
The System’s Mistake

What happens when the system gets stuck with a good-for-nothing master? Let’s explore the system’s perspective in trying its best to change a man that would rather sleep than seek power. Authors notes: I hope you give this a try and help me grow as an author who once loved to read. This will be my first web novel and I welcome all feedback!

ItzSky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


"Phew! That was the best sleep of my life!" Jay thought.

He had finally made the voices in his head shut up. It was like a dream his mind was as clear as the soft waves of the ocean.

He could almost imagine being in the beach laying on the soft sand while hearing only calm waves making him drowsy.

"Wait a minute!" Rubbing his eyes harder he noticed that he was actually on the beach and he could actually see and hear the waves in front of him.

"I must be dreaming. What a pleasant dream! What idiot would try to wake up from this I must maintain sleep!" With that said Jay closed his eyes and laid down in the soft sand.

A couple hours later Jay woke up to the same scene only darker.

"Man life can't get better than this!" 'Well a blanket and a pillow would make it better, maybe some food too. Hmm' Ill get something to eat when I wa..

Beep Beep Beep!

As he was preparing to sleep again his thoughts got interrupted by a beeping noise.

"Ahhhh I swear I turned off my phone i cant wake up yet!!" In a panic Jay closed his eyes tight trying to ignore the sound but a series of words echoed in his mind.

System Loading 99%

System Activated

Binding host: Jay Carlson

Binding Complete

[Activating system features ..]

"What the f***?! I don't need this! Turn off! Snooze! Let me sleep in peace!" Jay was irritated by this thing he finally had peace and quiet and this thing is ruining the moment.

How was he supposed to enjoy when this thing kept yapping! With that said the system seemed to stop talking in his mind and again he was at peace slowly drifting back to sleep.

Inside the system management bureau a dazzling woman was shocked and couldn't fathom her new masters way of thinking.

"Don't humans normally jump with joy after finding out they got a system? What is going on? He didn't even let me finish typing!?" Thought the system.

This dazzling woman wearing a white dress was sitting in her own office adorned with all the titles she's accumulated creating heroes from all scenario worlds she been given.

One could read 'God system', 'Glory system', 'Strongest system', 'World conquering system', and so much more.

Her name was Luna she was the goddess that successfully turned many humans to heroes!


Frustrated with her master and thinking of ways to approach this man, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Her ice cold voice rang out.

Two people in suits came in and greeted her respectfully giving Luna a deep bow.

"My lady, how is the new project coming along?" Said one of the two. He was a bald man that looked no older than 30 but his gaze would make people believe that he was much older.

"I don't want to talk about it. Why are you two here?" Still frustrated Luna got straight to the point.

"We got orders from above, they wanted us to pass a message." As the bald man said that the other man gave Luna an envelope.

After accepting the letter Luna saw both men leaving the room. This was courtesy and professionalism of the top team in the bureau.

Opening the letter Luna's lips curved up it only had one word 'Approved' she jumped with joy she can finally retire after this project her worries disappeared she just needed one more hero.

"I will make you the greatest Jay! Just you wait."