
The Lost Monkey

Chuno was lost. She had a rough idea of what might've lead her to here, but she couldn't allow herself to believe it.

Everyone 'loved' her. The ones who showed even a hint of jealously or hate towards her would never actually do something against her. At least, that's what she thought.

'If I go back to sleep, I'll wake up back in my little spot near that giant tree.' The monkey said in detail as if she was hoping someone would listen and grant her wish. She looked around for a suitable place to take a rest and found a spot that she could wrap herself around. However, before she could drift into slumber, her stomach let out a loud grumble, and she knew she was going to have to eat something quickly if this plan didn't work. She'd have to gather food by herself which isn't so hard, but is still something that makes her extremely upset.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep." Chuno kept repeating to herself through small grunts, but she wasn't able to fall asleep. Again, her stomach grumbled, and she realized she wasn't going to sleep unless she ate something. Chuno's hunger was always something that needed to be satisfied within a minute, or she would start throwing fits and throw anything at anyone she finds. Whenever she was hungry, there would always be food rushing towards her immediately after she mentioned it. If she couldn't fall asleep, she was really going to have to start searching.

After a few minutes of thinking through her life decisions, Chuno gradually crawls through the forest in search of food. She was somehow incredibly lucky and was able to find some berries lying around along. In an instant, the female monkey engulfs the berries and smiles in glee.

"Still. Hungry." The hungry monkey said before climbing onto other trees in search of more food.

Her unbelievable luck struck once again, and she was able to get hold of some of her favorites: Bananas! Not even a minute went by before she ate the entire batch.

"Sleepy." After coming back to her resting spot, she found a comfortable position and drifted off to sleep.