
The Time I Got Bunny Locked

The story follows an 18 years old boy that befriends a bunny and go on fun and sometimes dangerous adventures.

Emil9514 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The Rabbit Kingdom: Part 3

Luminous laughs nervously as well and try to assure Luna's mother that their just friends. Luna's mother realizes the sensitivity of her comment and apologizes, clarifying, "Oh I'm sorry, it was just a joke. I'm glad to see Luna and you have become close friends."

Luna looks at Luminous with a tinge of sadness and disappointment as she hears him say that they are "just friends". This seems to be important to her and she feels hurt that he do not see their relationship as closer than "just friends".

Luminous can feel her emotions and sadness through their "Bond". Ane he is unsure what to say in response and feel awkward about the whole situation. Luna's mother invites us to join her for dinner but the Rabbit Soldiers interrupt Luna and her mother before they could accept the offer for dinner.

They tell both of them, "That can wait until later. For now, the two of you are coming with me to meet the elders." Luna looks at Luminous and is unsure about the summons for them to meet the Rabbit Kingdom's elders. Luminous is also curious and concerned about the reason for their sudden meeting with the elders.

Luna and Luminous exchange a confused look as the Rabbit Soldier leads them deeper into the Rabbit Kingdom. They have no idea what to expect and are preparing themselfs mentally for the upcoming meeting with the elders. The Rabbit Soldiers escort them both in front of a door. They tell them to enter, as the elders are waiting to meet them inside.

Luminous and Luna are a bit tense and nervous as they approach the door and prepare themselves for the meeting with the elders. Luna has no idea what to expect and wonder what the elders wants to discuss with them about.

They take their chances and prepare to walk through the door, ready to receive the wisdom and guidance of the elders. Luna walks through the door and Luminous follows closely behind, feeling a sense of anticipation and curiosity about what he is about to hear. As Luminous and Luna enter the room, anticipating a meeting with the elders, They see no one in sight.

Luminous look around and feel a bit of confusion and concern. Before them there are three chairs belonging to the elders. Maybe the elders have already left or are in another room. Luna looks a bit worried about the situation and Luminous can sense her anxiety through the "Bond". He trys to reassure Luna that he will figure out what the elders want and that everything will be fine.

She looks at him with uncertainty and a sense of urgency, as she wonders when the elders will appear. They suddenly see an older rabbit appear behind Luna grab her breasts, causing Luna to yell out in surprise and slap the elder's face.

Luminous rush over to Luna and stand between her and the older rabbit, as he feel a sense of anger and concern. Luminous look at the rabbit, furious and ready to protect Luna to the best of his abilities. The older rabbit chuckles and then tells them he is one of the three elders of this kingdom.

Luna continues to be furious at the elder Rabbit's inappropriate and disrespectful behavior towards her. She asks him to explain why he grabbed her breasts and violated her privacy and personal boundaries. She is not letting the elder Rabbit get away with his inappropriate gesture. Luminous stand beside Luna and wait for the elder Rabbit's response to her question. The elder Rabbit appears unapologetic and unbothered by Luna's outrage at his inappropriate behavior.

He continues to look at them both with a sense of curiosity and interest, as he explains his action. He says, "I did that because it was the fastest way to confirm if you had the bond. Well that, and I love breasts." Luna feels an uncomfortable sense of embarrassment as she realize the elder Rabbit was not as concerned about the "Bond", but rather his own personal desire. The elder rabbit introduced himself as "Kurt" , the third seat of the elders.

Luminous responded with an angry tone in his voice "so why have you called us here". Kurt tells them to go home and wait for a summoning because the other elder is busy right now and can't attend. Luminous and Luna, not saying much, walk off with anger in their steps.

Later that night, after the meeting with the elders and everything that happened, Luna knocks on Luminous door. This catches him a bit off guard, as she seems to have some urgent matter to discuss with you. Luminous feels a bit of curiosity and uncertainty as he welcome Luna into his room and ask her, "Luna, what is it? Is something wrong?" he looks at her with concern and anticipation as she prepares to tell him what is on her mind.

Luna enters Luminous room and she appears to be nervous and anxious to tell him something. She seems hesitant to speak and he wait for her to tell him what she wants to say. After a short pause, Luna finally speaks up and tells him, "Luminous, I want us to be more than just friends, what you said at the gate earlier today saddened me."

He looks at her with surprise and curiosity, as he were not expecting her to say this. Luminous thinks to himself, "This is a big step in our friendship, are we ready for it." Luna continues to explain her feelings and her thoughts to him. She says, "After thinking a bit more deeply about it, I realize that I want us to be more than just friends. I want us to be...I want us to be together."

She hesitates to speak further, as she feels shy and vulnerable about her feelings. She admits, "I know this is a big step in our friendship, and I am unsure if we are ready for this. However, I cannot deny what my heart wants and I am certain that I want us to be more than just friends." With a reassuring smile Luminous returns Luna's feelings and agrees to take the next step in their friendship.

Luna smiles at his response as she realizes that her feelings are reciprocated. She is happy that he feels the same way and agree to take it to the next step. She takes Luminous hands and hugs him, embracing each other in a warm and loving way.

She says, "This makes me so happy. I know that we have been friends for a while now and I never thought that this day would come. But now that it has, I am looking forward to seeing where this leads and how our relationship develops. All I know is that I feel close and connected to you and I am excited about the future."

Luna grabs your face and leans in for a kiss, taking Luminous by surprise but also filling him with delight. YHe feel Luna's lips on his lips, as her touch and affection towards him is tangible and intense. their hearts are beating quickly and their feelings towards each other are amplified as he experience this intimate moment together.

Luna is filled with passion and desire towards Luminous, as she holds onto him tightly during the kiss. She feels his love and admiration for him, As they feel the depth of their connections and bond that they built up till this moment. As their lips touch, they can both hear a voice in their head say, "Conditions have been met, New skill Soul link".