
The banished monkey...

There was once a young tried monkey who always got her way with things. If she was hungry, everyone wouldn't hesitate to hand over their bananas to her. When she was dirty, the other monkeys would quickly make way for her to clean herself. Yes, she was the stuck-up type. She hated being dirty and was extremely grumpy when hungry.

"FOOD!" The young monkey yelled out to her mother. Without a second wasted, her father came in and handed the child a load of fruits and nuts while the mother came in with a few rodents the second after.

"Happy my little Chuno?" The mother said endearingly while waiting patiently for her daughter's response.

"Hmph, the bananas! Gimme the bananas!" Chuno, the arrogant monkey, screeched out before throwing away the rest of the food. She never went a day without being spoiled. A few of the other monkeys were incredibly jealous of her privileges and hoped to find a way to bring her down her high horse.

Their wish came true. The young monkey's grandma had send enough of the stupid behavior of both parents and decided to finally step in. She grabbed the spoiled brat and kicked her out of their tribe.

"You have been spoiled for far too long my grandchild!" Grandma Fufu declared with a loud voice—bringing the attention of all the other monkeys in the tribe.

"Now you shall be punished! You will no longer be allowed to associate yourself with the OOAHAH tribe!" And with a whoosh of her long, sharp staff, the young female's vision blurred and soon found herself to be unconscious.


"Cuwah?" The monkey grunts as finds herself on top of a large pile of twigs and sticks. They seemed to pile up after falling from the bushes and trees that envelop the female's entire surroundings.

"Must. Find. Home!" Not spending another second on the ground layered in sticks and dirt, Chuno climbed up a tree to get a better idea of where she was at. However—

"No— I'm lost?" It hadn't occurred to her that she had been banished from her tribe and was sent to a forest very far from the last one. The power of that certain granny's staff mustn't be used too lightly as it takes away a bit of her vitality. That's why the banishment of this certain monkey was very big. A reason to why Chuno never thought she could've been banished, and the other reason is that she couldn't remember due to the staff's power also taking the victim's memory of that certain occasion.

The confused monkey tried to look around for any familiar landmarks, but she soon gave up after hearing the grumbling of her stomach. She called out for someone to get her food and realized soon after the problem with that. No one was going to come and feed her, clean her, or nurture her. As if Karma did it's job, Chuno now had to survive on her own without having other monkeys to come and spoil her through every step and process.

There was the beginning of the young monkey's journey...

I’m bored, so I thought that I would make a Webnovel. If anyone reads this, I’m happy you took the time out of your day and decided to read this. I can’t promise you anything great... Really, it’s awful and I made this at 2 AM.

BlueSapphireRosecreators' thoughts
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