
The Supremacy Hacker

In a world where mankind's knowledge has exponentially grown over centuries, the very concept of what was once considered commonplace—skateboards, bikes, rollerblades, even cars—has been reduced to mere fidgets. As the future unfurls with unforeseen changes, a storm of unexpected events looms on the future. Amidst this shifting landscape, our enigmatic protagonist emerges—a young prodigy harboring a dangerous legacy. His father, once feared as the harbinger of humanity's extinction, possessed an unimaginable wealth of knowledge, surpassing the limits of ordinary understanding. This knowledge, now a perilous threat to mankind, has attracted the relentless pursuit of powerful figures in positions of authority. Countless attempts to capture and control this immense power have ended in failure. Yet, as the sands of time trickle away, the enigmatic father meets a mysterious demise, shrouded in ambiguity. His untimely death becomes an unsolved enigma, leaving everyone to wonder about its true nature. In a surprising twist, the main character, disinterested in his father's legacy, elects to forge his own path, defying conventions and expectations. Delve into a world of intrigue and discovery, where the boundaries of possibility are shattered, and the clash between personal desires and the greater good ignites. Will the main character embrace his heritage and unlock the secrets his father left behind? Or will he navigate a treacherous existence, carving out his own destiny amidst the chaos of a rapidly evolving world? :0 ~~~~~~~~ Other works: Infinite Source Mage ~ Love Together ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


In a world that had been turned upside down by mind-blowing technological advancements, it was like living in a whole new dimension. The cities had undergone a radical makeover, with towering skyscrapers stretching towards the heavens and casting vibrant neon lights that painted the urban landscape in a dazzling array of colors. It was the kind of place that made you stop and say, "Whoa!"

But the real game-changer was the way we got around. Say goodbye to traffic jams and hello to flying cars! These babies soared through the air with the grace of a bird, thanks to those nifty anti-gravitational propulsion systems they had. They zipped through designated sky lanes, as for the the ground it had been use for hovering boards,bikes,hover shoes. The best part? You could hear 'em whizzing by with a soft hum, like something out of a sci-fi flick.

Now hold on, because it wasn't just flying cars that rocked the transportation scene. We're talking about the flying jet sport cars, the adrenaline junkie's dream come true. These sleek speedsters had some serious thrusters that let 'em shoot up into the air, reaching heights of up to 50 to 400ft or more depending on your model.

Now, here's the kicker: forget about lugging around a bunch of cash or plastic cards. We had entered the digital age, my friend, where paper money was as extinct as the dinosaurs. Instead, we had this thing called "neux" – a digital currency that made transactions a breeze. Just a tap on your smart device or even on your eye since the human body has transcendent to more high tech, and boom, you're good to go. No more fumbling for change or worrying about losing your wallet. Convenience at its finest.

Oh, and let's not forget about our metallic buddies – the robots. They were everywhere, doing all sorts of stuff to keep the world running smoothly. With their advanced artificial intelligence, these robotic helpers were like the superheroes of the day. They cooked, cleaned, and even performed surgeries. Talk about having a helping hand, or in this case, a helping circuit board.

When it came to education, schools had gone from old-school to high-tech havens. Imagine stepping into a futuristic wonderland where geniuses battled it out to see who's the brainiest of them all. It was like a nerd's paradise, with students striving to outsmart each other in mind-boggling ways. The pursuit of knowledge had never been so thrilling.

And in the midst of this tech, there stood one company that ruled them all – Byte. These guys were the magic behind the curtain, creating mind-blowing robots, mind-bending AI, and flabbergasting gadgets. They were the kings of innovation, turning science fiction into reality.

Byte had something up its sleeve called "Neolock" – a mind-blowing implant that turned regular folks into superhumans. It was like having cheat codes for real life. There were different modules to choose from. "NeolockP" made you stronger, faster, and highly quicker than an average speed. "NeolockV" cranked up your brainpower, giving somewhat an eagle eye and lightning-fast thinking. And if you wanted the ultimate upgrade, there was "NEX" – a specialize combo of the two.

With this wild new world laid out before us, we were on the brink of an epic journey. The collision of innovation, power, and human ambition was about to shake things up like never before. Heroes would rise, prodigies would shine, and the fate of this mind-bending utopia would be shaped by those who dared to dream big. So buckle up and get ready – the adventure of a lifetime was about to begin!


Or so that's how they portrayed it, The glimmering neon lights in the skies and buildings assaulted his weary eyes, causing a discomfort that only intensified with each passing moment. "Damn," he muttered under his breath, as he squinted against the blinding lights. There were those "neoglass" things that people raved about, claiming to protect their eyes from the assault of the city's luminescent spectacle. But who cared about that? Who had the time or the desire to waste their hard-earned credits on some flimsy piece of eyewear? Certainly not him.

Pushing aside the thought, as he Navigated through the bustling streets, he couldn't help but feel like a relic from a bygone era. His worn-out apartment stood as a stubborn middle finger to the floating, futuristic living spaces that littered the skyline. While those pretentious pricks floated above the ground, he stayed rooted like a damn tree, resisting the relentless march of progress.

As he enters he's room, Sinking into the worn-out cushions of his trusty floating gaming chair, he let out a contented sigh. This chair had seen better days, but it still provided the comfort and support he needed during his digital adventures. His fingers danced across the keyboard of his high-spec computer, a prized possession that he had invested in, despite the tight budget.

As the hours melted away in the glow of the computer screen, I found myself engrossed in the exhilarating realm of gaming. And i quote on quote "Adjusting" the settings to my favor always brought an extra layer of excitement. With a villainess smirk, I enjoy in the power I held within the digital universe. The sound of keys being pressed and fingers dancing across the keyboard became a symphony of my triumphs keekee.

However, after a couple of hours, a momentary break in my gaming frenzy allowed me to glance at the date. Tomorrow marked the beginning of my senior high, and a heavy sigh escaped my lips. The thought of returning to the confines of a education system felt like an unwanted burden. Memories of how I had skipped five grades with the assistance of an anonymous helper flashed through my mind, but the details remained hazy, their identity concealed in the depths of my forgotten recollections, as for the reason why i wanted to skip through 5 grades? well just because its a HINDRANCE.

Shaking off the intrusive flashback, a wicked grin formed on my face as I opened a new tab, revealing a secret world of stock information, earnings, and personal data that no outsider should possess. Like a skilled dancer, my fingers gracefully glided across the keyboard, weaving a web of digital manipulation. Five different company banks were discreetly alerted, an act that held a purpose known only to me. Why was I doing this? Simply because I could. Call it a blessing or a curse, but the knowledge I possessed allowed me to infiltrate even the most sophisticated hack blockers. A giggle escaped my lips.

Suddenly, a pop-up notification appeared on my screen, momentarily breaking my self-assured reverie. At first, I dismissed it as an intrusive advertisement, and then a chill ran down my spine as i realize that i crafted the defences. I had programmed my own computer to repel such annoyances. as I looked closer, The message was simple yet hauntingly powerful: "Found you."

In an instant, the rush of adrenaline transformed the atmosphere. Engaging with the unknown had always been my forte, but this time, it felt different. The intensity of the moment mingled with a thrill that bordered on danger. A wide grin stretched across my face, a perfect reflection of the exhilaration pulsating through my veins. The system had just taken an unexpected turn, and I was ready to tackle on what's ahead of this sh** hole.

uhm so uh TT does like adding " ** " censors the cursing cus it said on the contest no offensive words? or something idk TwT sorry. but uhm yeah if you liked the first chpater ill be sure to deliver more consistently TwT

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