
The Tribulations of Tsukiyama Shuu

In a world where redemption intertwines with chaos, Tsukiyama Shuu is granted a rare second chance to amend his past mistakes. Will he emerge victorious, or will the trials prove too difficult to overcome? Follow Shuu as he navigates adventures, builds relationships, and discovers romance along the way. DISCLAIMER: This fanfiction is a homage to the original Tokyo Ghoul series created by the talented Sui Ishida. Support the creation of this story, along with others and the development of graphic novels, on Patreon: www.patreon.com/HeavenlyEnel. Embrace the adventure! Feel free to donate on Ko-fi: Ko-fi.com/HeavenlyEnel.

Heavenly_Enel · Anime e quadrinhos
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43 Chs


Shuu soon returned from school safely and saw that Hide was trying to get comfortable around the house. Aliza had already assigned him to clean the kitchen and wash dishes which gave Yuuma some time to train, the events in Germany had changed him ever since.

"Mairo, follow me." Shuu ordered as he made for his room inside the mansion. They soon entered his room and Shuu continued to speak,

"Mairo, before I leave I want you to pass on a very important instruction to every ghoul in the estate apart from father."

"Consider it done, Sir!" Mairo pledged.

"No one is to punish Hide 'harshly' for any of his wrongdoings or any offense perceived by anyone, but should instead leave that responsibility to me." Shuu added as he approached a window in his room.

"If I may, wouldn't that just lead to undesirable traits that you wouldn't need? The whole point of this and the expenses could go up in flames!" Mairo suggested.

"Indeed, you are right. Your council so far has proved useful. But, I want him to better understand us ghouls who try to live as humans amongst humans." Shuu said with a faint smile across his face as he faced a window that illuminated light on his figure.

'From what I have heard of from Yuuma, he can be cruel, but here he is trying to make a human understand ghouls even if he is forcing him against his well through a legal form of kidnapping-Ahem, I mean adoption. You still amaze me, young master.' Mairo thought as he saw his young master's form being illuminated by sun rays.

"Now leave and call the boy here." Shuu ordered.

"No problem Sir. But sometimes you tend to forget that you are still a boy yourself!" Mairo said with a smirk.

'Did he just smile?' Shuu thought. One of his unpopular opinions about the beings living in this world is that you rarely see anyone smile. And those who do it frequently are usually psychopathic murderers.

"Where is this confidence coming from to be so casual with me?" Shuu asked but was answered by the closed door with Mairo running downstairs.

A minute later, Hide knocked at Shuu's room. After thirty seconds of what seemed to be someone rearranging their room, Shuu finally answered the door.

"I see you are busy my captor!" Hide noted sarcastically as he observed clothes and suitcases on the floor.

"Getting a little cheeky are we? Where is everyone getting this confidence from?" Shuu asked as he folded some clothes in a suitcase.

"Listen, I don't really care for how you feel or whatnot. But while I am gone I better not hear any negative review about you." Shuu said as he got up to emphasize his point.

"Oh, I see, I get it now! I am some kind of product that you hope will do well in the market right?" Hide shot back once again at Shuu. But this time he wished he hadn't because of the way Shuu reacted and answered.

Shuu immediately burst into laughter after Hide's statement.

"You are indeed always spot on! Of course, you are a product I spent time and money to create. Products don't ask to be created but they are needed, and you better do well in the real world of humans and ghouls which is the market for your own sake." Shuu replied with a smirk on his face.

"What do you think happens to products that don't sell eh, wise guy?" Shuu added to the dread on Hide's face.

"But that's not what I called you here for. You see, Kanae, out of all the ghouls here, has suffered and lost the most. All her family members were killed in a day. She is the last survivor of her family. If you hate everyone else here, you might as well ease up on her." Shuu said while dusting himself.

"You mean the girl that sometimes speaks German. She called me…What was it again? Schwein! You know I looked that up and it meant pig! What did I do to deserve that?" Hide asked almost in annoyance.

"Yes, you would do well to be careful with your judgment around her. That is all." Shuu concluded and zipped a suitcase he had just finished packing.

"Sure thing. Where are you traveling to?" Hide asked.

"None of your business." Shuu got up and gestured Hide towards the door.

"Oh no, I think it's my business now since we are brothers. So you were telling me all this because you are leaving? I just go here after being forcefully moved from my previous family and now you want to leave?" Hide said with a tinge of anger in his voice. In truth, he didn't really miss his former foster father a lot, but he at least had the freedom to visit and hang out with Kaneki anytime he wanted.

"Oh don't give me that nonsense! You will earn your free time outside to do whatever you want when you earn it! Make sure you are the strongest by the time I arrive." Shuu said as he rested four fingers on Hide's chest and then palmed his chest as if imitating a one-inch punch which sent Hide flying out of his room. Shuu walked out of his room and saw Hide a few metres away from his door coughing trying to understand how that was possible. Shuu came out with a small box in his hand and placed it gently near him.

"These are weighted gloves and, I was hesitant about starting you with them since you are just fourteen and it might affect your height but then I remembered you are not normal. Start using them soon and pace yourself properly, anyway, Mairo is in charge of you." Shuu said then retreated to his room.

"Bloody meatheads, the whole bunch of them!" Hide cursed under his breath but could be heard clearly by Shuu who was already in his room and limited himself to a smile.

Preparations were complete and Shuu was escorted to a private airfield where he would embark on his journey to China.

"Do you really trust that info you acquired from Germany? Are you sure about it?" Mairo asked as he entered the private jet with Shuu.

"It's definitely legit! And if it isn't, no matter what happens, I will survive." Shuu said with determination.

"*Sighs*, Anyway, about the boy, what are your plans for him?" Mairo asked again.

"Ha ha, You sure ask a lot of questions… Mairo. What if, what if he becomes our very own 'White Reaper' hmm?" Shuu asked jokingly.

Mairo's eyes widened at that statement. He of course knows about the infamy of CCG's 'White Reaper'-Arima Kishou! He is allegedly a human who does the unthinkable to ghouls and has become the scourge of ghouls in the country, even his name is known throughout the continent. The one no ghoul could challenge, The One-Eyed King!

He always had his doubts about Arima's feats belonging to that of an ordinary human, he suspected something was wrong but couldn't point it out specifically. But with Shuu getting a doctor from Germany to perform a particular surgery on a random human that should make him a ghoul but didn't, started turning gears in Mairo's head. 'If Hide's physiology is like Arima's… then, it is not really a joke but a possibility after all!' Mairo thought. But he wondered why his master would entrust such a crucial mission to one such as himself, Matsumae was definitely suited for this but he remembered that he had given everyone their roles including Matsumae.

"You are always thinking three steps ahead young master, forgive my incompetence but I'll try my best as well." Mairo concluded and left the plane. He was about to reach the car when he felt Shuu behind him. Mairo turned to see if there was something he wanted but was instead hugged. Mairo smiled in his warmth and hugged him back as well.

"You all better be monsters. I'll be back no matter how long it takes." Shuu assured Mairo and hopped in the jet.

"Are we ready to fly?" Pilot Changge asked from the cockpit through the PA.

"But of course, time is of the essence." Shuu replied.

His countenance had changed, he had gotten his body mass back. You could say say he almost ate about his own weight before leaving the mansion. He now wore two pairs of two hundred kilogram weights on his legs which felt negligible to him now and four hundred kilogram weights on his arms collectively. He wanted to be able to act if the situation called for it so he decided to wear light weights for the trip.

The flight was smooth and enjoyable as Shuu spent the time reviewing the scroll he got from the Arrowhead mercenary faction in Germany.

"Even tatara! How did they get their hands on this information?" Shuu pondered but was alerted by Pilot Changee through the PA system that they had just been cleared for landing. Pilot Changee just answered a few questions concerning the number of passengers, permit, purpose of visit, badge number, and clearance ID over the radio when he was crossing China's seas before he gave the announcement.

"China, here I come!"


Training arc coming soon.

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