state she was in so all she could do was watch as Tigress accepted her punishment without hesitation. When Tigress began her laps Mei followed her father as he sat down next to Master Oogway as they began to talk, she's never seen her father so angry to the point where he'd break a teacup with his bare hands before. She listened to his and Oogway's conversation and smiled when she saw that grandpa hadn't changed in anyway unlike her father. She couldn't help but miss them both greatly even though her father had become harsh she knew it was because of everything he went through. Even though he couldn't see or hear her she went behind her father and gave him a hug "I miss you dad" as she let go she looked at her father in shock as he stared right at her she wondered if he could see her but when she saw him look from side to side she put two and two together figuring that he sensed her presence but could not see her physically.

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