
The Tales of The Magic Lover

An average looking Female Teacher are coming home after works. She was a anime lover but she don't time anymore after she got a job. In this mundane life something suddenly happened... Maybe she can live a better life after this event.

GAHU_GEHA · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

1. Mysterious Night

~In The Classroom~

An average looking teacher can be seen sitting. The school is almost over and the students are preparing to go home.

".... Otsukare sama deshita. Shitsurei shimasu." - Students

"See you all tomorrow, don't forget your sakubun homework." - Female Teacher

"Hai, sensei. See you tomorrow." - Students

"Hey Mark don't run on the hallway!" - Female Teacher

"Soorryyy.... hey hurry up! let's got to the court!" - Random Student

"Okay! lets go!" - Another Random Student

"HEY!!" - Female Teacher

*Sound of laughter*

"These kids..." - Female Teacher

*long sigh*

'Well not like I care... after a long awaited hour, finally my works for today ends. When I first studied Japanese in high school, I would never thought I will become a Japanese teacher. Not only that I have to bear teaching these rascal. I find it cute at first but it's really stressed me out....' - Female Teacher


' Okay, lets not thinking about that, at least my job today ends. And I can finally eat, and sleep, and continue working next day....' - Female Teacher

*long sight*

'This four years of my life only revolve in learning new Japanese words, teaching, eat, and sleep. Even I don't have time to watch anime or youtube. And before you reader ask, yes I am a weeb or was since I don't have time for it anymore...' - Female Teacher

'Wait... who I was talking with again? okay that was weird..." - Female Teacher

The Female Teacher finally goes home. With her worn out body she can be seen walking. She walk pass a food vendor she usually see everyday. A delicious scent of food can be smelled.

'it's been a while since I ate an Indonesian grilled chicken. I want to buy one but I only have money for necessary stuff for this month. And the start of the month is next week. I only can buy it after my salary. But the smell...' - Female Teacher

After long time deciding, she decide to continue to walk while her stomach are rumbling because of the scent before.

'Dammit, thats really makes me hungry.' - Female Teacher

Combining her worn out body and hunger, her consciousness begin to decrease. She still continue walking ignoring her surroundings. She didn't even realized how crowded the street was with many business people also begining to go home. Sometimes she would also accidentally bump other person while she walks. After a while she finally reach her apartment.

~In The Female Teacher Apartment~

A small apartment with one bedroom and one bathroom while the kitchen and living room are combined together can be seen. The stuffs in the apartment are put tidily with how scarcely she been in the apartment. She went straight into her bedroom and throw herself into the bed.


'Finally I can rest... or not...'

She then look at the clock. The clock show 6:30 pm. She wants to go to sleep but she remembered she still have to prepare for the class tomorrow. But before that she wants to have a dinner. After she change her clothes to something more casual, she trot off to the kitchen and bring out curry from the fridge that she had prepared from start of the week. She also had prepared rice from the morning. After heating up the curry, she then putting it together with the rice and eat it in the living room while watching tv.

"Yikes... I know I left it for quite a while but the taste is a bit off..." - Female Teacher

She continue to watch the tv while 'enjoying' her curry. She can speed up and don't have to bear the taste, but she doesn't really want to start working again. Currently a news network can be seen in the tv.

"Oh, they called off the world cup in Indonesia. Yikes, rip those millions of dollars. Well it's not like I will watch it anyway." - Female Teacher

She continue to watch the tv, when some bug of horizontal lines begins to show on the tv.

"Thats weird, have the tv begin to acting up. Well it's been a while since I bought it" - Female Teacher

The horizontal lines are gradually increasing and decreasing. What begin slowly then moves fastly.

"Okay maybe I should turn off the tv" - Female Teacher

But strange thing keep happening, the tv is not turning off even after she press the button on remote control.

"Wait, what..." - Female Teacher

The horizontal lines keep moving fastly, not only that the light begins flickering. She can only watch while all of this things happening. What begining as a normal night have begin to be scary for her. She doesn't even believe in supernatural, but after this she might believe in one.

'...' - Female Teacher

She can't thinks of anything, she wants to run off her apartment but some kind of force are holding her. It's feels like a couple of people are holding her, she can feel the hand but she can't see it. The feeling makes her terrified. She doesn't even care about her worn out body, she just wants to run as fast as she can from her apartment.

This keeps happening until she can feels some sort of quake. she wants to run but the force are tightening and she can't even move any part of her body. She can heard people screaming earthquake from the outside.

All of these supernatural things keeps increasing. She began to think what did she do. Did she break something related to supernatural or did she complaint too much about her works in her mind. She will definitely becomes more thankful after this event if she survive.

'God what is happening, I don't want to die. I haven't even talk about my wish with my parents' - Female Teacher

The force and the quake keeps increasing. She doesn't know what to do but to pray. She even began to see some sort of silhouette that holding her, a bunch of silhouette of hands can be seen holding her from the floor beneath her. She also can see portal looking black sludge in the floor where the hands are coming from.

'...' - Female Teacher

She can't think of anything. She doesn't even know what people should do in this situation. Throwing salt? praying? she doesn't even know anymore.

Then the hands began to drag her into the sludge. Because of this she begin to move herself, she doesn't even know where she got the stamina and strength from but she just want to lives.

'God please let me lives, I will even...' - Female Teacher


Her thought cut off. She not moving anymore. In front of her there is a silhouette of face from her bedroom peeking. She can see the creature are looking while smiling. She felt chill throughout her body and can only looking into the creature. She keeps dragged off slowly into the sludge until half of her body is gone while watching the creature. She can't even think of anything, other people might start to reminiscent of their life and wish they did better but she can't think of anything. She then closed her eyes and pray for the last time.

"God.... Please...." - Female Teacher

Finally her body are fully submerge into the sludge. After she gone things suddenly becomes normal. The tv shows the news program, the light are not flickering and the quake stopped.


"Hmmm... it's seems the underworld have broke another rules" *sigh* "Well, lets do my work and safe this poor soul, we can't have an alive person in underworld after all. I can maybe even do some compensation... well lets see how their soul first before deciding." - Go(…#s23#-


On this day a new case quake happened, the quake only happened in small area where the epicenter are stronger. Strangely the epicenter are found to be in the apartment of a female teacher who we will know of her name eventually.

Speculation begin to appear. While in scientist community continue to be baffled by this event, this not been the case in supernatural community. Calling out the devil or experiment goes wrong, all kinds of speculation begin to appear.

Thats happens because after the event, only the female teacher are to be found to be the casualty and the investigator cant find the female teacher anywhere. Even after calling the school and her parents they can't find any trace of where could she gone. The only last evidence are her walking into her apartment from her landlord CCTV. Anywhere they looking for the only evidence about her last whereabout is in her apartment.


Meanwhile with our MC

Our female mc can be seen standing with her closed eyes.

".... Is it over. Wait I still alive. Well I don't feel scared anymore, infact I can't feel any of my feelings..." - MC

She began to thing about all that happened. After processing all of the event that happened she want to she where is is.

"Well here goes nothing!" - MC


She was shocked. in front of her there are...


Thank you for any of you that decide to check this out. This is my first time writing and yes this is a danmachi fanfic. I want to write a isekai scenario with a bit of twist and well lets see where this will go i guess.

Bear in mind I only wrote this in my spare time while working. I've been reading a lot of novel and fanfic and sometimes the urge to write something just came out from my mind. I would love to write my imagination and scenario from my mind into this work.

Anyway thank you, if you in any form for some reason decide to take some inspiration from this work I am okay with it.

Bye, see you next time.