

A very compelling and suspenseful novel about, a young boy named Lucas who lost his parents of the age of six. and taken into a foster home. a foster home, called. kids are special foster home in Canada. growing up, gradually in this foster home Lucas sees his fellow peers at the age of seven, eight and nine. speaking and their words were law in the foster home. These kids are very rich, and influential. No one, dared to do other wise. They had power in their lips. They sold their souls to the devil in exchange for money, influence and power. Through this kind of power is so intoxicating, and attractive. Lucas refuses to be tempted by such power, money or influence. but growing up under this difficult circumstance of no parents. Lucas knows, that his life would be like hell on earth due to the fact that no one is watching, over him.” growing up till the age of ten Lucas was been tempted, by the devil on several occasions sometimes through dreams, realities like his fellow peers persuading his to embrace the devil and all his wishes in life will be granted Lucas ignores them and avoids them. This cult was called the Illumstro led by a very powerful man. possibly the devil himself, he was seen in physical form by his followers and they felt his presence but sometimes he shows himself to them. They called him the dark prince, he had captured one trillion youngsters Who kept trying to deceive, Lucas yet Lucas stood his ground at the age of 18 when he was to graduate from the foster home to A foster high school, he is given a large amount of money in cash to further his high school he escapes from the school, with the money to Canadian streets and lavished the money carelessly when the devil saw that Lucas was now frustrated as they say when the devil wants you he comes with something you wish for he does not dare come with something you dont wish for Lucas was frustrated, confused and stranded he wished that any good proposition would come his way he does not care if it would be killing as long as it pays him its better than been idle The devil is cunning and evil he now knows Lucass mind and uses this slight opportunity to lure him into his trap he sends his followers, (or goons) to go deceive Lucas now and lure him into the cult indirectly by stating to Lucas that they have proposition for him which will earn him on point fifty thousand dollars each politician he kills. All he gotta do is getting a sniper and kill all the politicians in Canada. Each politician he kills will earn him that amount of money when Lucas heard this he accepted it instantly. Ignorant of the fact that these people were the same people who tried to deceive him when he was in the foster home. Lucas in person had a bright future which he was ignorant of. the devil wanted power and also Lucass soul and this was the only way he wanted to seize it.

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The next morning, as Lucas woke up and went to the bathroom, for good ten minutes taking his bath: he was so tired and breathing heavily. This was results of his loss of strength last night his guts now unleashed and now the initiation has been completed early that morning, as Lucas Stein was taking a cool bath. He sensed something strange within him. The urge to purge it was not a cool sense rather it was a fetal feeling. As he finished taking his bath he went into his drawer room and picked a suit and a fifty dollars watch $ and shoes gradually noticed, that he was getting more rich even when he has not started working for the money. What ever he wanted was given to him all this was to keep his mind occupied so he wouldnt step out. But now Lucas was fully a member of the dark princes secret society. as Lucas finished dressing up. Tasha Quinns came into his drawer room and asked Lucas Lucas honey are you busy) Lucas replied not really. She then continued the boss is asking for you Your job begins today get ready Lucas whispered. Im kinda done here Tasha whispered ok then come with me As they went to a very big house where. Mr Lucas Blackwood (The Devil, Dark Prince, master of the dark arts) was living few miles away from Lucass apartment. Lucas would sometime wander how he just became part of the winning team overnight owning his own car, apartment or was all these away to get him once and for all. It was already late because Lucas had already given in. As Lucas and Tasha had already come in. As Lucius and Tasha arrived and walked into Mr. Lucas Apartment Mr Lucas Blackwood said calmly. New work Tasha nods and leaves. as he whispered. Lucas sit down would you? Lucas sat down. Mr. Lucas began. You are welcome Kiddo you may wondering whats all this about but what you gotta know about this society is that. What you see is what you get here; an exclusive one Senator Mark RL Stein. he needs to be struck down: Cause since he got into power hes been shutting down schools with teenage rebellion complaints. This statement really proved the word that states "catch them young. which totally explains the fact that the Senator was putting an end to rebellion in schools and crime. which wound stop teenagers from joining the winning team (The secret circle) Lucas, this is gonna be difficult. cause its your first time. Theres what you need to know. first Im gonna ask you this direct question Lucas are you up for this job or not) Lucas pondered for a second and replied yeah. Lucius Blackwood whispered. Ok then heres what you have to know theres gonna be a conference in the Canadian. Government office tomorrow. And you are gonna be there. Here how its gonna beg kiddo. Hes gonna speak about the good perspective of providing jobs for all the citizens in Canada and when hes done. You are gonna be ready your sniper Make sure you are not sighted or seen cause if you are seen you are gonna face the law." you feel me? Lucas replied instantly yeah I feel ya? All you gotta to do to days prepare yourself. can you do that? Lucas replied I can master. Lucius Blackwood (the devil). Now shouted now go do just that: Tasha gonna go to the mall today to get you a good suit and bullets for the sniper which I am gonna give you later. I will ask you again kiddo! Are you up for the job or not can you need backup? Lucas replied bluntly. master I can handle myself I need no backup. Im good Lucius Blackwood (The devil) concluded okey then go prepare yourself then Lucas then left."

Straight to his room his nerves were increasing everyday. It was like as if he was gradually changing to a beast in character, behavior and facial appearance. The initiation had made him become somehow evil and chained the good side of him: holding him captivity from being good anymore. Lucass eyes was gradually changing thoughts on his mind was just about killing anyone who stands on his way. The next day as early 7:00, in the morning." Lucas has just finished taking his bath and he was now dressed on a break suit and put on a mask. As Peter MC Lein shouted hay bruh you sure you are up for this job) Lucas replied Affirmative bruh! I am hundred percent ready, Peter whispered Ok If you say so heres a sniper he threw the gun to Lucas. Who caught it instantly his tight grip on the gun. Lucas had the nerve for this job as Lucas had the nerve for this job as Lucius Blackwood instructed, Lucas to be on a rooflop close to the exact government office where the Senator was making an announcement. on how to make Canada a better country. as Senator. Mark RL, Stein who was speaking to the citizens with two armed muscle well huge guys standing close to him, one on his right hand the second on the left hand as Lucas who was watching the conference meeting and the rowdy Canadian crowd his thoughts were whispering to his head whisper like kill em all. right now! Show them whos boss. They have no fucken idea. Whose here right now blow their Fucken brains up Lucas whispered; oh I am here to kill only one asshole. when Im done I will see about that. as he took his sniper as he pointed the gun directing its to the target. Senator Mark RL Stein. he as versatile and vigilant, watching to see if, he has been sighted. He whispered baam! He released as a bullet. straight to the Senators forehead. Poom as the bullet shot the Senator. and he fell down and died bleeding profusely from his forehead. Lucas immediately shot those two guards. it took him only two minutes to eliminate the senator and the two men who were guarding him as he had finished his job he left before other soldiers could arrive. Lucass first task was clean and were done as. Lucius Blackwood heard that Lucas did a clean job. he smiled mischievously and whispered hes killed the fist target. Five and half more to go. this statement meant something very mysterious and unable to explained unless it is revealed. Lucas was so angry as he finished this job It was like he has just finished killing thousand men. as he took his S.U.V. Car and went to the dark princesss lair." as he arrived. Lucius shouted job well done boy. Now I will no longer call you kiddo you are gonna be paid in full thats not all you will be given a big house of your own. Ten cars of your choice and women of your choice. and you are free to kill whom even you please except my disciples. Lucius happiness came from whoever it was hiding as he heard this. Lucius Blackwood sends for his five other disciples Elvis Huise Arnold Severus. Lucius came he shouted. disciples of loyalty come forth now for one of as the have done a great job and is gonna be rewarded greatly. Michael Davis holding a bowl of blood from a lamb that was just slain few minutes after of Lucass first kill success spread round the dark princes lain. Lucas was to drink from the bowl to increase his nerve and stamina in killing in his other tasks which is ahead of him as Lucas came forward Michael Daviss face that looked so familiar to Lucas. he remembered Michael as one of his foster mates in school who were his enemies, whom he avoided (the book of proverbs chapter 14 vs one and two) do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them (2) for their minds devise violence, and their mouths speaks mischief. This part of the bible was warning against people like Peter Mc Lein, Michael Davis, Elvis Huize, and the devil himself Lucius Blackwood, as Lucius saw Michael he felt a pain of regret in his heart. reminding him of all the previous times he resisted, Peter, MC Lein, Davis Viller, Elvis Huise and other kids of his age who had fame, money and power backing them up and his stupidity when he was offered an opportunity of lifetime money Enough help him through high school. How he foolishly squandered the money? Oh thats all my life: I ain't lucky, neither am I rich, I use what I have got to live, for now and hope for what the future, has in store for me oh no! Now I have whatever I want! What else? All these questions were not relevant now. Because it was already too late, for Lucas. to change and hows he gonna change where he gonna start from Lucass thoughts. Were actually judging him but his darkest wishes subdued those thoughts Peter MC Lein and the other dark princesss followers were all dressed in black suit and planning go into an automobile car "as Lucas saw them he was kinda feeling astonished. as he saw Peter Mc Lein in this luxurious car. He was so surprised. Peter whispered "hey bruh thats life for ya! Ya! Gotta hustle for what you are gonna get. Lucas was speechless and never uttered a single word.

As he watched them closely, his lips were about to move Peter MC Lein whispered Ah bruh chill its just a piece of an iceberg. Lucas looked straight into his eyes. MC Leins) Peter whispered to his fellow followers of the dark prince. silently hey brothers let's show Lucas how we treat those whose kill are successful hey Michael go get Lucas his brand new SHV car and his own key to his our house Lucass thoughts were silent this time his wishes were all coming true." he asked himself what else do I need? What else? as Michael and the other dark prince follower s left. Lucas was waiting patiently cause he knew this reward was gonna come with something else. As they say. the kill is for something more dangerous as Lucas stood waiting he remembered his tragic beginning as a child now he had no choice but to do all this. he asked himself. would be there chance for me out there if I would have waited for God. What path would patience lead me oh no! I certainly had no choice. my parents died. I watched them die! I will not perish not while I am alive. I am a gun slinger. That ain't easy. its easy as you may see it. growing up been an orphan is the most difficult thing a child whos orphaned must face. there are two paths in life these paths are invaluable when you look at it. they include the path to life the path to survival. These path are somehow linked life stands by survival If theres life there need for survival but dont forget that survival is for the filled all these words were all coming out from Lucass lips are they gonna turn back the hand of time No the only way now is forward for him to face this destinys Lucass mind was focused but his actual attention was on his parent last words are their word gonna judge him one day for the path which he has just taken. Or is he decision to make because they are gone No one is looking after him his life and death decisions and its consequences all depend on him who took them Life aint fair at all life sometimes seems pointless and confusing whereby giving us as humans no choice but to make mistakes that cannot be reversed Lucas waited for like thirty good minutes as Peter MC Lein who had just entered the big mansion which Lucas Blackwood (the devil himself) built six ago Came out and waved his hands immediately Michael, Davis, Stein, Elvis, Arnold, Emmanuel which were the Dark Princes followers. Just arrived with a brand new S.U.V. Car after fifteen five minutes Lucius Blackwood. Gently come down from the car as Lucius looked him straight to the eyes. Amazed at how the dark prince was inside the car and came out at last Lucas kept his thoughts and questions to himself (within him) to avoid invoking the wrath of the Dark Prince and his followers. Though he (Lucas) was unquestionably loyal he was anxious to find out who this man Lucas Blackwood actually is Lucas whispered is this the devil himself) as Lucas stood up Peter MC Lein shouted come forward brother here s your car Lucas came forward Lucius Blackwood shouted kneel down and swear this eternal oath Lucius knelt down as Peter MC Lein and the other Dark Prince followers acclaims in loud voice oh Lord of the world, Prince of the fallen, prince of this world. Lucas repeats after them oh Lord of the world, prince of the fallen prince or this World. The followers We swear our unquestionable loyalty to they biding, wishes instructions, orders For the rest of our lives we are gonna be loyal, humble, foster till death comes for us Lucas repeats after them. I swear unquestionable loyalty to thy biding, wishes, instructions, orders for the rest of my life I am gonna be loyal humble forever till death comes for me Michael walks slowly and touches Lucius on his forehead with his two hands and whispered? Stand up disciple of the dark prince and accept your reward which you deserve: he hands the car key over to Lucius the key to the big mansion. Which Lucas Blackwood other devil himself) built six years ago Lucas whispered: Oh man lifes got more to offer than you can ever imagine.