

Gando watched the players fight the greenskins until he saw the warchief and a group of different orcs. The players clicked on the warchief and realized that his level was a question mark. This caught their attention. until a Hunter tried to attack him, killing his pet before he approached the war boss, everyone remained silent until a player shouted, we have half an hour left in the game, everyone try to kill the boss, ending the Warriors that the war boss had Everyone tried to attack him but no one managed to do much damage to him other than the magicians who were rapidly losing Mana. This stunned Gadon when he wanted him to stop. He realized that he had to change his appearance quickly. He used the D59 artifact to change into an orc appearance when he was already there. The players' game time ended, many of them were dead, but many were quickly resurrected because they returned to their bodies. But they still disappeared as if they were never there. This surprised Samuro and the war chief, shouting into the void. He said, What kind of witchcraft is this asking? to bring Guldan an orc informed him that Guldan was not in the camp so everyone in the chat assumed that he already got what he deserved this did not matter Gadon presented himself before the war chief Samuro saw it strange because he realized He realized that he was the only living orc of those he sent to fight. After the fight, many corpses appeared, some of them were humans. There were many dwarves. This surprised the warchief because he did not think that the humans had come to help, but it also angered him because It meant that the information they gave him was not correct. He decided that they should retreat. This made the chief of the Amani tribe anxious since without the help of the orcs his tribe will not be able to defeat the high elves. But the war chief did not care about this. Since his people came first and if the trolls were not going to help him, he preferred not to lose any more warriors. Asking the surviving orc, he realized that he was wearing worn armor. The war chief asked him his name. He said that he did not have it. This surprised Samuro. and the war chief also started to think that maybe he hit his head and this made him forget most of his memories, everyone in the chat was surprised at how realistic the war chief looked since in the game he looks more like an npc here they could see his expression and his skin with wounds quickly samura asked about the whereabouts of the witcher Guldan to the surviving orc he only said that he remembers seeing the leader of the witchers with other witchers taking the ships and setting sail to an unknown direction This angered the warchief because without the help of the warlocks he will have to return to the use of shamans, something that was impossible since in Draenor many of the shamans who communicated with the elemental forces, many of the elements were destroyed by fel magic. of the witches Therefore the shamans no longer had a power since they borrowed the elements. The war chief thought quickly and asked an ancient shaman to try to use the elements. He did so reluctantly because in his land Draenor drained the elements. They did not respond when trying to use the power of the earth element, he responded but it was only for a moment, it was as if something was oppressing him not to use his power. This surprised the nameless orc and even everyone in the chat, since in the game the shamans They easily use the powers of the elements but many explained that they also This was thanks to the help that was given to them and that they also remember that the defender and the one who best obtains the power of the Earth is Deathwing the Ancient Dragon now controlled by an Ancient God This surprised Gadon but he remembered that it will be like this or that it is already something that happened. The warchief did not pay attention to the orc he was meeting, therefore the orc only asked if they could give him something to eat. The warchief looked at him and said. Go to the camp quickly. Gadon went to the camp and saw several wounded orcs and others treating the wounds. He also saw food scattered among grain and meat. An orc who was there asked him if he could eat that, to which he replied that it was only a ration for the warriors. to which Gadon said that the orc fought, seeing that he was bruised and with wounds and broken armor. Gadon believed him. Gadon quickly consumed the food and then asked to go to the front to which an orc there told him that the warchief's orders are the retreat

To which Gadon could only say that they had not yet done much damage to the elves, the orc only looked at him and gave him a mocking smile since now without the witches they have no one to cast spells since they do not have Wizards or shamans who can help in this. Everyone in the chat realized that at this time most of the orcs depended on the warlocks. But now that the leader of the warlocks is gone, the warchief will not let the warlocks who stayed survive since he hated mostly to those who destroyed draenor since it was their land and now they have to be wandering looking for a place to call home Gadon realized this and decided not to ask anymore when the warchief gathered all the survivors he said that They have lost too much And now without the witches they will not be able to do much therefore he asked those who once used the elements to those who were once shamans to try to use the elements once again some orcs were surprised but others quickly tried to Summon the elements to see if they would really respond to them. Gadon stared and saw how some orcs could invoke the element of water, fire, and earth. This excited several shamans since it means that the elements have not abandoned them. Everyone in the chat also talked about the history of what will ever be the greatest shaman the war chief who is with the humans thrall today, gadon realized that he can go with the humans and save the one who will be the war chief But that will be for later Now he has to help the high elves so that they do not make the same mistakes they made in the game, many in the chat advised him to kill the traitor nobles. But this would only present suspicion and hatred towards him, everyone advised that he send the players to get more information Gadon He remembers that he gave missions but that no one completed the mission so he asked and everyone said that they were busy fighting that they did not worry about the mission until Ponpota told him that he did not complete the mission either because he wanted to go fight but that He had finished discovering the traitor nobles he has proof and this can help them make a name and meet the king quickly Gadon realized that the orcs were moving that meant they were going to leave the camp he also saw several trolls with one more Troll Tall was the chief of the Amani tribe talking to the war chief and some orc warriors. The chief gave him options, but the Troll became upset because the war chief did not keep his word, to which he only told him that he did what he could. but without the witches it will only be a battle of attrition and he does not intend to lose any more warriors for a fight that does not even belong to him. This bothered the troll and he told him that he will not help the orcs to which the war chief told him that he respects his decision and that if he ever changes his mind, go with him. The chief of the troll tribe only saw the orcs leave with his other warriors and saw an orc looking at him, something that he did not pay attention to since he thought that this orc does not know the Trolls, when he saw the orc approaching, the head of the Amani tribe only told him to get ready and he did not understand and he only saw the orc and go the other way. This surprised the leader of the Amani tribe, but he thought that some orcs no longer wanted to fight. who saw that many of them were only doing it out of respect for the war chief. Samuro saw the orc leave but did not pay attention to him as he thought he was devastated by the loss of his comrades. You also lost many of those he trained. Gadon quickly left. To the Windrunner village everyone was surprised to see an orc and Gadon realized that he had not changed. So he quickly told them in the orc language that he was an Ally but no one understood his language.

So everyone chased him to kill him, everyone in the chat laughed because he was going to die not for the enemies but for his Allies. Gadon quickly escaped and took advantage of a mistake on the part of his pursuers to change into a blood elf. Everyone was surprised to see him and asked him if He did not see an orc, so he pointed out a cave and everyone went to the cave, taking advantage of this. Gadon escaped and returned to Windrunner Villa. When he asked about the whereabouts of the Windrunner family, they told him that the mother and her sisters went with the king. The little brother was only told that he was in the house. Gadon tried to get closer but most of them did not know him so they did not allow him to enter the house. This disappointed several people in the chat because they wanted to see what it was like where Sylvanas Gadon once lived. He said goodbye to the residents of Villa Windrunner to go to his spy friend. When he did not find him, he realized that an event was happening since everyone was celebrating having banished the greenskins and the king was with him. Decorating the Windrunner family, Gadon could only see from afar and many in the chat were surprised at how realistic everything was. As he watched, he realized that someone hit him on the shoulder. This bothered Gadon and when he saw who it was, he realized that it was an elf with dark hair, everyone in the room. The chat was in an uproar because it was This will be wonderful as we see it. Then he saw that the elf withdrew, everyone in the chat tried to explain to Gando why she was there since she traveled to many alternate realities looking for allies and apparently she was looking for someone in that reality. Gadon thought she was looking for him. But since he only told her that means that he does not want him as an Ally, he only warned her that what she did could be dangerous but since it is not the line in which they live, there can be no problem or so Gadon thought in the chat they only told him that As there are several parallel lines there is no problem that an anomaly like him exists since if Xal'atath is here then Trust this timeline what made many in the chat anxious was the infinite flight These are the bronze flight but corrupted or so many believe since many of the infinite flight try to change realities becoming events that were supposed to happen that do not happen Gadon only started to think if he was an anomaly and the bronze flight still did not realize it is because he still Not much has changed about what will really happen, therefore you can change this timeline so that the catastrophes that occurred in the game do not occur, but everything will be done in its time.