
The Time I Got Bunny Locked

The story follows an 18 years old boy that befriends a bunny and go on fun and sometimes dangerous adventures.

Emil9514 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Rabbit Kingdom: Part 2

Both of them look forward to the adventures ahead and feel a sense of excitement at the possibilities that lie in wait. As Luminous and Luna are sleeping in the rented house in the town, They are suddenly awoken by the sound of glass shattering and Luna screaming.

Luminous jumps up out of bed and rush to see what the cause of the commotion is. He sees a group of Rabbits breaking into the house and rushing towards Luna. Luminous quickly jump into action to protect Luna from the Rabbits, as they try to grab her and take her away.

Luminous fight off the Rabbits and manage to keep them from taking Luna away. He feels a rush of adrenaline and a sense of worry as he protects Luna from harm. Luna yells at Luminous, "Do not fight them! These rabbits are part of the elite Rabbit Warrior Squad and are way too strong for us."

Luminous are surprised and shocked by Luna's warning. He quickly assess the situation and realize that she is correct. The Rabbits are indeed strong and formidable opponents. He decides to follow Luna's suggestion and Luminous try to come up with an alternate plan to prevent the Rabbits from taking Luna away.

Luminous recall the incident with the Cyclops and remember that fighting was not the best option in that situation. Fighting should be a last resort and there are often other ways to handle a situation. They both decide to try to negotiate with the Rabbits and see if there is a way for them to leave Luna alone.

Luminous hopes that he can convince them not to take Luna away with words instead of force. He trys everything to negotiate with the Rabbits, but they will not yield. Luminous are running out of options and time. In a last effort, He yells out to them, reminding them that the two of Them are "bonded", and that taking only one of them will kill both.

This statement seems to have an effect on the Rabbits, as they fall back and hesitate to take any action. They look at each other and seem to weigh their options. Luminous and Luna hold their breath and wait to see how the Rabbits will respond.

The Rabbit Warriors say, "If that is truly true, then we are bringing you both before the Elders of the Rabbit Kingdom." The Rabbits seem reluctant to harm the two of them, now knowing that doing so may kill them. They decide that they will take Both Luna and Luminous before the Elders of the Rabbit Kingdom and let them decide if their lying or not.

Luminous and Luna are relieved that they have decided not to harm them, but are still concerned for what may happen when both are brought in front of the Elders. The Rabbit Soldiers pull out a scroll from their bags and announce, "Teleportation Scroll: Activate!" Luminous and Luna look at each other in surprise and wonder what is going to happen.

They are both curious and anxious to see where this teleportation scroll will take Them. Luminous are ready for anything and are prepared for what may come. He hopes for the best, but he also prepare for the worst.

Luminous and Luna feel the strange power of the teleportation scroll as it engulfs them in a bright white light. They suddenly find themself standing in front of a strange gate in the middle of a forest. The teleportation scroll has transported them to the rabbit kingdom.

Luminous feels a sense of wonder and amazement, as he try to take in his new surroundings. Luna looks around at the strange forest and gate and they both feels an aura of mystery and curiosity as they look around and contemplate the next step they should take. Luminous looks back at the Rabbit Soldiers and wonder what will happen now. Luna recognizes the entrance to the Rabbit Kingdom and has some foreknowledge of what this location means.

She has never personally seen this entrance before, as she was never allowed to venture this far from the main temple. Both of them see the Rabbits standing in front of the strange gate, looking at him both with a sense of uncertainty and curiosity.

Luminous looks to Luna to see how she will respond to this situation, as she is the only one who knows what lies ahead. The Rabbit Soldiers loudly yell at the gate keeper, "Open the gates!" The Rabbit Soldiers are commanding the gatekeeper to open the gates and allow them to enter the Rabbit Kingdom.

Luminous look around at the strange gate and forest, as they both wait for the gatekeeper to open the doors. He wonders how the Rabbits will treat him, as both prepare for what may happen. Luna feels a sense of anticipation and uncertainty as she waits for the gates to open.

As the gates open, Luminous sees a big and furry bunny run towards them both with arms wide open and tears in their eyes. The big bunny then leaps on top of Luna and hugs her tightly. Luna seems surprised by the warm and loving embrace, but she smiles and hugs the bunny back, as she is happy to see a familiar face.

Luminous also feel a sense of camaraderie and comfort in seeing Luna being greeted by a friend. It seems that this bunny is someone in the Rabbit Kingdom who has come to welcome Luna back home. Luna looks up at the big bunny and cries out with a sad voice, "I'm back mother." This statement from Luna reveals that the big bunny is her mother.

She has returned to her home and has been greeted by her mother, who was likely worried and has missed her greatly. Luminous stands nearby and see how Luna interacts with her mother. The two share a warm and emotional reunion, as they embrace and Luna cries out with a sense of sadness and pain, but also of joy and relief.

As Luna is greeted by her mother and the two share a deep and emotional reunion, Luminous feel Luna's emotions through your "Bond". He feels her sadness and pain as she returns to her home for the first time in a while, and he also feels a sense of joy and relief in seeing her reunited with her mother and returning home.

Luminous feels connected to Luna and empathic to her situation and feelings. he feels as though he is right there with her, sharing her emotions and experiences. He realizes the depth of their "Bond" with Luna and its power and significance.

Luna finally introduces Luminous to her mother, as the two share a deep and meaningful reunion. She says, "Mom, I would like you to meet my friend. This is Luminous." Luminous steps forward and offer a friendly wave and smile to Luna's mother.

He feels some sense of awkwardness in being introduced to a parent for the first time, especially since Luna is his precious friend. He is curious about what her mother thinks of him and what the two of them will say about him.

Luna looks to luminous and awaits his introduction to her mother. He steps forward and introduce himself to Luna's mother. He takes the initiative and speak with confidence, as he explain who he are and tell her about his "Bond" with Luna.

Luna's mother greets luminous with kindness and curiosity, as she is eager to learn more about the relationship between him and Luna and the "Bond" that they share. She looks at Luna and asks, "What a nice friend you have found Luna. Tell me about your "Bond" with Luminous." Luna is proud to have introduced luminous to her mother and is happy that they are finally meeting.

Luna's mother seems to be a lighthearted individual, as she playfully jokes with luminous about his relationship with Luna. She says, "So when are you and Luna getting married?" Luna is startled by this question and looks at him, feeling embarrassed that her mother would make a joke about such a serious topic.