

Junior was more or less a normal kid living in a Foster home after being found at a relatively tender age.A slim boy with an average height...he had a black curly afro and his dark skin tone made him attractive in his own right. Although his physique made him a prime target for bullies. Growing in the tough streets of Lagos wasn't really desirable for anyone talk less an Orphan, but he managed to cope and muscle through the bullying and all most times through smartness and at times luck, turns out he was gonna need the latter now.

"Hey wimp", Granker said as he smirked. The bully was a burly kid or more of an adult who was much older than the class age group he was fixed in. He walked towards Junior and said "Give me your daily allowance this moment or I'll rip your head off your neck".

Junior stopped upon hearing his voice and then began to think "This particular scenario has occurred countless times with the same result due to me being the constant variable, but what if I stopped that, what if I challenged him, what if I told him no".

He walked towards the bully saying and said...Well I guess you're gonna be receiving it then ... he immediately attempted a punch at the bully's face but he was to slow as the bully side stepped and held his neck.

"Guess the wimpy kid is starting to grow balls" he said, he immediately began punching Junior's face despite all his pleading repeatedly then he threw him on a wall making him land in an awkward posture. "That should fix you" said Granker

"Hey he's no longer moving!!!" said a girl as she felt his pulse...immediately as that was said everyone began crowding Granker in an intimidating Granker.

What did you do to him?!!!

Why did you have to punch him so much?

"He's dead" Everyone began to scream.Granker immediately tried to make a run for it as soon as he found out but he was too slow. A guard had already held him and was leading him straight to the corrective dungeons.

"You're gonna have a lot of explanation to make for killing a student" the guard smiled as he explained to Granker.

Unknowingly to the students and everyone in the school, Junior saw the following words before he blacked out.


"What the F***!!!" Junior mumbled as his Journey into the unknown began.