
More about Eos

In the green fields near Elias's cabin, the cattle grazed on the dense grass. The young shepherd sat his tall figure on a boulder amidst the clearing. His feathery companion perched upon his hooked staff, looking vigilantly at the surrounding. She along with Elias, were having a conversation to which only they were privy to.

[Can you tell me again how it felt, Eset?]

[Yes, well I heard the food…crystal call for me. The moment I ate it, I felt warm, very warm. It was good at first, but soon it was too hot, I felt like my body was burning.

After that, just when the pain in my body eased, a pain in my head began…]

Eset ranted about her experience as Elias watched on with a pained look. The young boy had taken care of her and watched her grow into the beautiful owl hen before him.

Struggle was all too present on his youthful face as he fought back the urge to grab the small bird and smother her with his hugs and kisses.

Oblivious to his anguish, Eset was still in the midst of her dialogue.

[… A huge amount of information entered my head, a lot of them about space magic and how to wield it. It was like the crystal told me what to do... I wanted to try it, so I concentrated on my magic like it said and imagined myself on your shoulder.]

Elias looked at his companion fondly as he pat her head and brushed the gem on her face gently.

[Does it still hurt?] Asked the concerned young shepherd.

[Not at all, it feels like… it's always been a part of me.]

Elias and Eset stayed silent after that, simply gazing at the cattle.

Occasionally, Elias would fight off some predators looking to nab a sheep or two.

The routine behavior was cut short as Eset asked a difficult question, throwing Elias completely off guard.

[Elias, why am I not like the other owls? They are all with their mothers at my age, and they all look white.]

Elias's heart dropped so low, it almost forgot to keep on beating.

'Is this how parents feel when kids ask how babies are made?'

[W-Well, give me a second.]

A sharp spike with a shiny greyish tip protruded out the earth and stabbed a wolf in the abdomen, raising it a few meters in the air before its dead body slid down, painting the spike red.

Elias turned the ground onto quick sand swallowing the bodies of the wolves he killed, burying them beneath the earth.

The Earth turned back into its normal state and Elias returned to the boulder where Eset pierced a snake's head with her talons.

[What brought on these questions?]

Elias fiddled nervously with his ring, scared of hurting Eset's feelings.

[Eating that crystal did not just give me the ability to communicate with humans, and to teleport. Ever since that day, many things I haven't thought about before popped into my head… I discovered that there are things I like and other I don't. I wanted to discover more about myself. What is this world? What is magic? What is out there beyond this small village? What exists other than just hunting and surviving?!]

Eset's small body heaved up and down as she panted.

The young boy looked at her display in worry. He took a deep breath before picked up the intelligent owl and looked her straight into her deep black eyes.

[Does it feel better getting it off your chest?]

[…Much better]

Eset hooted softly as her wings receded from her face that she hid timidly.

[Let's see, where to start. Well Eset, let me tell you more about this world]


I spent the rest of the day explaining this world's mysteries to Eset. I imparted her all the knowledge that I have cultivated all these years. The continents, Gods, Empires… All that and much more.

The little owl was very curious, a trait I only expected cats to have. She asked intelligent questions I would only expect a smart human to inquire about.

'Well, that's racist of me I guess. Sometimes Earth's common sense takes over. '

There are a plethora of races in Eos, they are almost uncountable. Some have built their own civilizations and do not conform to the two biggest Empires of Acacia.

The Elves and dwarves for example, have their own kingdoms and territories away from human influence. Not only them, but the various Intelligent Aeter beasts that have their own forms of society hidden around in the world and many creatures of myth-from my world- that reside in hidden territories.

In general Aeter beasts do not mingle with humanoid races, but with others f their own. Thus not much is written about them, at least in the books that I have read.

However, Elves and Dwarves, while isolationists as well, still do interact with humans and each other. The nature of our continent dictates that those with the strongest influence cross paths.

While smaller in number, both the Elf and the Dwarf kingdoms are just as capable as the human empires combined, some argue that they are stronger.

The elves live in Myrkviðr, the largest forest in the whole Acacia continent. According to the illustrations, the forest is a very dark forest providing plenty protection and advantage to the native elves. There, the elves built their kingdom, Alfheimr; a beautiful expanse of complex and elegant architectural masterpiece.

Their society is hierarchical, like that of the humans and dwarves, yet very different for one particular reason; the tree of life.

Their whole existence, is centered on the world tree of life, Yggdrasil. It is said that the first of the elves were birthed from the branches of the tree and given breath. Later on, nature took its course and the elves multiplied naturally increasing their number.

Those who rule the kingdom now, are those who have the purist of elf blood, the purist of Yggdrasil's nectar, are those of the royal family, and the guardians of the tree.

The books said that they are the direct descendants of two of the first elves who walked Eos.The royal family of elves are naturally the strongest, seeing that the tree and the forest are interconnected. The elves draw power from the tree, and the forest, providing them with not only extraordinary Aeter reserves, but a pretty strong home field advantage.

The rest of the nobles, or per their society's terminology "High elves" are those with the highest merit and contribution to the tree and their kingdom.

'Well that and blood purity, I think they're…racist.'

The world tree, while the presumed origin of the elves not only acts as their spiritual God, but as a bridge between two realms; the God realms and Acacia.

According to their lore, the world tree of life was present on Acacia before even the Norse gods whom the elves also worship even existed.

'No dark and light elves though, they are all of grey complexion and white hair. Completely blending in with the environment in Myrkviðr; the dark woods.'

The elves were generally lithe, tall and long eared, traits only adding to their ethereal beauty. They excelled in any dexterous effort making them brilliant artisans; their enamoring architecture is only a glimpse of their prodigious skill. In addition to their physical talents, it is worthy to mention that they might be the strongest magic users on Eos.

Just figured I'd add that in, seems important, no?

The dwarves on the other hand are just as mythology back on earth described them; stout, and burly. The dwarves are known for their endurance, strength and vitality. They take power from their land and territory, granting them a very long life span and a ridiculously overpowered source of strength and strategic advantage.

They live in Nidavelldir, no, not the realm in Norse mythology, much to my surprise, but a mountain range. Inside Nidavelldir, the dwarves built cities of glorious grandeur contending only with the beautiful complexity of elven architecture; the kingdom of Himinbjorg. And much like the elves, the dwarven royal family are those of the strongest connection to Nidavellir, the guardians of the mountain.

The Dwarves are a warrior race of ferocious tenacity and strength, but what really makes them stand out is their advancement in technology and weaponry.

The bastards are excellent blacksmiths and builders; there exists not a single weapon, armor, or any instrument of war and combat that has not been perfected by these tire less race of workers.

'Well, there is the endless debate of beauty over efficiency.'

Both the elven and dwarven kingdoms possess great advancement in technology. But you see, there is an ageless debate between the elves and dwarves over the efficiency of the piece forged and the beauty of it. The dwarves believe that efficiency is superior to beauty, while the elves believe the opposite.

'In my opinion, go to a dwarf blacksmith, and an elven artisan; the best of both worlds'

Well, who am I to judge? I'm just your average five year old…but with magic and combat skills that can kill literal magical bears.