
The Three Faces of Null

"This is a story of about an entire race how they grew to be so powerful and what they did with that power to earn themselves different nicknames showcasing both their kind but also powerful strength that was before a single member folly lead to the once peaceful race going on a quest for conquest around several galaxies from hundreds of millennials. The hate, curses and prayer for their destruction which they accumulated from the denizen of thousands of different worlds they have invaded harassed an oppress was finally heard and answered The prayers awoke a nightmare, a terrible concept, an illusion, an impossibility to rain down wrath upon them which spread to their younger generation has they must fulfil a certain goal to finally free themselves and the next generations from this being's wrath. This is my first book ever, so I would like to hear your opinions and thoughts on the novel."

Tempest12e · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
91 Chs


I observed Toko sitting on a flat metal surface he had placed on the hot sand instead of directly on the ground. He seemed unfazed by the conversation between General Joheki and me, displaying signs of boredom. This made me chuckle inwardly, prompting me to question whether my confidence had grown too much or if I had always been this audacious—challenging generals and believing I could easily face opponents like Toko or Kedi. Perhaps this mindset began when I became the youngest in our history to ascend to Juda: Emperor level.

Upon reflecting on my past encounters, I realized that my pride and accolades might have clouded my judgment. While I had witnessed Toko's unrestrained fighting abilities as a child, none of us had engaged in such intense battles since then. Despite our intense training sessions where we pushed each other to the limit, we never truly went all out. I understood the dangers of a real unrestrained fight.

As General Joheki wanted to continue his explanation, a commanding voice interrupted, revealing Aleazm unscathed and understanding the situation. The chief glanced at Joheki, Toko, and me, signaling his comprehension of the situation. He declared that the discussion would continue at home, and we silently made our way back.

During the journey, I pondered whether I would emerge victorious in a genuine, unrestrained fight against Toko. Reflecting on past events and combining them with my current knowledge, it became evident that my chances of winning were less than 'okay'.

Toko, known by many names such as "The Prodigy" and "A True Genius," remained mostly calm and relaxed. On the other hand, I was simply referred to as "The Talented." In the past, he was the reason why full-strength powers had to be restrained. Among the three of us—Secretary Hisho, Spokeswoman Kedi, and myself—Toko had always been the strongest, even before my recent promotion to Juda: Emperor level.

I remember how effortlessly he defeated both Hisho and Kedi individually, and even when they teamed up against him, he emerged victorious. Despite having to exert his full power, the collateral damage from his abilities was immense, nearly killing those of us of lower rank, as well as his opponents Hisho and Kedi. With his unique control over the metal element, which seemed omnipresent, the devastation he could cause when focused on defeating an opponent was staggering.

Only through the intervention of the Grand Elder, whose domain protected our small oasis, was Toko's destructive power contained. Although that was in the past, there is uncertainty about whether he has become even stronger now, with better control and experience than before.

As we approached our home, the chief instructed us to ensure everyone and everything was safe, providing me with the additions they made to my excuse, shifting blame onto the Grand Elder. Rumors circulated that the Grand Elder had grown stronger and ventured out to test his new strength, leading to jokes about his behavior resembling that of a child. The villagers, seemingly unaware of the danger, resumed their daily lives as if nothing had happened.

Reflecting on the situation, I marveled at the villagers' ignorance and their return to normalcy. After being summoned to the sanctuary, I took a deep breath as I made my way there, contemplating different explanations that could be given for our predicament.

The first image of the crater has described is in chapter 65 comment section, the second would be in this chapter comment section check it out

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