
The System’s Mistake

What happens when the system gets stuck with a good-for-nothing master? Let’s explore the system’s perspective in trying its best to change a man that would rather sleep than seek power. Authors notes: I hope you give this a try and help me grow as an author who once loved to read. This will be my first web novel and I welcome all feedback!

ItzSky · Fantasia
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29 Chs

The Trial Begins

After haring Alex's story, Crystal explained how they got their abilities and how he could become strong like them too. Alex followed Crystal's guidance and was able to awaken the last available class.

Name: Alex Storm

Job: Assassin (tier 2)

Status: 10hp 10sp

Strength: 3 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 3 Wisdom: 5


1. Shadow Cloak - meld into the shadows while gradually charging your next attack maximum damage x10 requires 10mins (Damage = Agi x 2)(Duration = disappears after attacking or receiving attacks. SP cost 2)

2. Assassin's Technique - passively gain silent movement.

3. Darkness - Covers the chosen area in darkness. (Duration = 1 minute. SP cost 4)

4. Memoir of Assassins - instantly teleport to a location that the host has been before. (Cooldown 30 days. SP cost 10)

Reading his abilities Alex was visibly confused.

"I.. I awakened just like that?"

"Yes, it's easy isn't it?" The cheerful Crystal said.

[All professions have been chosen the trials will begin shortly please prepare for combat.] Not long after the system interrupted.

"Everyone get behind me!" Chris yelled

Bang! Bang!

Soon banging could be heard from the other side of the door. It opened after a few bangs and wolves flooded the area there were at least 20 grey wolves, they were huge and quickly surrounded Chris's group.

Standing in front was Chris with John right behind him. Crystal was behind everyone and her soldier was behind her fending off the wolves.

A fight broke out after the largest wolf lunged for Chris. He slashed down with his great sword. The wolf took massive damage and was plunged to the side.

"Go Chris, we'll be fine!" John shouted he activated the barrier around the party. Crystal activated heaven's blessing buff on Chris.

With that Chris charged in leaving the barrier and hacked at the nearest wolves. His great sword dealt allot of damage splitting wolves in half.

The Soldier killed 5 wolves while Chris and John killed 14. The barrier broke in the process but no one was hurt. Alex killed the largest wolf with a metal shard it died after one hit but..

Thuck! Thuck! Thuck!

"For my father!!" Tears were coming down his face while he kept on stabbing the lifeless body of the wolf. The scene was bloody but no one stopped him.

"Ale.." Crystal tried to call out but Chris stopped her.

After a few minutes

"Congratulations in passing the first trial!" The system said

"Please enter the next room for the 2nd stage of the trial. This floor will be flooded in 10minutes." The system sounded excited at this mention.

The group decided to rest for a bit. They needed a couple minutes to recover. Crystal and John seemed fine but Chris and Alex was covered in blood and flesh.

The group journeyed through the trials gaining nothing. They went through a maze, fought a 100 goblins, killed their way through endless hordes of zombies and ventured into a wyverns den.

After killing the wyvern the group looked like they had just went through hell. Thankfully Crystal's ability could recover limbs or.. Chris and Alex would've needed physical therapy. The system gave them a whole hour of rest this time but..

Clank! Clank! Bang! Bang!!! Pounding could be heard in the other room.