

It was night when Gusion woke up from unconsiousness. Currently, he was chained to a pole. It was a pleasant house, that he was in, guessing that he was in a small house in the woods, through the window. "So you're awake, at last." Said a voice. He looked infront him, and saw a young man on the sofa sitting, and looking at him. Beside the man was a monkey. The man handsome, but full of trickery. This confused Gusion greatly, questions such as "Where am I?", "Who is this guy?", or "What does this guy want?" were running in his head. That was when reality hit him hard, and he remembered back at the square. He was brought here, no, kidnapped here.

"Aww? Why the face? Scared? haha!" Claude chuckled. It wasn't dark, but Gusion had chills. "Wh-Why did you bring me here?! What for?!" He yelled, he struggled to get up, but the chains held him down. "No need to scream. I can hear you perfectly.... Jeeze, you'll get someone to turn deaf." Claude complained as he stood up from where he sat. It was funny that he sat there for hours and waited for Gusion to gain his senses.

He walked towards Gusion and crouched, facing him, "You're family is looking for you, I was just forced to do this. Trust me, its nothing personal." He grinned. Gusion looked at him, and asked, "Really? Just really?" It was sarcastic of some sort that made Claude laugh. "You had kidnap somebody for money?!" Gusion complained. Fury rose to his face as he yelled at the man. "Look, blame that guy with a peacock dagger who forced me into this! Dont yell at me!" Claude yelled back at him as he stood up and grunted.

He sat back down om the sofa, covering his face with his palm and leaned, as if showing disappointment. He sighed and said, "Just... dont worry. I'm not gonna hand you in, just yet. I have things planned. I only have 3 months to hand you in, but thats not gonna happen. I just need your cooperation. I was lucky I found you today, so that I can have enough time to execite my plan." Gusion was stunned. This guy was not gonna cooperate with the Paxleys? Well, I'm amazed of how confident he is. Gusion thought as he looked at Claude.

Claude stood up and straighten his wrinkled clothes and walked away, before stopping by the door of his bedroom, "My name's Claude, by the way, and there are blankets behind you, if you ever need them." He said before he entered his bedroom.

"Thanks... Atleast..." Gusion mumbled.



Gusion shot right up after hearing a loud thud. He looked at the kitchen which was in view, just over the counter. "Dammit. Everytime..." Claude cursed as he picked up what he dropped. A box of cereal.

When he picked it up, and stood up, he set the box on the counter and coincidentaly looked at Gusion. "Sorry if I woke you." He apologized and leaned on the counter, crossing his elbows to lean on.

Gusion looked at him, analyzing him until he looked away. Why, you ask? Well, hw saw him shirtless. He wasn't used to seeing strangers half naked, especially early in the morning.

Claude looked at him confused at his reaction, but then smirked. "So, you dont like seeing half naked men? Why, aren't you a man yourself?" He asked as he leaned on a pole next to the counter, revealing himself to Gusion. He was knly wearing shorts and his hair was still messy. Dexter was on the counter eating bananas.

"Well... I'm not used to seeing strangers half naked shamelessly, unless they are in a resort." He still didn't look at him, for he was, well, shy enough. Lets say, Claude didn't intentionally do this, he was too used sleeping half naked, and used to being with only him and Dexter.

Claude chuckled at his reaction and walked towards him. After that, he crouched down to his hieght and made him face him. "You look at me. You're gonna have to get used to this; I dont mind, but you do." He said. Gusion glared at him, and thoight of looking at his eyebrows, than any part of his body. It was an awkward position, but, what can he do? His daggers are across the room, he was chained down, and there's a half naked man infront him. "Fine... Just go do your business... This is getting a little too awkward."

"Good boy." Claude spoke as he stood and went back to the kitchen.

"Oh, almost forgot! Bud, go free him. We're leaving today, going on a trip to meet a friend of mine. He could help us. I hope..." He added as he gaze Dexter a key. Dexter climbed and swung his way to Gusion and went behind him, unlocking the chains from him.

Unusual, some may say, Claude wasn't too afraid Gusion could stab him in the back—literally. He can't navigate through the woods, and Claude memorizes the woods, better than anyone.

"Who is this... "friend" of yours?" Gusion asked curiously. He rubbed his wrists from the tjngling sensation. Being chained really isn't pleasant.

"Oh, dont worry about that. I just hope he does help us..." Claude answered as he ate his cereal. "Oh, and please do eat breakfast." He continued.

"Al...right...? But, can you--"

"No, I will not put on a shirt until I finish eating and taking a bath. I may be a thief, but I am still a man who needs to take care od myself. You should consider that, princey." Claude didn't let Gusion finish his sentence and continued eating his cereal.

Gusion shrugged and grabbed a bowl, poured some cereal and milk, and ate with him. It was awkward, since, he was eating with his captor, and this guy really looks like he doesn't care about whatever he does. It was way too carefree.


After finishing breakfast and an awkward bath by the spring, they set off to Claude's friend. Gusion was still wondering who, Claude was still too carefree, but didn't give Gusion his daggers.

Would "he" really help Claude in his plans though?

At first I wondered what to put next, I wanted to put that Gusion and Claude were friends before and that Gusion scolded Claude for kidnapping for money, but it sounded way too cringey. It takes away the fun!!

I alao made a BL story (ClauSion) like this in wattpad, but I didn't publish it because I was too lazy. WAAAAYYYY TOO LAZY. Yes there were sexual scenes, and that isn't like this. This is just about being how they became friends, which connects to my other upcoming work; Death's Composer.

ItsOKeicreators' thoughts