
The System’s Mistake

What happens when the system gets stuck with a good-for-nothing master? Let’s explore the system’s perspective in trying its best to change a man that would rather sleep than seek power. Authors notes: I hope you give this a try and help me grow as an author who once loved to read. This will be my first web novel and I welcome all feedback!

ItzSky · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Living a Dream

As the sun rose, Jay finally woke up from his 18 hour sleep.

"Yawn!" with a loud yawn, Jay sat up and discovered that he was still on the beach.

He looked around and all he could see was the endless ocean in front of him. Standing up Jay decided to look around picking a direction to walk in he decided to walk on the shoreline since there was a dense forest behind him.

After walking around for 10 minutes Jay found the spot he was sleeping on. He didn't find any sign of civilization and it looks like he's stuck on an island.

Most people would panic at this point but Jay looked relaxed he decided to sit near some shade and think.

"Interesting this is definitely not a dream. Unless I'm in some form of coma and living my dream? Nice!"


"Well if it is a dream I cant seem to escape hunger. Hmm what should I do?" Recalling his memories of all the videos he's watched in how to survive in the wild Jay brightened up and looked for anything edible.

This time instead of going around the shoreline again Jay decided to check the middle of the island. With the help of a stick he found, Jay weaved through the dense bushes that originally blocked his path.

After a few minutes Jay found a clearing and in the middle he saw a big box.

"It looks like a.. ahh supply package? Why would that be here? There must be food and water there!" At the thought Jay walked faster to the package and found that it was as tall as him. At this point he heard a ding.

[Congratulations in finding the Beginner Supply Crate inside are essentials to survive in this island.]

That weird robotic voice echoed in his mind again and he was visibly annoyed.

"Sigh. Stay out of my head."

With that said, Luna was shocked but she wasn't dissuaded she will be sure to make this man a legend even if he is annoying.

"Why is does this guy hate me? I haven't done anything! How should i approach him?" After considering alternatives Luna had an idea.

As Jay was thinking of how he was going to open this box he suddenly found a transparent text box appear in front of him.

[System has been downgraded according to host's request, allocatable points have been extracted from the downgrade for host's personal use. Please say the keywords status, shop, inventory, and help to open these functions.]

Jay was dumbfounded he already knew about this system stuff from reading novels but he didn't expect it to have some sentience.

"Hmm interesting. Status" he said in a low voice. A blue screen of text popped up.

Host: Jay Carlson

Stats: HP: 10 SP: 20

Strengh: 2

Agility: 2

Intilligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Available Points: 10




[ Average physique but abnormally intelligent.]

"It's definitely like a game. Haa how troublesome.." muttered Jay.