

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Second Chance in Life

Chapter 8 Second Chance in Life

Everything's white.

I looked around this spacious area.

There is nothing and nobody except a man.

The man stood in silence and turned my back on me.

Looking at his short gray hair and tall body, I sense familiarity.

Moved by my curiosity, I took a step closer to him, even though I can't feel my step in this empty room.

When I arrived near him, he turned his body toward me.

I gasped.

My tear dropped in an instant as his warm smile relieved my hope to meet him once more.

"Move forward, Rezvan. Your time still ticking."

I shouted, calling him so loud because he suddenly disappeared from me.


The white space becomes a blackout.

Then, I woke up with a sweaty body.

I looked around and realized I was in the hospital bed, which I didn't know exactly where it was.

For a minute, I lean on my bed while looking at the twilight ray from the window beside me, ensuring my heart calms.

The deadly trap, the magician's giant statues, the instantaneous death of many Raid Team members, and the mysterious skull magician Amdarais appeared in my memory.

I even remember how crippled my body was after being tortured in the trap room, which I thought was the time I would die.

But I'm still alive, fortunately.

There was no injury or any severe damage to my body that made me weak.

Just a little scar on my forehead.

If I compare my current condition with my previous situation, my body strangely feels stronger and lighter.

After my breath gradually relaxed, the hospital room door opened, showing three adult men coming inside to check on me.

"Hello, how are you?"

One of three adults wearing white coats asked politely while checking my temperature.


I answered tonelessly.

"Is there anything that feels hurts or uncomfortable?"

The doctor asked again as he checked my heartbeat.


The doctor is still curious. He turns on his small flashlight to check both my eyes.

"Can you see properly? Do you have difficulty breathing? Do my voices sound clear to you?"

"Yes, everything is alright, doc."

The doctor looks confused.

"How about-"

"Doc, can you give us a time? He said he's alright now."

The other two adults who wear black suits suddenly interrupted.

"He was barely conscious after a three-week coma. I'm not sure he can have a normal conversation yet."

"Don't worry about that, doc. Let us try it."

The doctor exhaled, then stepped back to leave my hospital room.

Looking at the brown Knight Bracelet on each wrist of these two black-suited adults, I understand why the doctor gave them permission.

"Hello, Rezvan. I'm Denny from Indonesia's Knight Association."

One of them shows his Knight Association medal on a digital screen from his Knight Bracelet.

"Firstly, represent Knight Association; we are glad you survived the secret room in Rank-E Dungeon."

"How many of us still survived?"

I immediately ask.

Denny cleared his throat.

"It's only six, including you, from 21 members of the Raid Team."

Just as I expected.

"This is the first time Knight revealed a secret room in the Dungeon. All Knight Associations around the world have taken this founding as an interesting topic for our research."

I simply nodded.

Never thought the Knight Association wanted to research that deadly trap room.

"We found you passed out in the secret room. Agung told us that the giant statues who bring a threat already collapsed when we arrived there."

"Are you the one who destroys the magician statue?"

Denny and his partner stared at me intensely.

I want to answer that the one who destroys the giant statues is Amdarais, the skull magician, but it would be nonsense for them to believe that.

"Sorry, I really don't have any memories about that. I passed out in the middle of attempting to escape from the trap room. Never expected to survive until the end, to be honest."

These Knight's Association representatives were silent for a second.

"Agung said you're the one who opened the wall toward the secret room. He even told us your sharp mind helped them solve the secret room's riddle."

Denny took a small iron box from his partner, then opened it in front of me.

I stare at the yellow Knight's Bracelet placed in that box.

"We measured the threat on the secret room is equivalent to S-rank dungeon. So your team not only finds a number of Diamonds in there but you are also awarded for stepping up your Knight rank to C-rank Knight. We hope you will help us to find a similar secret room in the Dungeons using your unique skill."

Strangely enough, these awards not making me happy.

"Thanks…I guess."

I answered it after a long silence.

Denny can't feel my enthusiasm even though he already shows my Knight's reward.

"For your medical treatment cost, consider it's done because we already paid it. We also pay you compensation for your time rest."

"Yes, thanks, that means a lot to me. However…."

I stare blankly at the room wall in front of me.

Denny and his partner realize I have seen that wall long enough without a word.

Probably they think I have gone crazy for staring at a blank wall like an idiot.

"I still need time for my recovery, sir. I also want to discuss with my family whether they want me to continue as Knight. So…I hope you guys understand."

The Knight's Association representatives nodded.

Denny closed the iron box and placed it on the small table near my bed.

"Alright, we understand your situation. Please let us know if you want to continue helping us. We hope the best of you, Rezvan."

Denny and his partner went out of the room with their stiff appearance.

But I immediately ask them again.

"Mister Denny, wait."


"I know this sounds weird but are both of you feel or see something strange in this room?"

Denny and his partner looked around awkwardly.

"I think no, Rezvan. Nothing strange."

"Oh, okay…"

"Are you feeling strange?"

"Y-yeah…I think it's related to my health. I will ask the doctor for checking my condition. Sorry for bothering both of you."

These two Knight Association representatives answered it with only a single nod and then left.

A few minutes passed, and after I waited for a moment to ensure no person would come to my room, I stared at the blank wall.

It might be crazy, but what I see is not a blank wall but Amdarais, the skull magician, standing in front of the wall.

Anybody, except me can't see Amdarais in this room.

"Only humans connected with my magician skill can see me, Rezvan."

Amdarais answered my confusion.

"Thank God, you're not shouting like a brute this time."

Amdarais chuckled.

He is staring at the iron box near me.

"I heard everything, Rezvan. It seems you are not interested in the Knight medal anymore."

"It's because you are staring at me all the time."

"But I'm keeping quiet, am I? I'm not even saying anything to make you doubt choosing Magician anymore. Even if I am yelling, nobody can't hear me."

Amdarais smirked as I sighed for a while.

I know I already choose the 'hellish life of magician' for this second opportunity of life, so I'm not intended to revoke it.

Particularly after I heard my dad's advice in my dream.

Surprisingly, I can easily tell silly reasons to those two Knight Association representatives.

"I'm glad you're still consistent with your decision, Rezvan."

Amdarais flew his body and passed away anything that hindered their way like a ghost, so he was closer to me now.

"There are only two rules. First, you must train as a magician following my instruction. Second, don't tell anyone about us and magician practices because I do not trust any humans, knights, or monsters except you. I don't want the Knights and Monsters to realize my movement now."

Amdarais barrage his rules like I'm a soldier being ordered by the general.

"What if I'm not following these rules?"

I curiously ask.

"For the first rule, you will get punished by my magical torture. For the second rule, you must kill anyone who knows our connection."

Geez, this Joker suddenly acting so rough.

"That's a tough one."

"Like I said, it is a hell of a life, not a leisure. The magician training will be more dreadful than your silly Knight's life. But we will start it tomorrow."

Since my body has already recovered and feels more potent than before, I understand Amdarais reason for starting the training tomorrow.

Of course, there is no turning back anymore.

As my father said, it's time to 'move forward' in my second opportunity in life.

"Okay, bring it on, Amdarais. I'll be the best magician. The Supreme Magician like you do."

Amdarais laughed satisfyingly.

"It is not a man's word that could show his proof; man's action does. Prove it tomorrow, Rezvan."

The grinning of the skull magician disappeared gradually as several people stepped hurriedly into my room from the outside.

I gaze at my sisters, who just come inside the room and run to hug me in tears.

While I hugged both of my sisters, three people with familiar faces came. They are Mister Agung, Farhan, and Nadia.

I'm glad they are alright, with only several bruises and wounds.

I smiled as they all felt relieved by my condition.

I guess it's an excellent time to enjoy this moment.

Because tomorrow will be the beginning of my hell journey.