
Hired To Kill or Steal

The bustling streets of a city in the land of dawn became lively because of a festival. It was surely not that much likely for such places to be joyful, for there were always conflicts; but today was a special one.

Everyone kept talking about "The unite" or "515". Children kept singing songs, going around chanting"bang bang". It was indeed a very joyful, packed, place, if you were to ignore the constant fighting.

Although, everyone might be having thier fun, one, however would find a way to get his own fun. Up on the roof of a building, he crouched looking at the people down. He wore his signiture smirk, that matched his playful features.

He was the so called "Thief king, Claude"

"Look at them, Dexter. All so happy!" He exclaimed at his parter. Everyone always had rumors saying he had a beautiful maiden as his partner, but that was just all a false. In fact, he did have a partner, only it wasn't a maiden. It was monkey. His best friend of course.

"Look over there! Some precious jewels, I see. Shall we, Dexter?" He grinned, standing up as he ran and jumped to another rooftop, in which was closer to the jewel merchant. He, however had no idea what this thief king was planning.

"Jewels! Jewelry! Rings and necklaces! Bracelets, my lady? My lord? Would you love to buy?" The merchant exclaimed.

The thief jumped down with a playful aura, and aproached the merchant. "Hmm... Well, sir, I would like to borrow a few of these, if you dont mind." He said as he picked up a handful of both hands. The merchant was speechless but was fules by anger and fear. Everyone knew who the thief king was, everyone was eithee mad or scared of him. He has always escaped of what he wanted to get, and he was never afraid of being caught at all, hence the situation at the moment. The S.A.B.E.R. Squad hired by the police cant even handle this guy, nor can Bruno who was skilled, given the gift of this mechanical limbs, not even the great scientist Dr. Rooney. No one can stop this young teen.

The streets began to quiet down as the thief king filled his pockets with everything he can, before the S.A.B.E.R. squad came to view. Rafaela, the savior of the squad, flew into the sky and saw him. "I've got visual on him! Johnson!" She called.

Not long after a car of somewhat drove in and chased Claude. On that truck was a man, known as Saber. Its kinda ironic that his "name" was Saber, and was part of the S.A.B.E.R. squad, its like he was named for it.

He opened the window and jumped on top of johnson, ready to launch at Claude. Just as he launched at him, someone jumped infront of Saber and stopped him with a dagger. It was no normal dagger, but rather special, and everyone knew whose family this belonged to—The Paxleys. This guy wasn't alone though, more jumped infront him blocking his view of Claude.

Claude kept running, and didn't mind these guys. As he turned a corner, he bumped to someone. Clad in a cloak of the color of cream, face hidden in the shadow of the hood. "Are you the thief king?" He asked. His voice sounded very hipnotic, deep but serene. It carried a peaceful vibe to it. Even with the cloak on him, the daggers on his waist were very visible. He was also in the Paxley's, although was more mysterious.

"Look man, I'm tryna have a game here, so tell your guys to step out of my game or they'll suffer as well, and yes, I am the Thief King." Claude said with a prideful tone. Dexter hanged from his shoulder looking at the mysterious man infront of them.

" I need to talk to you. Dont worry, my men will be fine." The man said as he turned his back on Claude and walked away. Claude followed him, because he felt that he had to. "Alright, talk then!" Exclaimed Claude. The man stopped walking as they were far enough into the alleyway. He turned to look at Claude and heaved a sigh. "Claude, we would like to hire to for a job." It was more like a demand than a favor. His tone was serious.

Claude chuckled and replied with a grin, "Sorry, but I dont do jobs."

"You will, because it includes payment and any conditions you may add. The Paxley family will handle it." The man persuaded. Claude chuckled as he leaned on the wall. "Alright, Alright. First, my conditions. You guys clear my name out all the while I am borrowing a lot of things. You guys reward me with the greatest artifacts, that I shall grade whether to accecpt or decline it. So, what's the job I'm gonna do?" He straightforwardly said. He was demanding this, because he was just kidding.

"Alright then, consider those done. Your job is... To kidnap somebody and bring him to the Paxley, you are only aloud 3 months to find and bring him. Your reward is to our leader." The man replied. Claude was about to step out, but the man continued, "His name is Gusion Paxley, a fuggitive of ours. He has slaughtered many of our elders and hold dark magic which is not aloud in our family. Find him and bring him to us. He needs to be punished."

Claude stopped and thought to himself. Was this really worth it? Kidnapping somebody? Hmmm..... I dont care, I'm just gonna peace this out. I dont need this. "Alright.... Sure....ly not. I am not kidnapping somebody. Nope! Not in this time of my life!" Claude shouted as he threw his arms in the air and turned around to leave. However, the men from before that stopped the S.A.B.E.R. squad were now infront him. "Do it or die, thief king." The man threatened, now a dagger in his hand, pointing at Claude's back.

Claude turned around and faced him, his grin was replaced with seriousness. "Alright... Fine. Looks like you dont want the easy way here. I'll do it, but you have to give me freedom as I do this. And! I am not going to murder someone." Claude admitted defeat. He didn't want a fight right now.

"Very well. Make sure you dont go behind our backs, or, you will bw sufferkng consequences."


"Tch. stupid idiots. Didn't even give me a clue to where this "Gusion" guy is. Who the hell is he anyway?!" Claude murmured to himself as Dexter looked at him. "Whadya think, bud?" Dexter had a look of thinking and then his eyes landed on the bounty board a few meters away from them. Currently they were in the city square where more bounties were posted.

"Hm. You think he goes taking on bounties? Good thinkkng Bud!" Claude smiled and decided to wait till this Gusion guy came. Well, they didn't really need to wait too long, sincw suddenly some brown haired guy, who wore a purple scarf, carrying daggers came. He looked really handsome from his features, adding up a serious monotone face and some dark eyes. He looked more like a prince than an assassin.

"Is that him, perhaphs? Well! Looks like my job is pretty easy!" Claude grinned in satisfaction and ran towards Gusion. Not caring about his existence at all, since he could just get away with it.

When he was finally behind Gusion, he grabbed by the neck, locking him, and Dexter grabbed his dagger away from him, Claude then held his hands by back, securing him from movkng at all. "You must be Gusion Paxley, are you not?" He asked.

"Who in the hell are you?" Gusion spat as he struggled from the strong grip of Claude. "Oh I dont know, The thief king perhaps? You look quite cute actually, up close." Claude shamelessly answered. "You've been watching me? What the-- You damn stalker!" Gusion yelled. Although, the thief king could only chuckle at his behavior. "Look here, I'm just doing a job here, given by some dude in your family, so just comply." After Claude finished his statement, he knocked Gusion out with a grin.

Of course, he wasn't gonna go and hand him over already. The game just begun, why would he just surrender? They may have given him a job, forcefully putting him in it, so, he better make a game out of it. Since it was too early for him to hand in Gusion to the Paxleys, he'll have his fun for now. Surely, this wasn't going behind their backs, but precaution. He knew very well that they might not comply to his conditions, so, he will also simply not comply to theirs. He's the thief king, and was proud of it, just following thier orders will make his pride go down.

"Hehe... Lets see how good you play this game, Paxleys... May our game begin."