
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

The Threat

Waking up in the morning, Diana saw the two boys on the floor next to her bed sleeping deeply.

'They slept here.' She thought and smile, she was about to stand before she heard the sound of the morning bell rung and the two boys quickly got up and look around the place.

"How did we get here." Timi asked confused.

"You guys can't even greet, well you slept here last night." Diana said with a smile on face.

"Are kidding me, how fool are we to leave our bed and sleep on the floor next to your bed or are you that scared of some demons that you decided to bring us closer to you while we were asleep in order to protect you?" Idan said jokingly.

"Don't worry, if anything do happens we'll protect you and don't do that again it's annoying." Timi said and was about to walk away. Diana couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You guys came here last night begging me for protection that there's a demon on your bed." Diana joked.

"Hey, you're our little sister we can't ask you for protection we'll be the one to protect you." Idan snapped back.

After joking for a while they went to take there shower and change their clothe to the school uniform, the two boys stayed outside for Diana to change before they entered the room and she was quite surprised that they will do that because she didn't really mind, not that she would be naked because she already had a long towel to cover herself while changing but they decided to give her privacy. After that and having their meal they were all told to go to the grand hall for an announcement, when getting there they notice that other students couldn't stop staring at them.

"Is it only me or these people keeps staring at us" Timi asked.

"Well I don't really mind because they've been doing it since yesterday." Idan replied.

"Isn't it obvious that I'm the only girl hanging with you guys and we even shared a room so they will look at us." Diana explained.

"Hey princess." A boy called from behind and next to him were three other boys, "Why do you hang around with these scum I thought you were mad at the school when they put you in their room why don't you come with us." The boy said with his hand held out. 

"Hey, she's our little sister if you wanna hang with her you'll come to us first." Idan said pointing to himself and Timi. The boy couldn't help but chuckle at this comment.

"How are you sister of this black and white guy." The boy said pointing at Timi, "and this short man devil." Then pointing at Idan. Idan was getting very annoyed but he don't want to cause a scene in the hall and their second day in school.

"Hey, mind your words, or else you'll be punished right now." Diana said in an aggressive tone.

"Punished by who, you? Or these tw-." The door was wide opened and a large man came in with scary look on his face and held an amplifier magic stick in his hand, he glanced at the student in the hall and walk towards the center.

"Good morning student." The man said and they all replied. "There's no time for introduction so let's go straight to the point." He continued." We don't want to tell you this before but we decided to do so now. Many people don't know this but for the past few years we humans had been facing a threat but it's unknown to many because it's kept a secret among the officials and the military because we believe that we can fend it off but now they're taking over our planets and are getting closer to earth. This is not the work of other humans or mindless beast, it's the work of demons, these demons are killing our kind, taking over our planets and their power keeps increasing day by day." The man explained, Both Timi and Idan looked at each other and then turned to Diana.

"What? are you guys scared." She asked, but they didn't answer and just continued listening to the man.

"These demons were addressed as the Black Fauna, we don't know why they were called this name and we don't know their goal in taking over our planet and we have been trying our best to fend them off but their power keeps growing and we have created a special unit known as the "Demon Hunters" they are the group of elite adventurer, knights and mages and their job is to take down any stray demons on earth and other planets that are protected by the soldiers." The man continued. "And why we are telling you this is because your training schedule had been adjusted, we know you're new student you may not know about the schedule but we decided to tell you, before the training is 3 hours a day with break and beast hunting assessment once in a month but now it has been changed to 6 hours a day and beast hunting assessment every week while normal lesson will be thirty minutes early in the morning but today there's no lesson so we start training straight away, you guys will have to join a club and get your ranked tag, we have martial arts, the weapon club, archers and so on, so make a choice and join the one that suited you the most." He explained and started walking out of the room. With that everybody left the hall with worried look on some faces and some were excited.

"Which club are you guys joining." Timi asked Idan and Diana.

"Weapon Club." They both said.

"Wow, you two are amazing, well I'm going for the martial arts." Timi said. Timi don't know why but his instinct is telling him to go for martial art.

"Hey, I'm a master of martial art, i'll teach you that, let's join the sword club together." Idan said as he pulled him closer.

"You should teach me how to wield a sword instead." Timi replied but Idan didn't say anything.

"Don't worry I can do that for you if he can't, you know I'm a sword master and why do you want to join the martial art." Diana said but Timi didn't reply and ignored the question. 

"Sword master? Well, we'll get to see that when we get there." Idan replied.

With that they go their separate ways, with Timi going to the martial art club while Idan and Diana to the sword user club.


In the martial art training room Timi is currently walking around examining the room, there are different weapons hung everywhere around the room mostly defensive type weapons and swords. A middle age man walked with a duel blades by his side and walking with him are young five men. The student were still murmuring before one the young men came forward with a pair of blue gauntlets covering his hand.

"Settle down everyone." He said with a loud voice that boom all over the room. "This man here is the martial art teacher so you people should show respect." The young man said and the students bowed down and kept quiet.

"Okay everyone, let's start today's lesson." The old man said as he walk forward. "My name is Master Lee, I'm the martial arts teacher and these five are my sergeants that helps me here." He continued, "Sunny explained the basics and rules of martial arts to them before we start lesson." He said pointing to the young man who first came forward with gauntlets in his hand.

"Our first lesson today is the basics of martial art." Sunny said. "Many people don't know the real meaning behind martial art they all believe we fight with our barehands but that's not it, although we do fight with our bare hand but there are some martial artist who loves to use weapons and their hands, as you can see master Lee here is using a duel blades but that doesn't mean he can't fight with his bare hands and he can also implement his martial art skill with his swordsmanship, I here too I'm using a pair of gauntlets which is a defensive type weapon." He explained. "So if you wish to use a weapon I want you to choose a weapon of your choice now." He said and the student quickly went to select their weapon while some decided not to, after looking around for a while Timi couldn't find a weapon that suit him not that he had any special skill that's why it's difficult for him to choose a weapon, other student have chosen their weapon while Timi is still standing there thinking hard, Sunny noticing this decided to approach him.

"Hey boy, what's wrong, are you having problems with selecting a weapon?" He asked and Timi nodded like a baby.

"What's your fighting style and what skill do you have." Sunny asked.

"I don't have any skill nor do I have any fighting style." Timi replied.

"That will be quite difficult but don't worry I was once like you when I was young but now I'm a martial art sergeant." Sunny said proudly, "Would you like to use like my weapon." He asked shoving it out of his hand and giving Timi a clearer view of it who nodded instantly and Sunny gave him a pair of Tier 1 beast gauntlets, the one sunny is currently using is at the Tier 4. They started their training and the first exercise is to learn how to use their weapon and their hand to fight at the same time then they were asked to fight a training doll, Sunny noticed that Timi's skill is very poor and he didn't even last long before collapsing on the floor.

'That boy reminds me of my little self.' Sunny thought, 'Maybe I can train him personally.'