
Start Of The Feaersome Duo

"Now Eset!"

A black owl with white stars splattered across her pitch black feathers and a majestic circlet of deer like antlers stood atop a shepherd's staff anchored in the ground. The staff was held to the earth by a silvery material spiraling from the ground and gripping it firmly.

At the notion of her featherless friend, the owl's gem glowed brightly, the hew of which covered the antlers like mist, a mist of Aeter.

[On it Elias!


Once the chant was completed the mist enveloped Elias's body and an earth puppet nearby one of the wolves threatening the cattle. With a crack in the surrounding space, Elias and the rock switched places!

Appearing right beside his opponent, the young man twirled his staff then thrust it with force, breaking the wolf's neck.

"Pheww, that was good Eset, but the spell needs more work. The mist is a hindrance and so is the cracking in space.

Just imagine! Instantaneous technique, what a frightening attack we would have"

{Don't worry, I am Eset the mighty owl. I'll have it perfected in no time}

The owl puffed her feathery chest from atop the shepherd's staff and gloated to her human companion.

"Oh shut it, you're lucky Aeter beast magic works differently than humanoid race's magic. If you had to deal with the runes and conjuration time you would not have been that proud."

Scoffing at the little owl, Elias buried the carcasses into the earth and retracted the material holding the shepherd's staff in place, making the owl lose balance

'How'd you like that, little diva'

Flustered, Eset waved her wings around in panic before teleporting with a burst of violet mist onto Elias's shoulder.

The owl angrily stared at him and poised her antlers at his eye.

[You did that on purpose didn't you?]

With raise hands Elias moved his head away from the scary white antlers.

"H-hey take it easy, did what on purpose?"


Walking back to his cabin, Elias guided his cattle and bickered with his little friend contentedly. Yet, the conversation was private, only occurring in their minds making those who look at them wonder what secretive information they are sharing.

All of a sudden the owl on the boy's shoulder raised her wings and began a feathery assault on her 'perch's' face.

[I-I told you, I just need more time to grow. I'M NOT SMALL!!]

[Okay, okay you're not. Just put down those litt… wings.]

Coughing up feathers, Elias made his way into the house and knocked on his father's door.

"Hey dad, are you there? I have something to show you"




"Still out huh?"

[He's not here yet Eset. Let's hit the books]

With a hoot and a flutter of wings, the owl left the boy's shoulder and landed on a chair's arm.

"HAAHHAHAHA, well some one's eager."


Runes, arrays, spells. Eset and I spent much of the afternoon and the preceding evening studying the tomes.

Every once in a while, Father would come back and dump books and tomes of every kind on the shelves in the living room.

Through reading them, I have almost perfected the basic attack spells I came up with and learned some more as well.

Eset too, with my help she learned three spells. {Teleposition}, {Telepathy}, and my personal favorite {Short Teleportation}

{Teleposition} is a spell that allows two objects of desire to switch places, of course within a certain distance limit.

{Short Teleportation} is just as it sounds, teleporting one's self or another object of interest a short distance; currently five meters.

And well {Telepathy} is how we are able to communicate with each other.

Aside from working on individual spells, being a true citizen of earth, and a man of culture, we worked on combinations together. Teleposition was the most versatile spell we could work with, truly a masterpiece of a spell. Not to pat my own back, but it was my idea.

'Different elements though, that was the real game changer.'

Yes, that was my new project.

Ever since my father demonstrated that the use of the other basic elements was possible, I became obsessed with fusing them with my earth element.

Using the other elements alone might prove to be a hassle except when used for very specific tasks, thus I concluded that I might as well experiment with fusion magic; and what a brilliant idea it was.

What I discovered, was that one cannot use different forms of magic, but only the other four basic elements.

'Disappointing, but the situation is not hopeless.'

Through fusion magic, I achieved different results; some, forms of manipulation, others conjuration.

'Although, with enough creativity and science both could work just the same.'

For example, fusing the fire element and my earth one birthed magma, fusing water and earth turned the environment into a quicksand.

Going About casting these spells could go differently. I could either conjure the fire, and mold it to the earth to produce magma; spending more Aeter.

But, I could also use the heat from deep underground to form the magma; less Aeter spent, yet it requires more time to focus on minute Aeter control.

I could go on and on about the fusion magic results and my discoveries, but there is something that takes precedent.

I finally found the last piece missing from the 'Terra affinity'. The affinity itself was the indication for my magic, hidden in plain sight. It was stupid of me not to realize this before, but I guess the events that took place did not give me too much leeway to explore my magic at a slow pace.


That was the secret to my magic. Plants.

And yeah, it sounds lame and inconsequential to the inexperienced mind, but that branch of magic is not only completely underestimated-wrongfully so- but it is the missing piece to taking my abilities to a whole other level.

Don't believe me? Take the spell {Nature's Kiss} for example. Instead of only leeching off the nutrients in the earth's soil, I could possibly use the medicinal properties of any plant I please!

I could use the sturdy roots of the trees to entangle prey and attack them as well.

I could summon carnivorous plants to aid me in felling my enemies.

In Eos the repertoire of all life I so powerful and diverse, that any variable can be used or used against.

'The possibilities are endless.'

Flipping through the pages of a space magic tome for Eset, my eyes wandered to the book thrown between a heap of other books.


Staying true to his word, my father got me the book on minerals and ores found on Eos. Tickling my fantasy bone, this world has many different metals than that of earth. They come in all shapes and sizes, wielding many mysterious properties, far deeper than just flexibility and density of the material.

However, translated Dwarven book proved more of a challenge than I thought it to be.

I thought I was the one with the genius idea of transmuting the earth, but the dwarves were way ahead of me. They had books detailing the exact procedure of transmuting the earth into the metals one would desire. For a dwarf, this book would be heaven sent, but I am a human. And the problem is…

'Different Aeter channels.'

Every race on Eos, be it beast or man have different circuits for magic in their body; Aeter channels. These channels allow for the Aeter in our bodies to present itself in the physical world.

Experienced scholars who have studied the structure of their race would write books on magic detailing the use of specific magic branches by explaining how Aeter should flow through the channels.

'The book explains it for dwarves, not humans'

While this does not make the book completely useless, it makes the detailed instructions practically unusable. The only thing that I can directly benefit from is the explanation on the material I can transmute out of the earth.


Well At least there is progress though

"Daddy's back boy!"