
The Tale of a Pearl

The conflict between humans and mermen has spanned for hundreds of years, yet love can sprout in the most hostile of environments. Even between a cold, rigid human prince and a crafty, mischievous mermaid princess who felt an odd but overwhelming attraction to one another. Their forbidden love could be the world’s biggest blessing, or its darkest curse. A lie. A misunderstanding. The fractured pearl of a mermaid that fell into despair. A prince that was so struck by grief that he wanted the whole world to be engulfed in darkness. Two shattered hearts. Can this love be mended when given a second chance? - Under the luminous moonlight, laying on the dense grass of the garden he had once kept only for himself, Zhen Feng felt he could finally breathe. He had gotten the warmer half of his heart back after almost losing it and going mad. He personally reaped the heads of those who had held her captive, but the mastermind behind her abduction was still unknown. “No matter. I will marry her and keep her by my side. If someone dares to try taking her away, they will lose their legs first.” Interrupting his atrocious thoughts, the mermaid beside him asked somewhat nervously: “Will you still love me even if I’ve lied to you?” “I would love you even if the world itself came to an end.” Zhen Feng declared, frighteningly serious. His usually cold emotionless eyes were now burning with affection and uncontrollable desire. Pleased and assured by the prince's unwavering love profession, Lin Mei smiled softly, her deep seethed anxiety dissipating at last. She wondered if she should confess the truth. Finally able to reach a decision, she was about to reveal the secret she had been hiding from him for so long when she was suddenly but gently pushed onto the floor. He tenderly cupped her chin in his icy hand and lightly touched her lower lip with his thumb. His pitch-black scorching eyes slowly shifted from her silver-green orbs to her rosy lips. Incapable of enduring it a second longer, he viciously took her soft lips, demanding to taste her, craving to possess her entirely. Book cover image from the amazingly talented DADACHYO, on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/dadachyo

Nana_san · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Life Pearl

Mei knew the human wouldn't find the pearl even if he stripped her naked. She had absorbed the little red sphere into her body as soon as she had seen the killing intent in his eyes. Thankfully, most humans were unaware of the many abilities merfolk could possess.

"I don't have it. Even if you screen my whole body for it, you won't find it. So would you please not take advantage of this situation to touch me?" She tried to sound nonchalant, but she was actually a bit worried, having heard horror stories of human men raping merfolk of both genders ever since she was young.

She was only able to keep her facade because the man laying on top of her didn't look like he was interested in her body whatsoever. He was cold to the touch, with an even frostier demeanor.

"Your plea has been denied. I wouldn't believe a mermaid so easily. But I can assure you I have no interest in your body." He affirmed, looking at her with a glint of amusement in his eyes, which betrayed his otherwise expressionless face.

He started by searching both of her arms. He touched and groped every part of them very roughly, paying attention not to miss any spot. He was trying to detect the presence of any suspicious objects through her clothes. Not having identified any abnormality, he continued on, deciding to search her legs next.

However, before he had changed his attention to her lower half, he noticed something between her collarbones: it was a pearl. He knew that this white and oval-shaped pearl wasn't the Ocean's tear, since it wasn't red — its most distinguishing characteristic. This pale and glistening orb was known as a Life Pearl.

Every mermaid and merman had one, usually on their neck, forehead or hands but it could be placed anywhere else in their bodies. It was as important as their heart, akin to their life source, and if shattered, the merfolk would lose their strength and die very quickly. He had watched many men on the battlefield collecting the broken pearls from the bodies of the fallen merfolk to either keep as trophies or sell at a high price in the black market.

If touched directly, they would instill a tremendous wave of pain and thus, they had to be extracted and handled very carefully. It was a repulsive and barbaric ritual that he had never found tasteful whatsoever.

Yet, he was now feeling compelled to touch this mermaid's Life Pearl.

He was confident about the outcome since the bracelet she was wearing could only suppress magic, not her pearl. Still, his urge to touch the bright silvery orb was overwhelming his reason.

Nothing known to men could remove these repelling properties — even hundreds of years after the passing of their owners, the Life Pearls would retain their ability to inflict pain on anyone who touched them. And yet, he continued to feel a strong desire to reach for it.

He tried hard to repress his impulse but it was simply stronger than his rationale.

As he let go of his resisting thoughts and allowed his hand to approach the pearl, he looked into her beautiful silver-green orbs. This time, his eyes were thoroughly captivated by hers, as if he had been bewitched by a spell.

Lin Mei was confused by the look in the human man's eyes. "Wasn't this fellow indifferent and aloof just a few seconds ago? More importantly... What is he doing?" She looked at him with challenging eyes, as if daring him to touch her life pearl.

Unfazed by her expression, he continued moving his hand, his eyes still persistently fixed on hers. As soon as he touched the life pearl, he felt that something wasn't right. His heart started beating faster, his breathing grew heavy. He inexplicably felt like he had been longing for this woman for what felt like a lifetime. It felt as if she had escaped him for years and he was now finally getting her back.

He craved more, he wanted to keep her, to hold her, to never let her go. He, who had not yet accepted even one concubine by his side, who had always felt repulsed by physical proximity to both men and women, didn't want to let go of the female mermaid under him.

"Mermaids really are horrifying. This one in particular." He thought. However, he could no longer remain completely indifferent to her.