

Her father, the supreme alpha king, mother, the supreme sorceress. She was born on a full moon becoming the chosen one. Also, born by an Alpha king and supreme sorceress, she became a hybrid, possessing immense powers. But on the day of her birth, her power thirsty uncle, brother of her mother, Liam, ambushed them, trying to abduct her and use the powers in her to rule the underworld. But her mother the supreme sorceress ran away with her child, she got to the human realm through a portal and found a desperate childless couple, she gave them her child but before that, tied an enchanted bracelet on her wrist, asking them to take care of her and never take the bracelet off of her wrist. Then the supreme sorceress ran back to the kingdom to help her husband. And although the supreme alpha king was powerful, he couldn't defeat Liam who had awakened the ancient dark sorcery, he was killed and the supreme sorceress, imprisoned by her own brother. The king's child, the chosen one, now lives amongst human with the childless couple .........WILL SHE FIND OUT AND SEEK VENGEANCE FOR HER PARENTS, AND TAKE OVER FROM THE EVIL HANDS OF HER UNCLE AND BECOME THE TRUE LEADER? FIND OUT AS YOU DIVE INTO A WORLD OF FANATSY........... "Uhmm, congratulations your highness, I...its a baby girl" One of the park doctors told Lucius while handing the baby over to the him awkwardly. The supreme alpha king took the baby and went to the Luna, supreme queen Naomi. They both looked at the child with admiration but it quickly turned into shock as the baby started glowing a bright purple, a white crescent then showed on the side of her wrist, almost like a tattoo but it was glowing. Her golden brown hair turned a mesmerizing silver and her azure eyes suddenly turned a beautiful purple making her look like a goddess.............. NOTE, THE NOVEL IS STILL UNDER UPDATE, SO PARDON MISTAKES, LOVE YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS-----CHECK MY IG PAGE 4 IIMAGES OF CHARACTERS IN ALL MY STORIES[ serene_author] and my FACEBOOK PAGE TOO[Treasure Sunday].......

Treasure_Sunday_4274 · Fantasia
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57 Chs



Today is a bright Wednesday and well everything was going great. Jason has became accustomed with the school environment. And also the day after tomorrow is my B day. Yeah that's right, I'm turning eighteen. We are having the party at my house, and I invited all of my friends, including Jason. Believe it or not, me and Jason have become closer over the days. I even gave him a new nickname,......told you I was obsessed.......... His new nickname is JJ and when I gave him the name, he was so happy that he even hugged me. School has been great, but I still get those dreams about a white haired girl and it more intense than before. We were having a science experiment today, So Mr Mac shared us,JJ and I are partners, Mila and Diego, Francis and Sella, while Danby and Ally are not offering science related subject. So we were practicing in the lab, as the presentation starts after lunch time..........

"Hey mate, pass me the potassium pomegranate" Jason said and I really don't know why he calls me "mate", so I asked,

" Uhm JJ, why do you call me mate, I mean, we're already class mate...you really don't see what else you could call me?" I asked him.....

" Uhm, you see I just really like calling you mate, we're class mates and uhm I....I just like it" Jason said, and I just sighed in response as we continued our projects...................



Liam was making a potion, he added different substances and materials and then, he added a tiny grain making the potion puff out a green smoke, and lastly chanted some spells that turned the potion turning the potion red with a hint a blue, Liam then laughed like a maniac as he called Linda........

"Linda, Linda, come, it is ready" He called as Linda answered.

"Yes Your highness" Linda answered.

" It is ready, summon the monsters with this potion " Liam commanded

" Yes your highness" Linda said as both of them teleported to a place filled with bones and coffins, then she took the potion and started chanting some foreign words as Loam watched. After she finished chanting it, she drank the potion and her eyes turned blue and red, lastly she said some words. Monsters with scaly skin, sharp claws, long tails and spikes protruding from their backs arose as they all shouted. MASTER, MASTER, MASTER. Linda then commanded,

" I will send you are to the human realm, and you will find me this girl" Linda said as she showed them the image of a certain white haired girl..." You will get me her blood and pit it into this bottle, then bring her to me" "NOW GOOOO, GO MY MINIONS AND BRING ME GOOD NEWS...BLOODY NEWS. HAHAHAHA". Linda commanded as she stretched forth her hands, then the monsters started fading bit by bit, before they finally disappeared.............

" Good work Linda, hopefully she hasn't known about her powers. Now...we wait" Liam said as he materialised back to his throne, so did Linda...........



We all went to my house after the school's project, me and JJ got an A, Diego and Mila, A, while Francis and Stella got a B. At my house, we were having some muffins....I mean, they were having muffins while I took some chocolate bars, chips and biscuit. We went to my room to watch the movie. We have already settled for an action thriller, The white house down......

" Come on guys, settle down and let's get on with the movie okay" I said as I went to my TV and put the CD inside the system, then they all settled as the movie started. I sat beside Jason, Mila sat beside Francis and Allison sat in the middle

of Diego and Danny.

" Wait, is it just me or does Francis have a crush on Mila" I whispered to Jason.

" Yah, I thought I was the only one seeing it" Jason replied in a whisper.

" Ahh, speaking of crush...I...I..actually..........

" You guys, shhhhhhh, its getting to the sweet part" Allison whined and interrupted Jason leaving me to wonder what he wanted to say............After the movie, it was already dark and everyone was going to their respective homes.

" Okay bye guys, safe journey" I said as I walked them to the door......

" OMG....Sel, tomorrow's you're day........Sleep well, thank goodness tomorrow is Saturday. Bye baby" Ally said as she hugged me and that's when I remembered that tomorrow was actually my birthday............

" Uhm, Selena can I talk to you"? Jason asked snapping me out of my reverie.

" Uhhh, sure" I said already getting nervous.

" Okay....I..I..really really like you. Like I like, like you, I not only like like you but I mat have even fallen in love with you. Ever since the first day I saw your purple eyes and your beautiful white hair, I fell in love with you and uhm I was hoping you could be my girlfriend.... that is if you're f....fine with it. Jason asked as he scratched the back of his head showing he was also nervous and come to think of it, I too like Jason. He is very sweet, and we have grown so close, so why don't I give it a try? I thought.

*Sighs* Y...yes, I like you too" I said as I blushed.

" Wait really, y..you want to be my girlfriend? " he asked unbelievably.

" Y...yes, I really like like you too" I said and that's when he carried me up and twirled making me yelp in surprise but that was short lived as I started laughing.

" And uhm, there's one more thing, I....I...I am a we........

" Selena, come inside dinner is ready" Mum shouted from inside the house interrupting Jason.

" Okay mum, be right there" I shouted.

" What were you saying" I asked.

" U....uhm don't worry about it, go have dinner, I'll see you tomorrow, mate" Jason said as he kissed my chick and turned to leave.........

" It is time, I have to go to her now" A certain red haired witch said as she looked into a burning fire.............


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