

A very compelling and suspenseful novel about, a young boy named Lucas who lost his parents of the age of six. and taken into a foster home. a foster home, called. kids are special foster home in Canada. growing up, gradually in this foster home Lucas sees his fellow peers at the age of seven, eight and nine. speaking and their words were law in the foster home. These kids are very rich, and influential. No one, dared to do other wise. They had power in their lips. They sold their souls to the devil in exchange for money, influence and power. Through this kind of power is so intoxicating, and attractive. Lucas refuses to be tempted by such power, money or influence. but growing up under this difficult circumstance of no parents. Lucas knows, that his life would be like hell on earth due to the fact that no one is watching, over him.” growing up till the age of ten Lucas was been tempted, by the devil on several occasions sometimes through dreams, realities like his fellow peers persuading his to embrace the devil and all his wishes in life will be granted Lucas ignores them and avoids them. This cult was called the Illumstro led by a very powerful man. possibly the devil himself, he was seen in physical form by his followers and they felt his presence but sometimes he shows himself to them. They called him the dark prince, he had captured one trillion youngsters Who kept trying to deceive, Lucas yet Lucas stood his ground at the age of 18 when he was to graduate from the foster home to A foster high school, he is given a large amount of money in cash to further his high school he escapes from the school, with the money to Canadian streets and lavished the money carelessly when the devil saw that Lucas was now frustrated as they say when the devil wants you he comes with something you wish for he does not dare come with something you dont wish for Lucas was frustrated, confused and stranded he wished that any good proposition would come his way he does not care if it would be killing as long as it pays him its better than been idle The devil is cunning and evil he now knows Lucass mind and uses this slight opportunity to lure him into his trap he sends his followers, (or goons) to go deceive Lucas now and lure him into the cult indirectly by stating to Lucas that they have proposition for him which will earn him on point fifty thousand dollars each politician he kills. All he gotta do is getting a sniper and kill all the politicians in Canada. Each politician he kills will earn him that amount of money when Lucas heard this he accepted it instantly. Ignorant of the fact that these people were the same people who tried to deceive him when he was in the foster home. Lucas in person had a bright future which he was ignorant of. the devil wanted power and also Lucass soul and this was the only way he wanted to seize it.

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After Lucas Williams, had finished taking his worm bath Two naked young girls whose names are Tasha Quinns and Emilia howles, came in to clean him up. Lucas on seeing them shouted this ain't gonna happen. Peter passing by saw Lucas shouting he shouted hey bruh thats how we do it around here. Our clients are supposed to be treated with care and comfort. So you gotta let them treat you good cause you are our client. Lucas reluctantly accepted as Tasha and Emilia came over and began to use ointments all over his body. gradually Lucas was getting aroused sexually. a young teenager like him who has no one looking out for him ready to do illegal things as long as it secures his financial future." theres nothing thats gonna stop him from seizing this opportunity. Lucas was gradually getting a hang of this massage. as the two girls were smiling they both whispered how are feeling honey? Lucas whispered oh I am fine and you! Tasha whispered you are welcome do you wanna enjoy our pleasure fully. cause we will make you comfortable anyhow you want. Lucas replied no thanks but next time just continue with the massage please Emilia replied no problem as Lucas finished his comfy time. Emilia and Tasha dressed him up in a very cool and sexy manner he was now dressed he was putting on a black sweater and a black trouser. Tasha shouted Lucas honey! You will be going for a spa right how for tattoos. do you have your identification card, ATM and other necessities Lucas replied No I dont Tasha whispered dont worry all will be done today. We are done here. You are free to go with any car you please in the compound you earned it. Lucas was so excited all this luxury was to fully capture Lucass full motives to get his head into the game and when his head, is finally in the game. Then strike him can't say no, cause then its optional. No will be an under statement then. One word of advice from the old mans wise words book says. Oh youth! they ambitions, are always different from that of the adults for you all wish for is fast money. unaware of the fact that life is all about patience. the patient dog eats the largest bone: If you ain't patient in life You are gonna make a very dangerous mistake which will cost you your future. Lucas who loved books, as a kid remembered glancing through that book called the old mans wise words. A book which guides, people who are about to go astray page six" quotes, like sheep that has lost their way, they wander throughout the desert. Oh youngsters do not forget the God in thine youthful years. Cause if you do you had made a very grave mistake. a path crossed a path which is in between danger and doom. Lucas remembered glancing, through the book one as a kid. but he knodded his head in silent. Disapproval to what this book was trying to teach him. He shouted words ain't no good. I have no choice but to do what I gotta do you survive in life as it also states if life offers you its frustration. use your strength and turn it into a manifestation of your ability. I can't stand waiting for manna to fall from the skies. course it ain't gonna happen. This is my choice to make Lucas was so ignorant of what he was actually, getting himself into Mr Lucius Blackwood have gradually enticed Lucass head was finally in the game he (Lucius the devil) whispered to catch em you gotta aim for their weakness cause if you dont you ain't gonna catch em at all. That same day, in the evening Lucas had freshened up putting on a black suit, and holding two Iphones. Peter MC. Lein shouted hey yo. Lucas you gotta come theres something else we gotta do something of more importance a way to welcome you to the winning team Lucas whispered hey bruh! Whatever thats gonna get me, to em vip get me in. bruh I dont care I (will) do whatever it takes. Peter MC Lein whispered. Thats the spirit bruh what you are gonna, do now is. You are ganna go back and take your bath for the second time and put on. your towel and come with your towel on Lucas whispered okey bruh, I will do just that so he did just that and came with his towel. It was now 7:30pm in the night as Lucas came to a dark room surrounded by masked people all acclaiming in a loud voice. Show us thy wonderous step oh prince of power! Show us thy wonderous step oh prince of riches. Teach us thy way to power we are ignorant of thy footsteps. Lucas at first was gradually speaking out but for some minutes he summoned courage and came forward as Peter MC Lein shouted come forth oh disciple of the dark prince! Lucas whispered. whatever! Lucas was completely ignorant of what he was getting himself into. as Lucas can closer to a big pool of water. Peter MC Lein shouted repeat after me Lucas Peter began. Oh dark prince I am now thine, I belong to you for as long as I live I serve you and you only. whatever Im gona accomplish I do it only in thy name. Lucas repeated oh dark prince I am now thine. I belong to you as long as I live. I serve you and your only whatever Im gonna accomplish in do it only in thy name. Lucas repeated oh dark prince I am now thine. I belong to you as long as I live. I serve you and you only. whatever Im gonna accomplish I do it only in thy name Lucas repeated as Lucas had finished repeating the initiation words Peter MC Lein and the rest of the masked people over one thousand teenagers and eight thousand adults shouted oh dark prince we serve you cause we ain't disloyal. We serve you cause we ain't incompetent. Lucas acclaimed with them oh Dark Prince we ain't disloyal neither are we impure for thy gracious gifts Lucas now poisoned by the initiation now jumped into the river his subconscious was now subdued by his flesh Now turning him against his own sense of free will." Lucas was now initiated fully and was now one of the dark princes followers. After the initiation that night in the mid-night, Lucas was asleep as a naked girl came into his room. Lucas was speechless as she whispered. Oh Lucas heres how we fully welcome you into our world This night you are no longer a boy. nor a virgin. You will become a man and a beast at the same time this girls name was. Jennifer Williams she was twenty five years old and a loyal servant to the dark prince as she came closer to Lucas. Lucas began to shiver she whispered dont be scared honey. You are now welcome with open arms. You will do whatever you want with me. however style you want you are gonna get Lucas whispered I dont understand ya. Im a virgin I have no idea of what you are talking about dont worry you will as she came closer and leaned close to his (manhood) she began to give him a hand job Lucas was moaning. silently she whispered be a man Lucas and fuck me like a man. You are no longer a boy now prove that to me and fuck me hard Lucas now summoned the guts as he pushed her to the bed and shouted okay maam! As she learned forward turning he ass for him to put his anus into her vagina. Lucas then did so as he began to pound into her womanhood she kept shouting show me Lucas! Lucas show me that you are a man common show me! Common show me! Common fuck me harder! Common show me Lucas incredibly began do fuck her so hard that she began to moan. shouting ah! Ah! Ah!. As Lucas then felt a pleasure or orgasm she also felt the same. as he stood up. she whispered now you are a man you know what you are gonna do tomorrow cause we all here ain't fools to welcome you with open arms and we dont expect you to go out there and behave like a mother fucker as she left."

Lucas shouted oh you are right Im gonna do what it takes to become rich and show those who laughed at me that money is earned not gained. Those bitch ass mother fuckers who treated me like I was some asshole from the Bahamas. Fuck them all. I ain't no fool. I am a mother fucking prince.